Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1573: Group stage (9)

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The sixth-order nature magic used by Druid Liosa at the moment [Avatar of the Giant Eagle] is not strong? The answer is of course yes, after all, this sixth-order Warcraft 'Iron Feather Giant Eagle' that only lives in the depths of the Forest of Warcraft not only has the power derived from its huge size, but also rare in terms of speed and sensitivity. Do not lose to any wind-based Warcraft.

Therefore, once the iron feather eagle with a wingspan of more than 10 meters under the hatchback flies, its average speed and super endurance can surpass any seventh-level legendary professional!

This is a self-evident advantage for a Warcraft who is naturally capable of using natural magic, so this type of attack and retreat can be escaped, once it has hurried to the road, it is fully capable of going from the seaside of the stormy sea west of Orlando. Fly to the city of Wangri in the easternmost part of Ladovia, the mercenary country on the eastern side of the mainland, in one day.

Therefore, for those who are interested in traveling all over the continent, the Iron Feather Giant Eagle is really the best choice for World of Warcraft below the seventh-order legendary level.

However, the problem is not to mention that the iron feather giant eagle itself is very powerful, and their trait of taking off and leaving once it is found to be bad makes it relatively difficult for them to be caught as a favorite. Therefore, in this case, the high-level Druid who can transform into an "Iron Feather Eagle" and can carry people for long-distance movement has become a "highly sought-after" for a long time.

But the problem is that for most skills and abilities, choosing the right timing is more important than the skill itself. So for the ‘robust’ female Druid, how can she succeed in using avatar magic to turn herself into an iron feather eagle if she is now in the closed environment of the arena?

Does she really think that the feathers outside the iron feather eagle can block the sniper arrows shot by the sixth-order sniper with a high-order sniper bow? Just kidding! The most important thing is that in this case, after she became bigger, she couldn't even avoid dodge and could only choose hard resistance? It's better to be a tortoise in this way!

Of course, what turns into a tortoise is nothing more than the malicious vomiting of Arcanist Master Rod. After all, for the once noble Druid, he will never choose the tortoise as a reference object for incarnation magic. ?

Therefore, when Liao Sha successfully transformed into an iron-feathered eagle by using incarnation magic, a light smile flashed in Zhang Yang's eyes as well. After all, as the Master Mage Rod thought, it was not a wise choice to transform into a giant eagle in the arena with such huge restrictions and relatively narrow environment.

The problem is that no matter what Liao Sha thinks, as a professional and an adult, she is responsible for the choices she makes.

So at this time, Zhang Yang replaced the left arrow shaft and the sniper arrow specially prepared for the game with people to replace it with a real arrow. Then the iron feather giant eagle spread its wings more than 200 meters away. When flying, with the sniper bow "Dark Night Kiss" in Zhang Yang's hand, there was a trembling of the bow string trembling, a heavy sniper arrow made of black iron mixed with stainless steel, it seemed to penetrate like a teleportation. After the layers of iron feathers outside the body of the giant eagle, they were deeply inserted into the roots of the opponent's left wing!

So suddenly I saw the eagle that was about to flutter and take off, but the whole body suddenly twisted, and then after a burst of high wailing, it was staggered by the huge force attached to this sniper arrow. Will fall to the ground.

At this point, the audience's amazement when they first saw the iron feather giant eagle suddenly disappeared. When people saw the deep footprints left by the force under the giant eagle, they realized the power of Zhang Yang's arrow. How huge!

However, this is just the beginning, whether it is for the mission set by Queen Estra, or for the honor of the Warrior Branch, Zhang Yang ca n’t stop here at this moment, so he shot and injured him with a single arrow. After the left wing of the head-iron feather eagle, he continued to open bows one after another, and he shot an entire quiver in just two breaths!

But perhaps it was the arrow that made Liao Sha finally soberly realize what mistake she had made, so that it was difficult for her to take off again because of the wing wounds. After issuing a sharp eagle cry, it was one. The tone summoned four dark green tree men over five meters tall!

This situation clearly exceeded everyone's expectations again. After all, if everyone remembered correctly, the Miss Druid's strength should be only about fifth-level gold intermediate level, so under normal circumstances when she uses fifth-level natural magic [summoned When Shuren], it should only be able to summon two tree talents about three meters right!

But now? The four dark green trees more than five meters tall have been rushed to the location of Zhang Yang with heavy steps under the call of the summoner, and there is no trace of weakness or untrue.

