Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1554: Sacred Demon College Competition (28)

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As the two dark horses in the whole school competition of the Saint Demon College, although Page and Alvor are not famous by this, it is indispensable to leave a deep impression in people's hearts. So after they leave Sacred Magic Academy, whether they want to enter Pompeii's army or join a caravan or mercenary group, it will be much simpler than other unknown people.

After all, the strength of the warlord who can defeat the magician in the field of the Sacred Magic Academy is definitely guaranteed.

Of course, Paige, the heir to the Lannister family, naturally does not have to worry about future arrangements. After all, as far as the Lannister family ’s financial resources are concerned, they can completely support a mercenary group as long as they want, so this competition is for Pei The strange thing is just to prove yourself, not for the future.

In contrast, the low-ranked Alvor does not have this inherent advantage, and this is one of the reasons why he is so desperate in the game and must win anyway. However, it must be admitted that the performance of the baby-faced magician is much worse than that of Alvor, who tried his best to win and was determined.

Not to mention that he would only stay in the distance to release magic at the beginning to carry out an inefficient attack, and then simply release the sixth-order wind magic [asphyxiation] and then stand still and motionless. Show her the ability to respond on the spot to see at a glance.

So do n’t look at this baby-faced magician who has a fifth-level gold advanced strength, but how much combat power can he really play in combat is a very worthy question.

Fortunately, the Warriors Academy finally saw the dawn of victory this time. Although this single-player game is only one of the three major competitions of the Sacred Magic Academy, it has always been inferior to the disadvantages for 100 years. In terms of the tactical branch that was held down by the Magic Branch, this is a huge change!

So when Zhang Yang, wearing a black mask and a green mask on his face, was sent into the lower arena by a white light representing teleportation magic, the Warriors Branch suddenly burst into unprecedented cheers!

In fact, in the previous competitions of the Sacred Magic Academy, the Warrior Branch is almost full of sorrow. It is not bad to sigh, where is there such a time when such momentum is like a rainbow. Furthermore, for the successive losers of the Warriors Branch, they usually suffer from white eyes, so when they finally see hope, it is understandable to behave crazy.

It is a pity that no matter whether it is cheering or a boo, Zhang Yang can't affect him. So after being teleported into the arena, he seemed to relax with his hands down like that, and the whole person seemed to fall asleep standing on the spot.

At this time, as Zhang Yang's opponent in the game also showed his body in a burst of white light, the majestic voice of the old dean also sounded.

"In the eighth game of the Sacred Demon Academy's whole school single competition, the assassin" Green "of the Warlords Branch will play against the dark magician Duck of the Magic Branch. Now the game begins!"

In fact, just after the brief introduction by the old dean, the members of the branch of the warrior who were still full of vigour just suddenly suffocated and began to whisper.

"This, is this the Dak who has never defeated the warlord in the legend?" Dark Dak "?"

"Isn't it possible? Didn't he say that he graduated from the Sacred Magic Academy last year and then entered the Magic Legion? How could he suddenly return to the Academy to fight for the magician!"

"It should be him right. After all, magicians with dark talents are rare, and the occurrence of duplicate names is almost impossible, so although some are unbelievable, this 'dark' on the arena at the moment. It should be that 'Dark Duck' is right. "

In fact, since Page followed Zhang Yang for special training, and he set up the ‘Headwind’ mercenary regiment and recruited many students from the Warriors ’Branch, his status among the members of the Warriors’ Branch was different. Now, coupled with the fact that Page defeated his opponents in the single match of the Sacred Demon Academy in the whole school, it made him become the boss of all the soldiers.

Furthermore, perhaps because Pei has been with Zhang Yang during this time, he was more or less influenced by it, and there was a little bit of a change in Zhang Yang ’s status. Most of them nodded their heads and calmed down quickly.

But at this time, the guy who appeared about 200 meters away from Zhang Yang and was covered in a large black robe, but did not have any meaning to say hello, just raised his left hand to reveal his palm. The wand swiped quickly in front of him, and a dark mist of dark ink and dark elements rolled out of the gap of his robe, just like a monster that finally broke free from the cage. Spread around the arena as the center!

