Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1543: Sacred Demon College Comparison Test (17)

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No matter whether it is a member of the Warrior Branch or the magicians of the Magic Branch, there is no expectation that the battle between Zhang Yang and Aisha will hit this level!

How to say, although the battle between these two people has not reached the level of fierceness of your life and blood, it is not as powerful as the previous Zhang Yang battled with Sang Nali. Shivering '. But the hot pursuit and the high-speed, high-frequency fighting style from start to finish still made everyone present extremely nervous.

Of course, this may be somewhat inaccurate, after all, in comparison, Aisha, who is a water magician, has not really prevailed since the beginning of this game. Although there is also no defeat, it is an indisputable fact that Zhang Yang has been chasing and playing.

To be honest, this situation was really not thought of by Aisha, and Zhang Yang's feeling when he was actually fighting was like two people at ordinary times!

Not to mention that the rampage hits the wild anomaly, and the frequency of the amazing attack is no worse than that of any sixth-order Zijin intermediate-level wind fighters. With a wave of hands, you can use a weapon in your hand to thicken the face up to three meters The sturdy force of the solid ice wall blasting into the sky is even stronger than the strength displayed by the combatants of the same level!

However, compared with this, what made Aisha really feel the great pressure is the powerful fighting intent that ordinary people simply cannot feel!

It seems to be a spiritual coercion that combines many factors such as will, experience, momentum and so on! Therefore, although the stimulus of killing people is slightly inferior, but for young strong men like Aisha who have insufficient actual combat experience and are not very adapted to the killing atmosphere on the battlefield, after feeling it, they are still enough to make them frightened, even if It is not because of this that it loses its fighting intention directly, but its own momentum and combat rhythm are greatly affected, but it is impossible to run.

Therefore, this is the fundamental reason why Aisha's performance in this battle is always a bit stiffer than usual.

How can we say that the gap in experience is often easier to control the outcome of the battle than the gap in mere strength, and this kind of momentum is not just as simple as inspiring your own fighting or magic to put pressure on your opponent, then It is all the integration of one's own beliefs, will, energy level, experience and so on!

However, Aisha is also a young strong who has grown up with the name of "genius" and is one of the lovers of the contemporary magic queen. Therefore, after being suppressed by Zhang Yang for a long time, she finally relieved herself and tried to purify her own will, temporarily forgetting her personal likes and dislikes, the impact of the game's victory and defeat, etc., and then using a more observable pure perspective and State to face Zhang Yang.

So at this time, Aisha suddenly found that although her opponent was still so powerful that she was a little unbelievable, she clearly never used any long-distance grudge attacks that represent the characteristics of high-ranking warriors, or the sixth-tier warriors are proud of. Energy Blade and Armor of Dou Qi still have a powerful attack power comparable to that of Hammer of Destruction, so is it possible that the other party is already powerful enough to be as powerful as this even without using Dou Qi? What if he uses grudge? Would n’t it be better than the superpowers of the seventh-order legendary level?

So in the end, Aisha, who was awake or calmed down, finally understood that the other party seemed to have many essential differences from the warriors in people's perception. The most important point is that it is impossible to use grudge to attack and defend itself. Bonus and support!

Of course, this is not a shortcoming in any way. After all, the other party's strength, speed, and terrifying momentum far beyond their own level are enough to grasp the initiative of this battle, and even obtain it. The final victory of the battle is not impossible, so it is not important to compare whether or not to fight, or whether it can be used like most combatants.

So after trying to understand this, Aisha finally discovered a "potential real" weakness of the other party! That is, if this person is really unable to use grudge to defend for some reason, then she can only hurt her if she uses a range of attack magic with lower single damage.

Once the authenticity of this 'weakness' is confirmed through this method, then for Aisha to use this as a breakthrough to formulate and implement corresponding tactics ...

Thinking of this, Aisha was suddenly excited, but when she regained her confidence to test her conjecture, the old and majestic voice of the Dean of the Sacred Devil Academy suddenly sounded in the arena:

"It's game time! The result of the competition is ... a draw!"