Therefore, the relatively easy-to-use person will soon understand that the unique "incarnation" magic of Druid is completely different from the ordinary "transformation" magic. As long as it can successfully release this magic, then even If you use magic at the leap level, the effect of its incarnation will be the same as the real Warcraft for the duration of the magic!

So it can be said that even though Liao Sha will become weak due to the use of magic oversteps after the incarnation magic is lifted, at this moment, she is a real Warcraft who can use natural magic not exceeding her own level at will!

Unfortunately, although her move is not weak, for Zhang Yang who used [Lightning Enhancement] on the field, these four trees with strengths comparable to the fifth-order natural elemental creatures because of their relatively slow moving speed , So that there is no chance to connect with Zhang Yang at all, and it is instantly smashed into four groups of unburning green light mist by several special sniper arrows with demon-breaking effect.

Seeing here, the Arcanist Rod, who was standing more than ten meters behind the giant eagle, suddenly became more ugly than before. After all, he was an academic magician who knew the defense capabilities of these dark green trees, even It is no exaggeration to say that if there are no high-level strongmen to block, then these four dark green trees with a height of more than five meters will have enough ability to beat the gates of a small city!

This, combined with their identity as elemental creatures in nature, so that no matter the defensive ability, vitality or recovery ability, it is far away from the same level of Warcraft and even professionals. Therefore, in this case, the opponent can still destroy them one by one, even though there is a part of the credit for breaking the magic arrow, but the attack power of the sniper opposite is still shockingly powerful!

After all, in any way, the small body of Arcanist Rod ca n’t be compared with those of the tree, and even if he can use the kind of “triggered magic shield” with the “resistance ring” effect, but at the moment The attacking ability demonstrated by the opponent is significantly higher than the previous one, and it has obviously reached the level of the sixth-order purple gold or above!

So in this case, even if Rhode can luckily block the opponent's arrow with the "triggered magic shield" outside his body, but if the opponent attacks the four treemen just as many arrows as the attack? As far as Rhodes's body is concerned, isn't it going to be shot into a sieve instantly!

So this moment should be hesitant, as the general Mage Rod, who had taken the opportunity to launch a surprise attack before, knows that even if the terrifying sniper "black" on the opposite side is put aside, the other four "surprise" The goal of Rodriguez is also somewhat wrong!

At the beginning, Rod also did not doubt that these four guys were not real people at all, but only the avatar of the mirror image created by ‘Wright’ by some unknown method. However, after careful observation by Master Mage Rod, it was discovered that the four masked men in black who were standing quietly from the beginning to the end did not move, not only carrying different weapons, but even shaking the weapon occasionally. Looks like it's obviously not a mirror body!

Therefore, Arcanist Rhode can say with certainty that the five people on the opposite side are absolutely live, not speculative mirrors. However, it was this discovery that made Arcanist Rod not dare to act rashly.

You have to know that only one sniper has attacked until now, but even from the start of the battle to the present, only one point has not been missed. Whatever the reason, the Magic Branch has lost three contestants on this side, and even left at this moment. Druid Liosa and his Arcane Master obviously couldn't last long.

So in this case, let him, a “fragile” Arcanist, use [Flash] to rush to the opposite group of high-level fighters, which is clearly looking for death!

After all, in addition to the magic swordsman "blue", the combatant "white" and the assassin "green" that appeared in the singles and doubles before, there is an extra singles because it has been able to ensure Victory and abstain, the first time the mad warrior 'Red' who appeared in front of everyone and held a pair of crescent-shaped one-handed axe!

Therefore, for Arcanist Rod, unless he has water in his head, he will definitely not take the initiative to rush to death!

(If it does n’t work, I ’ll learn Liao Sha ’s general use of magic to attack on the spot! Anyway, it seems to be a “death” on the left and right now. Even if it ’s defeated, it ’s better to be stupid. , Just do it!)

Thinking of here, Arcanist Rod did the rest and stirred up the whole body magic, and then whispered a complicated and mysterious ancient mantra. Seeing his concentrated and somewhat nervous look, he clearly felt that He didn't show it with 100% certainty.

However, shortly after the Arcanist Roder began to recite spells, the iron feather eagle struggling in the arena and struck halfway, because of all the joints on his body, Zhang Yang was shot into a sniper arrow, so that In the end, although he still had consciousness, his body could no longer move, and he could only fall to the ground with extreme unwillingness and occasionally flutter.

Therefore, the only player left on the side of the Magic Branch is the Master Magister Rod ...

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