Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1525: On Tracks

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For Zhang Yang, even a brief contact with the power of the soul is enough for him to judge many things. Therefore, under the circumstances that he does not lack the power of the demon, Zhang Yang, who has received enough information, does not need to continue. tried.

If he ca n’t take it off easily after putting on this pair of demon armor gloves, if he can only choose and seal the powerful demon soul sealed in it, then even if Zhang Yang has the protection of Soul Thunder As long as this unlucky ghost dares to invade Zhang Yang's soul space, he will not lose.

The problem is that once it is destroyed to absorb a large amount of demon power, Zhang Yang, who is temporarily saturated with demon power at the current level, may be forced to advance because of the injection of this powerful demon power!

By that time, Zhang Yang ’s strength will be improved again, but for Zhang Yang, who already has 25% demonization tendency and 20% undead tendency, he will passively ingest so much demon power If not, the balance of the three sources of energy in the body will be completely broken. Once the degree of demonization exceeds 50%, then Zhang Yang will be able to continue to maintain the appearance of human beings will be a problem!

Therefore, unless the critical moment of life and death is absolutely necessary, Zhang Yang will never continue to try to take the huge risk of "devilization", so it is the most correct choice to short-term his "Golden Pavilion".

(Calculating the demon power required for promotion now is sufficient, and the life force is only less than 10% to meet the promotion requirements, but the power of death is still still not at all, it seems still It ’s better to think of something as soon as possible ... Maybe you should go to the mercenary union and ask if there is an old deserted cemetery or information about the infestation of the undead around Dalaran. If you ca n’t, just find it directly Maybe a high-level undead magician can help?)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang felt that it seemed a good idea to go directly to the Necromancer for help. After all, for those who are similar to Paige, they are younger, have a full body of magic and not low level, but they almost never really use it. For the 'new generation' necromancers who have fought, it is not the same thing to summon undead creatures during daily training and to summon undead creatures in battle.

After all, for those magicians who specialize in summoning magic among the Necromancers, even if they are energetic and powerful enough, there are definitely no more than two summons that can be directly controlled in battle.

Otherwise, let alone whether the mental power can withstand this long-term consumption, the result of multi-tasking alone, I am afraid it will be deadly enough on the battlefield. Therefore, for the necromancer and other summoning magicians of the other departments, the summons will be controlled only under certain circumstances and when necessary.

More often than not, after summoning them, they directly issue clear, simple and easy-to-execute commands such as ‘kill the target’, ‘offensive’ and ‘protect me’. And this way can also best play the power of the summons. After all, just imagine that a weak magician who will not dance swords and swords at all controls a "warrior-type" summon to let it fight. I am afraid the consequences may not be as good as laissez-faire.

Therefore, for most 'academic' necromancers, on the one hand, they obviously lack the experience of playing against the warlords, on the other hand, because they cannot guarantee the safety of the other party, it is difficult to find the kind of 'draining' who is not afraid of death. . In this regard, Zhang Yang felt that if he could get in touch with this type of business, it would be the best of both worlds for him.

(Well ... maybe you can find "Little Apple" to help you publish a hiring message in the mercenary union, so if you can meet the Necromancer with such needs, will it be of great benefit to both parties? The method should be feasible, then ask to see if you go back to the city.)

Thinking of Zhang Yang here, he sensed that someone was approaching, and judged from the way of movement and breath, it should be Paige just after leaving. Zhang Yang felt a little surprised by this. After all, this kid didn't leave for a while. In his opinion, even if he couldn't find the mission target and came back to him for help, it seemed that he would have to wait a while before he repeatedly tried and failed.

(According to my understanding of him, it should not be so easy to choose to give up, so is it ...)

Even though Zhang Yang had some hunch in his heart, when he actually saw Paige came back carrying a corpse of light blue third-order Warcraft 'Xue Yu Falcon' with a pair of snow-white wings, he was somewhat surprised. . Fortunately, even if Zhang Yang took off his helmet to reveal his face, but his face, accustomed to calmness and little expression, is also very difficult for people who do not know him to see the change in his emotions.

