Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1548: Sacred Demon College Competition (22)

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As a matter of fact, for most magicians, there is almost no strong connection between them and their men, such as elemental creatures, undead creatures, and extraterrestrial creatures, which are called by the summoning magic.

After all, for any magician, his spiritual power is extremely valuable, so unless magic research is carried out in his own magic tower or laboratory, the magicians generally simply rely on the summoning contract to summon Give a command that can't be too complicated, and to what extent they can do it afterwards, it's really fate.

This situation is even more true for undead magicians. After all, compared with elemental magicians, they almost rely on summons to fight, and they usually summon a large number of undead to fight for them. So for Necromancers, most of the time they always try their best to increase their upper limit of spiritual power, so as to summon more undead creatures to drive, compared with the Necromancers who are better at the control of summons. It is relatively rare.

Fortunately, whether it is an elemental creature or an undead creature, as long as their rank reaches a certain level, then their intelligence will also be greatly improved. So if someone sees a magician froze at his own summons, do n’t be surprised. Most of them are communicating with their own summons through the summoning contract, instead of simply ‘showing’.

It ’s just that there are always exceptions, whether it ’s elemental magicians or necromancers. The few of them who specialize in summoning sometimes spend a lot of energy and money on a special summoning. Thing.

And all this situation has a remarkable feature, that is, this summon has a special talent and is smart enough to play a large combat power even in the battle without the magician ’s command, or the magician will use this summon. It is generally cultivated as a 'magic puppet', so that it can spend part of its mental power to control it in combat, so as to achieve the purpose of cooperating with itself or protecting yourself.

So it can be said that most magicians who specialize in summoning can be summarized in two types, one of which can be called the type of "calling with use", and the other belongs to the type of "specializing control".

Unfortunately, at this moment, the Skeleton Commander obviously has a special ability to ignore the summoning contract, so even though Anel tried her best to control its actions, she could only occasionally interfere with the Skeleton Command ’s actions. It is impossible to completely control it with a lot of mental energy like other undead spirits.

Fortunately, this level of influence was enough for Zhang Yang, so when this skeleton leader was once again influenced by Ainier, making the movement of wielding the bone-bone sword slightly, Zhang Yang, who pretended to dodge, was fierce. The ground bullied himself and broke through the opponent's defenses in one fell swoop while slamming a few heavy punches in succession. He actually beat the bone helmet worn on the head of this skeleton to pieces, and was punched by Zhang Yang. Fist flies out!

So this is good, the Skeleton Commander who lost the protection of the helmet suddenly became precarious. After all, although its own bones are extremely hard in terms of its rank level, after losing the protection of the white bone helmet, it is relatively fragile. Her cervical spine can't bear the added force on Zhang Yang's fist, and it will easily be broken.

As a result, even for the high-level undead like Skeleton Commander, it will not die out, but if the head and body are really broken and separated, it will still be a heavy blow to it.

By that time, not only will the fire of one ’s own soul be weakened by the severe damage, but the body that has lost its head will lose its previous flexibility even if it can move, and eventually become a ‘living target’.

So at this moment, the Skeleton Commander who felt the fatal crisis suddenly opened his mouth and howled silently. At the same time, the bone portal that was affected by it turned again, and soon a green light surged, it was about to be seen. What other undead spirits broke through the barrier of space again and rushed out!

However, at this time, she had given up control of the skeleton commander Anel. It seemed that she finally made up her mind, so that at the stall of the green portal of the bone portal, she suddenly pinched a bone ring on her left hand. Shattered, and then after a dark gray smoke-like energy was released, she saw her reach out to the bone portal, and the gray smoke-like energy flashed away, directly turning into a black-grey gloss. The bone wall sealed the bone portal completely!

Seeing this, even those outside the audience found something wrong. After all, no matter what aspect you think of, Ainier is not necessary to start with the magic creation he summoned! Therefore, the ordinary audience who were still watching the lively crowd suddenly calmed down, and those who originally felt that this battle was a little bit strange, even frowned, thinking of a certain possibility ...

