Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1570: Group stage (6)

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A qualified weapon master is not only able to use a variety of weapons proficiently, even if they have space storage equipment, they will carry more than one weapon with them just in case, so whenever the battle needs, some weapon masters All the spare weapons will be thrown as long-range attack weapons.

In this way, because most of the two-handed weapons are relatively heavy, so that the power of this throw will be surprisingly huge, so coupled with the grudges attached to these weapons, so that its power is completely above most Above medium and long-range weapons such as flying knives and bows and arrows, even to a certain extent, it can be comparable to the power of arrows shot by a sniper bow.

However, throughout the ages, even those weapon masters who are so powerful that they have left a name in the history of their respective countries, no one has thrown six giant swords and heavy hammers like Zhang Yang as if splashing water!

What's even more incredible is that the six weapons that Zhang Yang threw not only had a fantastic head, but even the strength reached the average power of the fifth-level gold-level weapon master when throwing weapons! Therefore, for the sudden move he made, even the strong men such as Sang Na Li and Aisha did not dare to fully ignore it, so even if people all know that Zhang Yang ’s hand must be to attract people ’s attention, but to him None of them relaxed their vigilance.

So at the moment, the five contestants of the Magic Branch all surprisingly unanimously chose to release or strengthen their magic shields outside their bodies. After all, in their view, even Zhang Yang would take the opportunity to attack, but if he tried his best to defend, he was caught. The chance of a successful hit will be greatly reduced.

At that time, if Zhang Yangzheng dares to attack in front of the five contestants of the Magic Branch, then they will seize this rare opportunity to make him look good even if they sacrifice a person.

The problem is that until all the six heavy weapons are resisted, Zhang Yang, who was supposed to take the opportunity to launch a raid, has nothing to do. This situation suddenly made Sang Nali and the other five members of the Magic Branch become a little bit puzzled again. After all, if Zhang Yang was not to create a chance for a sneak attack, why was he playing this "multi-weapon throwing"?

(Where? What did the guy want to do in this way? Could it be ...?)

It must be said that Sang Nali really understands Zhang Yang to some extent, but this understanding is not based on daily communication, but is based on speculation by analyzing the opponent's fighting style and behavior habits.

So when Sang Nali thought of empathy from the perspective of Zhang Yang, she suddenly had a question in her mind, that is, the other party made such an amazing one even knowing that the game will definitely lose. What is it for?

Could it be that he alone could defeat in this situation? This possibility is really small and cannot be small, so after eliminating this possibility, there is roughly only one choice. That is, this guy took the opportunity to hide himself in some way, thus preventing the Magic Branch from obtaining While winning, save yourself as much as possible.

After all, for smart people, it is not brave but hard to know that they must be defeated if they know they will fail. So after figuring this out, Sang Nali focused her attention on the dissipating dust below. It is a pity that for Zhang Yang and Sang Nali, who also have the power of the soul, it is simply impossible to find and lock opponents by relying on perception.

In contrast, for the powerful who possess the power of the soul, those professionals and ordinary people whose spiritual power has not yet transformed into the power of the soul, in their perceived world, are almost nowhere to hide. . So for Zhang Yang and Sang Nali, who also possess the power of the soul, the sixth sense of sight, hearing and even touch and meditation has become the main means of judging the position of the other party in battle.

But at this moment, a looming shadow in the dust was finally first noticed by Sang Nali!

So at this moment, Sangali did n’t even hesitate at all, while her hands were extended to the target position at the same time, the sixth-order fire magic [Dragon Breath], which had already been ready to go, had already brought a rolling heat wave as if it was really The dragon's breath usually poured down from the funnel-shaped inverted in the air!

In fact, many people do n’t know, so people will mistakenly think that the sixth-order fire magic [Dragon Breath] will spit out from the magician ’s mouth like a real dragon breath, but as long as the fire magic, or magic Some people who understand will understand that humans cannot spit magic out of their mouths like Warcraft.

After all, this involves not only the difference in physique or body structure between humans and Warcraft, but also the essential difference in the method of releasing magic.

So if someone in the tavern drank too much and boasted that he had seen a magician use the "spitting fire in the mouth" to perform [Dragon Breath], then do n’t hesitate, this product is either drunk completely or just Boasting indiscriminately.