Fortunately, Page was somewhat used to this. Besides, he was in a state of excitement at the moment, so after seeing Zhang Yang, he did n’t wait for the other party to ask questions, and he himself introduced with a smile:

"I ’m so lucky tonight! I was just looking for the trace of the nesting of the tower of the raccoon along the shore of the lake according to the method you taught. Who knows how long it has been before he saw this guy stopping to eat on the tree trunk. And this silly The bird did n’t know if he was very hungry or what happened, so I saw that there was enough time to throw away the food and escape, but it was a bit reluctant. It was so cheap for me, and these two third-order magic weapons were really It ’s much easier to use than the steel sword. Not only can it block the incoming magic unscathed, but it can easily pierce the shield outside of it when attacking. In short, it ’s really lucky tonight! "

After listening to Page's words, Zhang Yang suddenly burst into tears and laughter. If luck is also one of talent and strength, then Page is definitely far beyond ordinary people. So Zhang Yang can only encourage:

"Well done well, it would be better if everything went so smoothly tonight. By the way, if you are going to find the star-spotted water snake, I think you'd better prepare a bottle of potent detoxifier beforehand, after all, 'star-spot poison' But there are a few toxins that are more aggressive when they encounter grudge and magic, just in case there is nothing wrong with them. "

Facts have proved that the effect of encouragement is really huge, so after receiving Zhang Yang's commendation, Page seemed to be more energetic.

"Understood Wright mentor! I will be careful. As for this" Snow Feather Falcon ", you have to trouble me to store it first. After all, although I also have space storage equipment, no matter how wide or narrow the entrance is or the space inside Compared with yours. "

"Well, a trifle, looking forward to your next performance."

"Yes! Please wait for my good news!"


In fact, it seems to Zhang Yang that as long as a person really wants to do something and has the determination to carry out his wishes, it is not difficult to change oneself or grow.

Therefore, Zhang Yang actually expected the changes that happened between Page 2 in just two days, but at this point even Zhang Yang, who has always been more demanding in this regard, has to admit at this moment that Page ’s change is fast, and it is almost judged before and after. The huge change between the two still brought him a lot of surprises.

Besides, what should I say? It ’s only a half leak after Page hunted the 'Snow Feather Falcon'. This kid not only succeeded in finding a nest of four 'taves' near a small puddle , Even after easily solving them, he thought about looking down the water, not only unexpectedly encountered a 'star spot water snake', but also encountered a group of dozens of chasing the star spot water snake ' Sharp tooth niobium!

This is great. Although the "tooth niobium" swarming underwater is completely comparable to the threat brought by the fourth-order Warcraft, but with them chasing behind, Paige at least don't have to worry about the star spot that is extremely flexible in the water. The water snake escaped.

So in the end, Page managed to complete two tasks at the same time, and only paid a few times when he was blasted by the crazy "tooth niobium", and was bitten on the leg guard, so that even the injury was not a price. All of a sudden, Zhang Yang couldn't help but sigh, luck is really something that can't be blocked once it comes.

After all, although the forest on the east bank of Liujing Lake is not very dense, it is very extensive. Therefore, under such circumstances, it is possible to meet the World of Warcraft required by the mission in a short period of time.

The problem is that good luck can't always be on the side of Page. Compared with the coolness of the first three tasks, Page not only spent two misses when searching for the fox of the wind, even if it was successful. After finding it, it took him more time to leak than this cunning World of Warcraft!

Of course, in this, the time of chasing and fleeing alone accounted for more than half, so that when the last page successfully killed him, even if there was still about 20% of the grudge in his body, his physical strength was Almost exhausted.

Fortunately, this hard work was not in vain. Although this fox of the wind has lured it several times to other Warcraft lairs, fortunately, Page is also a wind fighter who is good at speed, plus He is also a half-footed person who has stepped into the fifth-level gold level, so for those keenly aware Warcraft, without knowing that there is a certain gap between Paige ’s actual combat power and rank, he is born. It is not difficult to understand even hesitating or even taking the initiative to retreat.

In fact, even if Zhang Yang didn't talk about Page, he felt that this kind of battle was of great significance to his growth. After all, just fighting this cunning, fox of the wind, which is also not lacking in strength, made Page feel wide-open, even looming a deeper understanding of his attributes and career.

So in such a situation where I can obviously feel my progress every day, Page's enthusiasm suddenly becomes more full, so that after taking a short break to eat some food to restore physical strength, Page will invest again In a new round of hunting and killing warcraft mission ...

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