Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1517: Analysis of gains and losses

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Time is so precious and cruel at the same time. It always hurries away from people's fingers before people have responded, and when they really want to catch it, they find that they can't start.

Therefore, some people have very romantically compared time to love. When you have it, you do n’t know how to cherish it. Once you lose it, you understand its importance, but then you regret it.

So in a sense, all the intelligent races in the Orlando world are racing against time. Whether they are powerful professionals or ordinary people, in order to survive, for their own family and the entire race to continue, there are limited In the years of life, people continue to learn and pass on knowledge, and at the same time strive for more living space as much as possible.

In this cruel competition, it seems that the temporary advantage is not a high elf born with hundreds of years of life and amazing magic talent, or a dwarf with a brilliant civilization and the same long life. On the contrary, life is relatively short compared to the previous two. If you ca n’t break through your own limit and advance to the seventh-order legendary level, from birth to aging, only humans and orcs for decades!

So from this point, perhaps because it is clear that their lives are very short, so humans and beasts will work hard in their short lives. After all, even if they still ca n’t exceed their limits in the end, but after working hard, at least not Will regret it.

This is also the reason why Page finally hesitated for a long time and finally decided to stick to it without choosing to give up. After all, compared to the physical pain suffered during the special training, Page understood that if he missed this opportunity, then he would probably fall into the pain of remorse later in his life!

So when Zhang Yang sat in the window on the second floor of the Warrior Branch and looked at the distant sky silently, he had abandoned the broken armor last night, and now he only wears the most common but soft blue. Paige in the swordsman suit finally came to Zhang Yang with the two long swords last night.

"Good afternoon, Master Wright, I'm here."

Perhaps it was because the battle last night had too much impact on Page, or it might be that after a long day of thinking, he finally made a choice. He no longer fears the light system that is no longer confused, so far that although it is only past It was only a day, but there was obviously a little less restraint in speech and manners, and a little more calm and confidence.

Zhang Yang, who just heard this, did not seem to be surprised, but still looked at the distance and said without looking back:

"I thought you wouldn't be here, at least not so early."

It didn't seem to expect that Zhang Yang would say the first sentence after meeting. Paige could only respond with a bitter smile for a while, and said slowly after a while:

"To be honest, I didn't even think I could make this decision in the end, but now that it's here, it seems that it's too late to think about regretting again."

"Yeah, many times when you make a decision, you have to continue even if you regret it. Of course, I dare to say that even if you are still hesitant now, you will definitely make this decision for yourself in the distant future. And feel glad. "

"Hopefully. Then, Wright, can we buy weapons and equipment? I don't want to fight with this weapon in my life anymore. I'm just kidding my life."

"Really? You think so, then you know why I made you give up your original high-level weapons and use this most common steel sword that is not even second-order?"

Faced with the question raised by Zhang Yang at the moment, Paige actually thought about it from the beginning, so he immediately answered without hesitation:

"The instructor should tell me not to rely too much on weapons and equipment? After all, any accidents in combat can happen. If your weapon is not as good as the enemy, or if the weapon is damaged as before, you can continue to fight with other weapons. Right? "

Hearing Page talk at the moment, Zhang Yang was actually quite relieved. After all, it can be thought that this kid is not only stupid, but he has also thought about this problem before. It ’s just that maybe because of Page ’s young age, the question is still somewhat superficial, so after listening to his words, Zhang Yang first raised his head and drank half a glass of hard liquor in his hand, and then lightly Explained:

"The reason you said is only one aspect. More importantly, I hope that the first actual combat in your life will not be experienced as a noble young master, but only as the most common civilian professional. Feel it. "

"As ... an ordinary professional to ... feel?"

"Yeah, there is no perfect team configuration. Only one person can fight to survive or dream; and because there is no money, even if he has a good talent and a good level of strength, he can only use the lowest level and the most. Cheap weapons and armor go to battle, this is the real battle that most ordinary people experience. If they win, then the harvest after a successful hunting will basically be invested in weapons, armor, and potions in addition to the needs of life In order to make yourself more likely to survive the next fight, can you imagine? Can you understand? "

If last night's actual battle was a new page for Page's professional career, then Zhang Yang's words today planted a seed called 'true' in Page's simple thought. Of course, under the influence of Page's origin and family background, his future will certainly not be as frequent or obscure as most ordinary professionals, so this seed will eventually grow into what it will look like after it takes root in Page's heart. Zhang Yang did not know.