Of course, it can be used as a bragging material by people. This [Dragon Breath] naturally has its own unique features. After all, the creator of the magic in the legend originally borrowed from the dragon family to breathe, and created this extremely high temperature unique to the fire department, while also possessing a powerful impact and a little dispel other elements. Ability magic.

It can be said that once the warfighter is hit by [Dragon Breath], then unless there are some obstacles behind him that can be borrowed, even if it can be resisted by virtue of armor and magic resistance armor, but in that share Under the impetus of powerful impact, it is normal to be blown out hundreds of meters in an instant.

In contrast, if it was hit by a powerful fire magician from the top down with [Dragon Breath] as before, then even if the subject is protected by a grudge armor or magic shield, in this high pressure and high temperature Under the double impact, the probability of the target being burned to coke in an instant will also be more than 90%!

Therefore, for almost all combatants, the fire magician who can use [Dragon Breath] is synonymous with extremely dangerous!

It's just that compared with the terrifying power of [Dragon Breath], its release difficulty is also huge. It can be said that without the strength of the sixth-level purple gold peak level, the chance of successfully casting this magic will never exceed 20%!

So from here, we can see that Sang Nali's strength has also made great progress since this day. Although she has not dared to boast Haikou so far, she said that she can successfully use this trick every time. However, the success rate of about 60% to 70% can be guaranteed.

Therefore, it can be said that this trick [Dragon Breath] is already the most powerful magic in the small and medium range that Sannali can use at present. The reason why she never used it in the previous game is that it is unnecessary. On the other hand, it is worried that the power of this magic is too great, so it is not good to accidentally kill the opponent.

However, the successive failures of the Magic Branch have made many of the "seniors" of the Magic Branch and even the Holy Spirit College unable to sit still, so that before the start of the five-person group match, Sang Nali and others received The command to win.

In addition to this, Zhang Yang has definitely lost in this game, but he will not admit defeat, which leads to Sang Nali using this trick in a frustrated manner.

So when the red flame that lasted for about two instants finally dissipated, the center of the ground that was hit by it with a diameter of more than 15 meters was already at the high temperature unique to [Dragon Breath]. Burned under high pressure as if it were glazed with a colorful glow!

Other grounds farther away from the center, although not as exaggerated as the center, are all scorched and black, which makes people feel cold all over the body.

It ’s just that at this time, Sang Nali, who was supposed to be proud, frowned tightly. Although she was very confident in the power of this dragon [Relief Technique] she released, she did n’t know why, and she knew that right now. Not only has Wright not been burned to ashes by [Dragon Breath], even the opponent may not have been hit by this magic at all!

But the problem is that Sang Nali only apparently saw a person in the dust, otherwise he would n’t ‘spray’ this dragon in that direction without saying a word. However, now that the old principal serving as a referee has not declared the Magic Branch to win the game, it means that Wright was not killed by [Dragon Breath], only that they did not find it.

(But the arena is such a big place in total, and apart from the scattered ruins of a few earth walls, the rest is simply a flat horse. Where can he be a big living person? Unless ... not good!)

Sang Nali suddenly remembered that someone had told her that there was a class of warfighters who were clearly not stalkers, but were able to use some special hiding techniques and the surrounding environment to achieve a stolen school like a stalker. He disappeared from people's sight in a short time.

This skill, which is not a professional skill, does not have any professional restrictions at all. As long as you can understand and use it, even a shield warrior wearing heavy armor can theoretically be invisible like a stalker!

So even if ‘that guy’ used that technique in the Sacred Demon Academy ’s whole school competition at the moment, he would not be ruled out for violating the rules of the game. Reminiscing that the guy had participated in the competition as an assassin before, Sanna Li suddenly understood what she had missed!

(It turns out that the guy stirred up a lot of dust and played such a "multi-throw", I am afraid that it is to make my judgment wrong, and at the same time create opportunities for successfully approaching the goal! So the shadow I saw in the dust before should be It ’s not the Wright guy, it ’s probably just the cloak outside him! As for himself ... If his sprint speed is fast enough, and he can control the angle of his body, then only two giant swords that are closer , It should be able to cover it. That ’s why his real goal at this moment is probably ...)

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