Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1510: Page's happy time (19)

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Speaking of this night, it was not only the first time Paige experienced actual combat, but also the first time he was injured, the first time he killed Warcraft, and the first time he understood what it means to be desperate to survive and so on. At the same time, in these countless ‘firsts’, Page even experienced what a mercenary mission is.

What Paige does n’t know is that there are very few mercenaries or adventurers in the human world who will take the risk of death and choose a person to hunt Warcraft. In contrast, team action not only greatly improves the safety factor, but even transporting the most important loot of Warcraft corpses back to town after a successful hunt is much simpler.

After all, for most mercenaries and adventurers who are still struggling for food and clothing, and save little money except for food and drink, it is impossible to have large-capacity space equipment like Zhang Yang and Page. Mo said that like Zhang Yang, all his loot was collected in the ring of space, and it would be thankful to have a horse to take the camel back for them.

Not only that, for most mercenaries and adventurers, unless there is a special time requirement for the task, basically they will not choose to go out of bed to find death. To know that human vision is not as good as Warcraft, not to mention that most of Warcraft not only have different levels of night vision ability, but also like to come out at night for food.

Therefore, in light of these points, if Zhang Yang was brought out in the middle of the night to find Warcraft desperately like Paige, if it is known by other unsuspecting mercenaries and adventurers, I am afraid that nine out of ten people will I think Zhang Yang and Peiqi have a grudge, and the remaining one will definitely say that these two must be mentally ill.

However, even so, everyone must admit that it is harder to find the hidden lair used by Warcraft than to spend time in the daytime. Once the night comes completely, you will not need to find Warcraft at that time, as long as you Dare to appear on the site where Warcraft is located, then it will definitely take the initiative to find you soon!

Therefore, this more time-saving and labor-saving approach is likely to be the root cause of Zhang Yang's madness when he brought Paige out in the middle of the night. As to whether Page will become more difficult when fighting, will it be able to withstand this kind of high-intensity and continuity battle?

Please! Isn't Zhang Yang's intention to bring Peggy out to "train" him? In addition, in Zhang Yang ’s consciousness, the veterans of the Tier 4 silver level and above are all tenacious. Therefore, in the case of vindictive protection, Zhang Yang is hidden in the dark for protection, and Page can survive and grow rapidly. The probability will never be less than 50%. So in this half-life situation, Zhang Yang has every reason to let Paige try.

After all, for Zhang Yang, who has been walking on the battlefield all year round, he knows more than most people how powerful his will to survive is. At the same time, he is more aware that even for people who seem weak in character, when they have some seeds in their hearts that want to change themselves and want to become stronger, the threat of death, the pain of injury and boundless fear, when all this is mixed After fermenting together, there is a great chance to evolve into a desperate madness and desperate killing intention!

Therefore, as long as you can survive the first battle in this situation and survive successfully, then even the cowardly and timid people will have a huge change in essence! It is a pity that this method is too low for ordinary people to succeed, even if it is not as exaggerated as a few percent, but it is not easy to survive in one of ten.

So from this point of view, although Zhang Yang's method is simple and crude, it must be regarded as the right medicine. Of course, this medicine is a bit too violent in terms of effects and side effects ...

In fact, just when Pei Qi's internal temperament had recovered to about 80%, he was instantly awakened by Zhang Yang with a "killing air". So at this time, in addition to being shocked by the murderous energy that was received at the beginning, and secretly vomiting the murderousness, it was really speechless. Paige already guessed why the other party woke him up without waiting for his grief to recover The reason.

To put it bluntly, it is actually very simple, just a matter of time.

You must know that the two of them left the night when they left the city of Dalaran after taking over the task. In this case, they rushed to the road and fought. After finishing things, they had to wait for him to recover from his injury and grudge ... Unconsciously, the silver moon in the sky has begun to fade, and then it seems that the sky is not far from the sunrise.

However, the problem is that Page remembers the goal set by ‘that guy’ but he completes three hunting warcraft missions every day! Therefore, he has just completed two hunting warcraft quests so far, he naturally needs to seize the remaining time and complete another hunting warcraft quest.

So Paige, who was awakened by the "roughness", didn't ask much, silently sorted out a little, not only did it look full of tears, repeatedly dipped in mud and blood, and completely unable to see the true color of the armor, just follow Zhang Yang Going on the road again.

