Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1550: Sacred Demon College Competition (24

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Generally speaking, whether it is an undead creature or a creation created by undead magic, their interior will contain more or less a certain amount of power of death, otherwise they will not have the kind of gold like iron. The intensity is crispy like ordinary bones.

It is at this moment that although the power of death contained in this huge portal with a height of ten meters is not as full as that of the Skeleton Commander, there are two out of ten. Therefore, when Zhang Yangyun lifted his right hand and pressed up his right hand, there was a trace of death force that was sucked out.

At this moment, the oscillating bone portal was suddenly more violent, and even a few moments later it was no longer a problem of ‘bone trembling’, but there were really some bones on the edge falling down from above.

So even though most of the off-site audiences were not clear that Zhang Yang was absorbing the power of death at the moment, after he pressed it with his right hand, no matter whether the undead spirits or the undead creations all began to die and collapse, it was seen by people, so I do n’t know Who started it first, and the call to miss the "miracle hand" in half a minute has already been heard throughout the audience, it seems that it has been specially rehearsed.

Although Zhang Yang listened indistinctly to this, he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, after careful calculation, he already had more than one title, so it really didn't matter if there were more than one. Besides, the title is a useless virtual name in his opinion, so even though the title of "Hand of Miracles" sounds quite powerful, it still cannot make Zhang Yang feel any joy.

In contrast, as the power of death continued to flow into Zhang Yang's body along the right hand, the gradually overflowing feeling really made Zhang Yang a little excited. After all, now he only lacks the power of death to reach the level of promotion, so if he can really achieve his goal, his combat power can be improved to a higher level, which is more affordable than any kind of "virtual name". what!

However, when Zhang Yang saw that he was about to absorb enough power to die, this bone portal that had been shaking for a while and began to collapse a little bit finally succeeded in shaking the bone wall that was blocked at the position of the portal. Come on! So just on the gray-black bone wall where the first crack appeared, just after a trace of poisonous green portal light could be seen through it, a white bone arm with a white body, even without any armor protection It was easy to pierce a hole in the gray and black bone wall that was very strong when I saw it, and watch the rest of it rush out!

This situation suddenly made some sense and extremely keen presence in the arena tense. After all, this piece of white bone that looks like snow and white crystals like jade is probably a powerful undead with a level 7 legend or above Lich!

So if at this moment it is this intensity of presence that appears across the portal in this arena, then can this huge enchantment with a wide range of enchantments really trap it?

At that time, even if the Queen of Magic, Estra, was capable of killing it, the opponent was after all a superpower with a level of more than seven legends, so it was just the magical repercussions released during the battle between the two. It is enough to kill all tens of thousands of spectators present!

In that way, not only will Dalaran City suffer huge losses as a result, in case the undead lich takes this opportunity to transform all the dead bodies into undead creatures, or use this as a medium to release some kind of undead plague, then for For the magic kingdom Pompeii, it's not just a city's loss. If you don't do it, the whole country will be affected by it and the chickens and dogs will be restless!

So when I saw that the crystal-clear white bone arm appeared in the arena through the gray-black bone wall in one fell swoop, I did n’t even care about this battle, and I was basically small from beginning to end. Estra, the magic queen whom John chatted with, also stood up from her seat in an instant, then frowned.

But what made everyone unexpected was that when the owner of the crystal-like bone arm was about to break through the gray-black bone wall and walked out of the bone portal, the whole bone portal was at this point. When it crashed completely, Kung Fu turned into an ordinary skeleton that had lost any luster!

This situation is really beyond everyone's expectations. No one had thought that a bone portal in Nuoda even collapsed. After all, this thing was created by sixth-order undead magic, so it is absolute in terms of solidity. It will not be weaker than any sixth-order undead, even because of its huge volume!

But the facts speak louder than words. The bone portal, which looked rather strong before, finally collapsed at such a critical moment after shaking for nearly a minute!

So after losing the connection of the bone portal, the special bone arm that had no time to recover, seemed to be cut off at once by an extremely sharp sharp knife, and it fell so quietly to the crisp bones Above, it looked so dazzling.

This situation is obviously not an accident, but Zhang Yang deliberately slowed down the speed of absorbing the power of death after he noticed that the other side of the bone portal was awkward, so as to lure the other party to appear.