In just a few moments, the black mist came to Zhang Yang's front, and then he was enveloped together in an instant!

(With such a wide range of black mist ... it's "Dark Duck" indeed! It was unexpected that those guys even invited him back in order to deal with Wright Instructor. In this case, I am afraid that Wright Instructor will also be quite Was it bothersome? But think about it too, but before they even invited the students of Her Majesty the Magic Queen, Lord Sannaly and Lord Aisha, is it not a big problem to let Duck play? The only thing worth worrying about is that in the "dark space" developed by the dark first-order magic [dark fog] released by this "dark dark", everyone except the caster is all If you ca n’t see anything, would n’t it mean that the war fighters have completely lost their vision! How should the teacher respond to this situation ...)

Don't look at the moment, Page looks extremely relaxed and calm on the surface, it seems to have a very confident look, but in fact, in his heart still can not help pinching sweat for Zhang Yang.

Unfortunately, as Page knew, the black mist released by Duck can not only completely block the sight of everyone except the caster, but even disrupt the trapped person's mental detection and perception to a certain extent! So it can be said that in this dark fog that almost completely enveloped the entire arena, Duck is a well-deserved `` Dark King ''!

So at the moment, all the audiences who knew Duck outside the arena were somewhat disappointed and could n’t help but squeeze a sweat for Zhang Yang. After all, in their view, the assassin in this kind of competition that regulated the venue Without any advantage, and now deprived of all vision by magic, the end is really worrying.

And no matter how strong Dak is, or even whether it can win, for most civilian audiences, they spend money here to watch the game. As a result, Duck this guy is dying to cover the entire arena with black mist. , Which makes them watch a fart!

So in this case, regardless of the people who previously supported the Magic Branch, or the spectators who hoped that the Warrior Branch would win, they all sincerely hoped that this Mr. Green would teach this Duck so hard that they could not watch the game smoothly. . So after a short silence, almost all the audience in the arena cheered for Zhang Yang!

"Mysterious man cheer!"

"Mr. Green, come on!"

"Beating the sunspot hard!"

"Must be victorious, Mr. Green! Let us vent our anger!"

"Come on! Guys from the Warriors Branch!"


In fact, regardless of personal emotions, Dak ’s ‘dark space’, although somewhat unrealistic, is still very powerful at his current level.

After all, in Zhang Yang's view, in addition to being able to completely block the enemy's vision, it is also remarkable to disturb the opponent's mental power perception with dark elements. Not only that, although Zhang Yang also saw this 'dark space' for the first time, he had already learned the power of this kind of magic that changed the environment of the venue before at Aisha.

Therefore, although Zhang Yang is not clear about whether this 'dark space' has a special bonus to the caster Duck, just a few traits displayed at this moment have brought him a great advantage.

It's a pity that maybe because the heel of this "dark space" evolved from the first-order dark magic [dark fog], so that although this magic is consumed or can be used at a higher level than Aishana's frost The "land" is low, but it is estimated that the effect should also be less powerful than the "frost land".

So for Zhang Yang, a strong man who already has the power of the soul, the impact of this 'dark space' on his perception is really minimal and can be ignored.

In this case, Zhang Yang was no more polite, and pulled out the fangs dagger that had just been restored from the waist, and then walked step by step to the position where Duck was.

Dak was somewhat surprised by this situation. After all, in his memory, the warriors who could still keep calm in his "dark space" were really rare. As for Zhang Yang coming straight to him at this moment, it ’s no big deal to see it at Duck. After all, he has n’t moved beyond the release of the “dark space” since entering the arena, so the guy on the opposite side according to It is normal that the position in the memory moves to this side.

Therefore, Duck, who felt that everything was under his control, laughed contemptuously, and then raised his hand to apply a third-order dark magic [hidden shadow] to himself, and then set a small dark at his current position. Department of magic, and then walked silently to the left.

(Then everything is ready now, just waiting for you to walk into the trap I laid out, but it is really some expectations! If you can beat you in this game, then it will not prove that I am better than Sang Nali And are the two women of Aisha even more powerful! So come on, little bug, as long as you are better than you, I will be able to obtain the coveted rights and wealth!)

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