Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1531: Sacred Demon College Comparison Test (5)

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There are also many subtle divisions in the shooter class, from the professional characteristics to the types of weapons used, all have their own characteristics.

For example, Rangers that use a short bow with a faster rate of fire but a weaker lethality as a weapon, mainly supplemented by harassment attacks, and mostly need Warcraft partners to fight in order to exert their professional power;

And archers such as Archer Mentor generally use long bows of standard specifications as weapons, regardless of the rate of fire, range or power, which are quite satisfactory and at the same time occupy the largest proportion of archers.

And when it comes to the shooter class, the most talked about is the use of sniper bow combat, while sacrificing part of the rate of fire, greatly enhanced the attack ability and range of the "sniper". .

It's a pity that just like wanting to be a successful ranger, the prerequisite is that you need to have a certain elemental affinity and personal charm, so as to have the opportunity to get the love of Warcraft. In general, you want to be the most legendary in the shooter class. And the "sniper" with the powerful attack power of Rose, in addition to keen perception and far beyond ordinary people's eyesight, the most important thing is that it needs strong power to exert the power of the sniper bow's ultra-long-range attack.

So from this point of view, it is not an exaggeration to call ‘ranger’ and ‘sniper’ a few ‘special occupations’ among shooter professionals.

Of course, in addition to this, some people also regard the crossbowman who uses heavy * as a weapon and also has a certain long-range sniper ability as a branch of the shooter class, but this point has not received most of the shooter class so far. The approval of the war fighters, on the contrary, thinks that they are the names of some insulting shooters who do not want to use evil ways to misrepresent themselves.

In any case, the existence of crossbowmen still makes up for the fact that snipers are too scarce, but unfortunately for crossbowmen, in addition to being an archer, they also need a powerful heavy crossbow. The problem is that most sophisticated blacksmiths cannot make such sophisticated weapons. Instead, they can only be made by alchemists who specialize in magic puppet making.

Therefore, for most archers, if they have the corresponding talents and are willing to practice hard, then even if they cannot break through the fifth-order mark, it is still very hopeful to reach the third-order or even fourth-order. But for the crossbowmen, in addition to their own talents and efforts, strong logistic support and resources are the most important factors for discovering and enhancing their own strength.

So an archer like Munch can be said to be very representative. Although the ability of all aspects is not outstanding, as long as the distance from the target, then it can not carry out a long-range attack, and the destructive magic is even more amazing Division, but in terms of comprehensive indicators such as mobility, defensive capability and concealment, they are comparable.

So when Monge stopped at the spot to condense a strong attack, the magicians belonging to the Magic Branch even believed that Rod could win, but still inevitably gave him a sweat. It's just unexpected that in the face of the powerful attack that is coming, Rhodes, who is the Austrian mage, is still unmoved, even without raising his hand.

This situation is simply a complete contempt for Monchi, so seeing that Monchi simply increased the strength of the output of qi, so that the wind-blooded qi in the hand, which has already burst into a strong blue arrow, It was a little brighter than before!

In this case, if Rod couldn't resist the full blow of Munch, then he was afraid that he would be hit by this arrow and he would lose his life before he could heal. So don't look at this moment is just a battle of the nature of the game. But what happens in the so-called 'sword without eyes' is possible.

However, it was a long time and it was a short time, from the moment Monchi stood and charged up to now it is only about two moments in total. The problem is that for a battle that is enough to separate victory and defeat in a moment, the two moments are already very long. Even for any tier five gold-level combatant, the accumulation of power for so long can definitely enhance his own strength to the extreme.

Therefore, at the moment when the cyan light of this arrow in Monkey's hand reached its zenith, he finally snorted and used this energy-storing qi that was sufficient to represent the strongest attacking ability of his wind archer [Wind Arrow] Give it a launch!

So in the eyes of the vast majority of the audience in the entire arena, the arrow shot by Munch has turned into a light cyan line, and since he let go, he has been connected to Rhode!

It's just that Rod was clearly prepared for Munch's attack, so just before Munch let go, Rod had already controlled the mysterious diamond-shaped purple crystal in front of him and [Ice Shield] all tilted, so that From the position of the upper auditorium, the large and small shields instantly changed from horizontal to vertical and slightly tilted.

Ordinary people may not understand the significance of this, but for most shield soldiers and experienced combatants like Zhang Yang, they understand how important this seemingly simple 'tilt' is! That is a change in the way of force, and it is also a kind of skill defense!