Well now, even though Zhang Yang is currently not confident of shaking with an undead lich with at least a seventh-order legendary level of strength, but by the opportunity of destroying the portal, Zhang Yang can still cut off the other arm with the power of space.

So when the dust finally settled in the arena, Zhang Yang had already picked up the crystal-clear bone arm in Ainier's step and then received the space ring.

In this regard, Ainier couldn't say anything even if she had the boss's dissatisfaction in her heart. After all, on the one hand, she deeply understood that her strength was not as good as that of the other party. If she really wanted to do something, she would definitely lose herself. On the other hand, Zhang Yang frightened Ainier by telling the truth before absorbing the power of death. After all, she could not be sure that the opposite mysterious man would also use the right hand of "terror" in a rage. 'Touch' yourself, and when you think of your youth and beauty, you will be "sucked" by adults, Anel, who is a necromancer, feels shudder, let alone try.

So at this moment, the evil beauty can only stare at Zhang Yang with a sullen expression, not daring to "release" his charm as he did at the beginning. Unfortunately, for Zhang Yang, this kind of "eye-killing" has no power at all, so after reaching the two major strategic goals originally set, Zhang Yang turned around and said to Anel:

"How about, do you need to continue fighting? But the ugly words are in front. If you still want to continue fighting, then I won't be merciless to you."

However, the speaker was not interested in the listener's intentions, Zhang Yang originally meant that he would no longer think that the other woman's identity would let her, and would attack with all her might. But when I heard Ainier's ears, she understood that she wanted to **** her into the dry, so Ainier dare to continue to fight Zhang Yang. The whole person stepped back a few steps in a row, shaking his head again and again:

"No more! No more! Don't come over, I admit defeat! It's hard to imagine how a woman likes you, a ruthless guy ..."

Although he still mumbled grumblingly, when Ainier saw the pair of extremely calm eyes through the pure white mask on Zhang Yang ’s face, she could n’t help but start to breathe, and then raised her hands directly Signaled that he had surrendered.

However, what people did not expect is that perhaps because of the larger amplitude of Ainer's movements when she was evading, so that at the same time, her hands were so unintended at the same time, she even inadvertently blocked her chest. The key point's cloth brought free!

So those '*' s outside this field could not continue to calm down, and as a round, white and violently broke free and appeared in front of everyone's eyes, a series of serial whistles and subconscious swallowing sounds suddenly sounded, too It is spectacular.

Fortunately, from the beginning of an accident in this battle, the official of Sacred Magic Academy was always prepared to deal with various emergencies, so when Anel raised her hand to surrender and accidentally disappeared, the magician who controlled the magic circle was the first time Teleporting it out of the arena below, this caused a lot of '*' to sigh with dissatisfaction.

At this time, the majestic voice of the old dean of the Sacred Demon Academy slowly sounded:

"The winner of this game is Fighter Academy Fighter Bai, please prepare students for the next game!"


In fact, although this game is full of all kinds of accidents and twists and turns, but for Zhang Yang, it is of extraordinary significance, or more fruitful and more accurate.

You should know that this time he not only completed the initial goal of winning the battle, but even absorbed the death force that was lacking in the previous promotion. Therefore, in this case, Zhang Yang only needs to go back to his residence after today ’s game and run it. The three sources of energy in the body are absorbed together, and his Ore body can move forward one step further, thereby being comprehensively improved.

In this way, don't look at Zhang Yang's own level after the promotion is still only the level of the fourth-level silver advanced, but because of the special nature of Eure, he can play the equivalent of the fifth-level golden advanced without using any lightning skills. Destructive power and combat power!

If you use [Thunderbolt Enhancement], Zhang Yang ’s combat power will reach the level of a sixth-level Zijin senior combatant in one fell swoop, and even more! In this way, Zhang Yang is confident that he can fight the legendary seventh-level super powers even if he does not use the "Lei Ji Outbreak". This is already a huge improvement for him.

Moreover, the crystal-like white bone arm is also a very important spoils. After all, this is part of the body of the seventh-order legendary undead spirit, so even if the power of death contained in the arm cannot be compared with the amount contained in the head, But for the current Zhang Yang, it is also a huge amount, almost enough for him to advance to the next level.

So Zhang Yang, who can be called "one action, three gains" at the moment, is really in a good mood, and if the next battle can win, the seemingly impossible task of winning the singles game will be directly possible!

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