It's just that for Zhang Yang and Ainier who are in the arena, they can't care what the spectators outside the court feel at the moment. After all, this skeleton leader suddenly went crazy after discovering that the bone portal was blocked, not only Ignore most of Zhang Yang's attacks, and then let him bombard the iron fist that weighs more than a thousand, and even the center of gravity of his attacks has shifted from Zhang Yang's body, and he will go back to the bone portal. .

Zhang Yang would naturally not let it go, so while taking advantage of its chaos and flaws, Zhang Yang turned the target of the attack from the opponent's head to the relatively fragile leg joint temporarily, and then flashed a series of powers After a huge death blow, Zhang Yang, who successfully circled behind the opponent, burst into no less than 30 heavy punches in just one instant!

Therefore, under this continuous blow, the skeleton ’s relatively weak armor at the knee suddenly cracked and cracked, and Zhang Yang ’s subsequent hard blow was completely destroying the armor. At the same time, the fragile knee joint was instantly misaligned.

So this is a good time. The skeleton leader who weighed a thousand bones and weighed no more than a thousand Pakri lost the support of one leg, and the whole body suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground. .

In this way, even though it is extremely tall, it is already impossible to use the white bone sword in his hand as flexibly as before. Therefore, in this case, Zhang Yang, whose movement speed is not reduced, becomes more difficult for him to act, so that Zhang Yang has tried it around more than ten times and has been preventing it from having the opportunity to repair the left. At the same time when the leg and knee were injured, he finally seized the opportunity of a sword in the air again, and after a slight charge, the whole person instantly dragged a residual image and punched **** the jaw bone of this skull leader!

So at this moment, the relatively fragile cervical spine commanded by the skull finally couldn't bear the heavy blow to the head. At the same time, it ruptured with a click, and then was rushed by Zhang Yang released by Zhang Yang. The skull was completely separated from the huge body below.

However, it is not an easy task to completely kill an undead creature. In fact, take the lowest-level skeleton warrior, even if the head is cut off and separated from the body, as long as the skull has not been completely smashed, then The implied fire of the soul will not be completely extinguished even if it is affected as a result.

So if the Skeletal Warrior succeeds in recovering his head in this situation, he only needs to put it back together and consume part of the power of death, then it will not be long before he can reconnect together, and then continue to fight or escape .

Therefore, for the high-order boneless undead creatures such as Skeleton Command, in fact, even if the head is separated from the body, its body can continue to move and attack, at most it will become a little stupid because of the loss of "vision", it will not be like this. People stop directly as expected.

However, what surprised everyone, including Ainier, was that when Zhang Yang successfully held the skull commander's head in his hand in a raid, the kneeling on the ground because of the left leg knee injury was still able to make a difference. Waving his white bone epee across his vertical cleaved white bone body, he suddenly shivered violently as if he had a "stroke" at this moment!

This situation is really a bit weird. After all, no one has heard of the rumorless boneless undead who will make such a "humanized" action!

So at this time, people subconsciously focused all their eyes on Zhang Yang who was standing still and holding the skull, so the sharp-eyed people found that the smooth and huge skull that Zhang Yang was holding in his hand at the moment. The lower jaw has been opened to the extreme, and if it is coupled with the unstoppable green light in its eyes, it looks like human performance in extreme fear!

In fact, the most shocking thing is actually Ainier who is standing not far from Zhang Yang. After all, because of the barriers in the arena of the arena, those outside the venue cannot clearly sense the changes in Zhang Yang ’s momentum at the moment. On the other hand, Anel, who is a Necromancer, has an innate ability to perceive the power of death, a higher level of energy than the magic of the Necromancer.

Therefore, Ainier realized that the unknown skull leader would behave so strangely at the moment, all because someone was 'forcing' to absorb some kind of energy essence in it!

So this situation suddenly made Ainier feel a bit of instinctive fear in normal days! After all, there is almost no difference in the essence of power between undead creatures and undead magicians, so if Zhang Yangzhen can absorb the energy essence in the undead creatures for his own use, then the face of undead magicians is basically not It will be too much difference!

So Ainier, who realized this, subconsciously slowly backed away, as if instinctively looking as far away as possible from Zhang Yang's side.

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