In fact, there is no need for someone to explain this. Everything that happened in front of you is enough to explain the problem!

Just as the record of Munch contained at least a tense vigorous accumulating force attack in his body [The Arrow of Wind] hit the piece of lilac diamond crystal obliquely blocked in front of Rhodes in the blink of an eye, although in the wind Zhiya] The light purple diamond-shaped crystal shattered directly under the impact of that powerful force, but under its impediment to success, certain changes occurred regardless of its angle of injection or speed.

Therefore, when [Wind Arrow] enters the force field of [Mage Armor] with the ability of "flying deflection", the "Wind Arrow" that has weakened part of its power due to obstruction is not enough to completely overcome the "flying arrow" The influence of the vector deflection force field on it, so that the angle of injection of [Wind Arrow] suddenly changed again at this moment, and when it finally hit the [Shield of Ice] obliquely, although it left on its surface There was a deep and long dent, but it was no longer able to shoot it straight through, and it was a pity to deviate from the target's defensive enclave in the distance.

Therefore, for most people in the arena, they did not have the strong dynamic vision of Zhang Yang, but they saw a bright light cyan light coming from the long bow in the hands of Munch, directly hitting the protector in front of Rod. The shield deflects strangely afterwards, and eventually unavoidably passes by Rhode, and finally brings a ripple on the super large defensive junction dozens of meters behind it.

So the audience who had squeezed a lot of sweat for Rod immediately gave a burst of cheering. It seems that Rod standing in the field at this moment represents not only himself, but the magician and the whole. The glory of the magic kingdom is average.

Zhang Yang could only shook his head and smiled bitterly, not to mention that Rhode's response just now showed that the unknown arcana was afraid that he had been specially trained to attack the professional shooter class. The inexplicable identification and fanaticism of the magician is enough to illustrate many things.

No wonder that the warlords of Pompeii in the magic kingdom are so scarce and lacking in status. To put it bluntly, in this majority of people regard magicians as a kind of 'faith' worship, they always unconsciously connect their honor and shame with the magician's victory In a country together, it is extremely difficult for warfighters to maintain their current status and survive.

The problem is that for Munch who failed to break the opponent's defense with one blow, to be honest, this is a huge blow to his confidence. It can be said that if the environment at the moment is not an actual battlefield I am afraid that Munch would have given up temporarily and then look for opportunities to sneak attack.

So at the moment, Munch switched the tactics decisively, and continued to accelerate to approach the other side. At the same time, he also used the vindictive skills such as [Lianzhu Arrow], [Spiral Arrow], and [Guide Arrow].

However, no matter how Munch attacked it, Rhode still did not launch a counterattack, but just calmly added "Purple Diamond Crystal" and [Ice Shield] to defend. Seeing here even Paige feels a bit wrong. After all, Rod is not like a guy who can only defend against bad attacks in any way. On the contrary, in his opinion, the face of the unknown Arcanist This kind of indifferent look seems to be very close to the expression of 'Wright Instructor' on weekdays!

(There must be some conspiracy! But what the guy is planning? Seeing that the tutor Monge is close to within 20 meters of him, not only will the power of the arrow be improved at this distance, once The archer succeeded in wandering around in circles, and in terms of the magician ’s reaction speed, I am afraid that he will soon be overwhelmed? So what the **** are he waiting for? This guy ...)

In fact, not only was Peggy confused, but even Munch, one of the parties, felt quite wrong. To be honest, he hasn't tried it with Arcanist before, but even if he lost, he hasn't encountered such a strange situation at this moment!

The problem is that now things have been too much for Mengqi. In his opinion, if the opponent has always chosen to defend and not fight back, then at this distance, the "Flying Deflection Force Field" attached to the [Mage Armor] can play. The effect will become extremely small, so if you can always consume the other party's magic so cleanly ...

However, just thinking about the fact that Munch was just about to shoot another [Spiral Arrow], he found that his opponent had been standing on the spot from the time he entered the game, and his opponent disappeared in front of him after a burst of purple light!

At the same time, Meng Qi was even more shocked that when he keenly sensed that Rod appeared behind him out of thin air, two rays with bizarre fluctuations hit his body at the same time. At this moment, Monkey only felt that his whole body sank suddenly, and then, after all the lively and obedient grudges in his body, he suddenly became extremely sluggish and not functioning at all, as if from spring to mud!

(What, what is this all about ?!)

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