(Time, time ?! How is it possible! I just found out the other party ’s weaknesses, how can it be ended like this !? And if my guess is really true, then it may only take a few rounds of attack to make it suffer. Chuang deceleration, won't that be a handy thing by then ?! So ... damn! Why can't I find the other party's weakness earlier!)

No matter how much Aisha is unwilling, since the Dean of the Sacred Demon Academy has announced the results of this game, after three instants, whether it is Zhang Yang who has stopped attacking the magic of the water element, or Aisha who is unwilling, They were all shrouded in a burst of unique magical light, and then disappeared into the arena at the same time.

In fact, this result can be regarded as the most perfect ending for Zhang Yang and Aisha. You should know that since both sides have already demonstrated their own powerful combat power in the competition, then this 'draw' no matter the question of the succession choice between Queen Aisha and Sang Nali regarding the succession of the queen, or before Sang Nali deliberately The matter of 'discharging water' in the competition did not have much impact.

On the contrary, whether Zhang Yang wins or Aisha wins will become more difficult, so when this result comes out, it is a pity that the ordinary people who just look at the liveliness of the "heartless and lungless" are thrown away. Almost all the characters who really understand the "convention" hidden behind the scenes of this game secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the problem is that Zhang Yang's game is not complete at this moment. After fighting with Sang Nali and Aisha in a row, it was Zhang Yang's turn to fight in this sixth game!

The only thing to be thankful is that the opponent of this game turned out to be an undead magician who was extremely rare in the outside world, and even almost everyone shouted. This is a godsend for Zhang Yang. After all, for Zhang Yang with a special physique If you want to advance again, you have to absorb the three sources of life, death, and demons.

At present, for Zhang Yang, the devil's power that should be the most difficult to obtain because of various encounters is always the first to reach the promotion level, and sometimes it will be excessive if it is not done well.

As for the power of life, as long as there is a place where there is life, I never worry about lack. The only thing I need to care about is that in general, Zhang Yang does not want to strengthen himself so that other lives will suffer endless pain while harvesting death. Therefore, most of the time he absorbs the power of life will be more restrained. Whether for Warcraft or humans, Zhang Yangquan will only absorb the remaining power of life when the other party is on the verge of death and almost unconscious.

In contrast, for most demons and undead, Zhang Yang is not so 'compassionate'.

Therefore, if you can absorb some of the power of death without knowing it in battle, then for Zhang Yang who can only advance again without the power of death, it is really a profit.

So even if Zhang Yang currently has less than half of his physical load, carefully calculate that at most it can only be used once [Lightning Enhancement] and [Lightning Guardian] once, it will fall to its own warning line, and if you continue to use the lightning skills, you will fall into He was overloaded and weak, but he was still full of confidence. He hurriedly changed a pure white mask and took out the pair of "fighting tigers" from the ring of space to put on his hands and was transferred to the arena again. .

Perhaps it is because the people of the magic kingdom Pompeii will be exposed to some magic, and they can draw a few words about the theory of magic, so that today, the entire continent is taboo about the Necromancer today. Pompeii The people still do not have much resistance to the undead magician and the undead.

It's just that when Zhang Yang was teleported into the arena, he unexpectedly heard the extremely loud cry from the audience outside the venue!

So this time Zhang Yang was somewhat curious. Judging from this call, the audience outside the court did not seem to be out of fear because of fear, but the voice was full of unspeakable excitement and excitement!

But this is even more impossible! Even if his pretended identity at the moment is a "fighter" that is quite rare everywhere, but for people born in a big city such as Dalaran City, shouldn't they be excited to such a degree? So why are they excited? Wouldn't it be cheering for this undead magician who appeared at the moment?

At least in Zhang Yang's memory, even when Sang Li and Aisha, the lovers of the magic queen Estella, played, the audience outside the venue was not so excited!

So subconsciously, Zhang Yang bet his eyes on the undead magician who appeared in a burst of magical light like him 200 meters away. However, the problem is that Zhang Yang finally knows why The spectators outside the court all shouted with excitement like "beating chicken blood".

After all, anyone who sees such a bold, well-dressed, ‘alternative’ beauty will be more excited?

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