But it is undeniable that even if the "seed" is not as tall as expected, even if only a small shade of trees exists, it will have a huge impact on Page's future life.

Of course, these are all afterwords. At this moment, while Page still thinking about the meaning of these words, Zhang Yang has continued to say:

"Because you are not sure whether you will come today, it is better to say some words today. For example, why did you choose the jumping lizard living in the forest salt marshes in the first game? In fact, the reason is very simple. On the one hand, jumping lizard The combat effectiveness of the game is the bottom of all the World of Warcraft that needs to be hunted. On the other hand, you need to understand the impact of the environment on the battle, and the importance of being familiar with the environment and strategy for the battle. "

(Maybe add the item that prevents me from backing away and forcing me to fight desperately? Instructor Wright ...)

Hearing this, Paige couldn't help but add such a sentence, but even then he had to admit that the other party's arrangement is quite correct, otherwise, if it is changed to other terrain, I am afraid that he would have been too afraid because of excessive fear. After escaping successfully, where else can I really feel the huge changes that have happened to me?

At the moment, Zhang Yang's bland voice was heard again.

"Of course, this can be seen from your second move in hunting lizards for the second time, you already understand, but compared to the level of grudge you have, your own guts and will are too bad. Far, I hope you can overcome it as soon as possible, otherwise you will not only forget the combat skills you learned in the past, but also think that timidity and nervousness have made many unnecessary mistakes in the battle. "

"As for the silver-backed mongoose in the second mission, it is to make you understand how to fight when facing multiple enemies. Even though your choice is a little reckless, you still lose wisdom and courage, but you It is also important to understand that it is best not to rely too much on your companions in battle. After all, even friends who are worthy of committing their lives to each other, there may be situations where they cannot be reached in time due to some kind of accident. Rely on your own strength, and at the same time minimize the impact of outsiders and things on the battle. "

"Yes! I remember Wright tutor!"

"I hope so. So what do you think about the iron-maned bear that was last hunted yesterday, facing an opponent who surpassed himself in strength, defense ability, physical strength, etc., and only had a huge gap in speed with himself? What about? "

"This this……"

Thinking of yesterday's battle scene, Paige's face turned red uncontrollably. After all, at the strength level of his fourth-order silver peak, facing an iron mane with a strength of only about the fourth-order level, he did n’t say it when he was fighting two leaks in the end. Slowly, Paige felt ashamed when he thought of this place.

So after half a day of shouting, Paige finally suffocated this sentence:

"My strength needs to be strengthened! Skills need to be hone!"

"That's right, after all, if you can advance to the fifth-level gold level, even if you are a wind sword dancer who does not have any advantage in defense ability, shortly after understanding and using the" Fighting Armor " The internal anti-strike ability and elemental defense ability will also multiply by a few times compared to the current one, so even if it is hard to fight with the iron mane bear, it should not be impossible. But! "

I originally heard Zhang Yang say that Page was still nodding his head, but then Zhang Yang's ‘but’ made him froze in place. At this time, Zhang Yang continued to say irrespective of his reaction:

"But what's the point of this? Although bullying low-level opponents with strong strength is the most safe way, it will not do you any good for the growth of strength. Over time, it will not only generate arrogant emotions and change in battle You have to relax, even when you encounter an opponent who is stronger than yourself! It will be at a loss! Therefore, the reason why you are scheduled to fight the iron mane on the first day is to let you understand what the wind sword dancer ’s fighting method is. In the face of this kind of "thick-skinned" enemy, what kind of routines and skills should be used to win. So now you should understand it? Use your own speed advantage to force the enemy into a hurry. Or, simply irritate it, in this case, then grasp the enemy's weakness and launch a deadly attack, this is the way of fighting belonging to the wind fighters! "

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