So after running for about a leak, and when the sky was faintly bright, Page finally followed Zhang Yang to find his last goal today, but the problem was ...

"That ... Instructor Wright, do you think I can actually kill this iron-maned bear? After all, you should have seen it. I was almost killed when I dealt with the third-order jumping lizard and the silver-backed mongoose, Now the target is directly replaced by such an adult earthcraft Warcraft Iron Mane bear with a length of more than four meters and obviously a strength of more than 4th order. This is really for me, who is obviously restrained from the perspective of attributes. Do it? "

Generally speaking, smaller creatures will involuntarily produce emotions such as nervousness, hesitation, and fear when they face enemies that are much larger than their own. This situation is similar to the feeling of a five-year-old child standing next to an adult or an adult standing next to an elephant.

Of course, although the size of this iron brown bear is quite different from that of Page, from the point of view of the amount of energy in the body, this ground-level Warcraft between the fourth-order junior and the fourth-order intermediate is inversely proportional. Now Paige, whose grievances are less than 70%, is much worse.

So when Paige hesitated and finally asked Zhang Yang this question again and again, Zhang Yang noticed them not far away and noticed that they stood upright and shouted the iron-maned bear demonstrating here, his head faintly without turning back Answered:

"Of course, not to mention that fighting spirit is not obvious in terms of elemental comprehension in terms of magic. In terms of strength alone, the Iron Mane Bear is only a little bit resistant unless it is promoted to Tier 5. Basically, it ’s not too much trouble. Moreover, the environment at the moment is also a hilly open space that is more beneficial to you, so as long as you are not greedy, at least this big guy should take it from you? "

Listening to Zhang Yang said that Page also felt very reasonable, but when his eyes crossed the iron black figure and turned to the iron mane bear 100 meters away again, he looked at the other person ’s body with an amazing and slight thickness. With brown fur, and looking at the two cheap steel swords in his hands that seemed to be broken with a little stress, Page began to feel headache again.

"But Wright mentor, with these two inferior weapons in my hand that will soon be broken, I am afraid that even after the blessing of arrogance, I can't break the double defense of physical magic outside the iron mane bear? Moreover, in case of an emergency, I need it If something goes wrong because the weapon was damaged when the weapon blocked the other party ’s attack, that ’s really wrong. So even if you really want to fight, can you give me two weapons? Even if it ’s just a brand new steel sword of the same type, or It ’s okay to advance its expenses from today ’s income! "

To tell the truth, I have never talked about buying prices since I was a child, and I have n’t even talked about it with my family. After all, for him as the grandson of the Lannister family, as long as it is necessary for life and cultivation, no one will have been properly prepared without him opening his mouth.

As for what he wants, basically as long as it can be bought by money, most of them can be easily obtained within a day. Why do you think that now you will be bargaining for two broken steel swords? Even if it was put before, magic weapons and equipment below Tier 3 wouldn't be glanced at for Page, even if he was given away in vain.

It's a pity that Zhang Yang wouldn't agree with it although he understood it. After all, he came here to practice, and he didn't come to bargain for food. Therefore, he naturally would not agree to this request made by Paige.

"Unfortunately, for me, you only have to do what you want to say, so if your opponent ’s weapon is not satisfactory, you can only change it after receiving the mission reward for a while. Until then, you can only rely on your hand. These two weapons fight. "

"However, as a wind sword dancer, I wasn't good at dealing with this kind of rough-skinned Warcraft. If I don't change a better weapon, wouldn't I have no hope of winning at all?"

"Oh? Do you think so?"


Perhaps Paige did n’t notice what happened to him before the start of ‘special training’ at this moment, but for Zhang Yang, the creator, he saw clearly. Therefore, when Paige expressed his thoughts without hesitation, Zhang Yang finally smiled silently before speaking again:

"Well, why didn't you ask this question directly at the beginning, but asked me if you can kill this iron brown bear?"


"So I still don't allow you to change weapons, but I can tell you clearly that in my opinion you can not only defeat this iron-maned bear, but even successfully kill it!"

"How is it possible! You can't even break through the defense outside of it with this weapon ?!"

"Really? Think about how you successfully hunted the silver-backed mongoose, and you just said that you are a wind sword dancer! Not a swordsman or a shield warrior, how should you fight? Should n’t you think about it carefully? ”

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