Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1581: Influence

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For most ordinary people born in the magic kingdom of Pompeii today, war fighters have always been in the eyes of everyone. This is so that even if someone does not have any strength, even the lowest-level professional is not even counted, but when facing the fourth-level silver level, or even the fifth-level gold level combatants, he is likely to still use Disdainful eyes looked at each other.

On the contrary, if the target is changed to a magician, even if the magician is just a new magician who is not much stronger than the magic apprentice, but only by the robe representing the identity of the magic body, or even just the magician 'These three words themselves seem to have doubled their value, and suddenly became the best people.

So over time, this trend has made the magic kingdom Pompeii fewer and fewer warriors, so that it is clearly the Holy Magic Academy, which is called the magic kingdom of Pompeii. The number of staff branch is less than one-tenth compared to the magic branch, and even now it has developed to the point where it is unsustainable and almost eliminated by the college!

However, the problem is that even if the magician is stronger, if the relationship of professional characteristics is to fully exert their combat power, then the best way is still to cooperate with the combatants, or even take a step back, even if there is no combat at the same level It is also good for the fighters to cooperate with them.

Therefore, for the slightly talented Pompeii of the magic kingdom, it is necessary to become a magician, even if it is not a magician, it is necessary to mix a magic apprentice or an alchemist apprentice. The number of combatants is increasing. Less has become an urgent problem.

In desperation, many magicians in the magic kingdom of Pompeii can better ensure their safety when they go out, and at the same time they can also play a role of containment when dealing with Warcraft. Asia hired mercenaries to assist.

This is invisible and greatly increased the cost of the magicians to go out. Not to mention, for those who are difficult to survive in Pompeii, it is a very strong impact.

It's a pity that no matter how hard the gray-haired Vance manages in recent years, he even put most of his energy and financial resources into the earth dragon army, the only army in the magic kingdom of Pompeii, which is mainly composed of warfighters. However, for the overall environment, the number of combatants is still not improving, and the number of people wanting to become combatants is declining year by year. A dose of a "heart booster" with a significant effect is particularly important. .

So whether it is the white-haired Vance who is the leader of the domestic warlords in Pompeii, or the queen of magic, Estra, who is the supreme ruler, after trial and error in the traditional way, they realized that simple The support and assistance of China cannot solve the problem that the talents of Pompeii domestic combatants are dying.

However, the problem is that even in Pompeii, which admires magic, warfighters are still indispensable.

After all, whether it is to protect the magician, or as a city guard to maintain public security in major cities, even the logistics support of the Magic Corps on the expedition, the transportation of resources and loot, etc., all require a large number of combatants and ordinary soldiers .

So after thinking about it, a victory that is sufficiently influential and compelling for all professionals is necessary. In the case where the Earth Dragon Legion is not an opponent of the Magic Legion at all, it is the best choice for the whole school of the Sacred Demon Academy to compare this event, which is familiar to all Pompeii.

When it comes to this, I have to admit that Zhang Yang's luck is really 'positive'. Just when the Queen of Magic Estra and the outbreak of Vance were worried about this matter, 'Wright' has become famous in the human kingdom in recent years. The guy who rose up suddenly appeared in their sight.

So afterwards things are simple. Do n’t look at the Queen of Magic, Estra, who still looks young and beautiful, but in fact, she is more than 100 years old, and she has been more than 100 years just to become the Queen of Magic. Isn't it one by one?

It is just that when the Warrior Branch is under the leadership of Zhang Yang, it has really broken through, and it has broken the magic branch ’s hegemony for a hundred years in the competition of the Holy Devil College, and it has even occupied the advantage to see the final victory. When the impact was initiated, the magic queen Estra and the white-haired Vance as the initiators suddenly had a somewhat unreal feeling!

Even though Zhang Yang has always been looking forward to, but when the Warrior Branch really used the victory of one game after another, gradually accumulated and finally step by step to the situation that today obviously overwhelms the magic branch, it will be inside the arena. The change in the number of viewers and the atmosphere also looked at the magic queen, Estella, and suddenly understood the charm of occupations such as warfighters!

It was a feeling of courage, strength, determination and conviction, especially the ten-member group game that just ended. The kind of enthusiasm to fight with all your strength and wisdom even if you know you must lose, even if it is still the end All the staff were eliminated, but that persistence made all the audience in the audience see the blood boiling!

So even if there is still the last distinctive "survival competition" in the whole school competition of the Sacred Magic College so far, neither the Queen of Magic Estra or the white-haired Vance believe that when the rest After the game is over, there will be many people who will take the initiative to sign up at the Sacred Devil Warrior Branch!

In this way, as long as the Warrior Branch that has been injected with "fresh blood" can maintain this positive momentum, and then achieve good results in the next St. Devil ’s College competition, then not only will the Holy Spirit be disbanded The Demon Academy Warriors Branch can be preserved, and the status quo of the warlords in Pompeii, who are not valued and the talents withered, will gradually improve.

To be honest, seeing such an effective Queen of Magic, Estella, wanted to buckle Zhang Yang in the magic kingdom of Pompeii, but the problem is that she also understands that this kind of thing is basically difficult to do. After all, even throwing Not to mention the difference between opening a country, the legendary Wright's confidantes in the French Empire are enough to make him have to rush back anyway.

Thinking of returning to the Violet Castle here, the magic queen, Estra Strand, who was standing alone by the window, sighed helplessly. Don't look at her almost regardless of status or her own strength now almost reaching the peak of humanity, but many things are still not her control.

Not to mention, Sannali, the favorite student of the Queen of Magic Estra, is not a master who is obedient to others. As for the other outstanding student, Aisha ...

(Although Sang Nali is superior in talent and strength, her personality is too strong, and she can only be regarded as a medium in terms of appearance, otherwise it would be a good choice for her to walk around with that Wright, after all, it is still magic in terms of strength. The identity of the heir to the Queen of the Kingdom should be more competitive than Wright ’s confidantes in France. And Aishami is beautiful, but she is too arrogant and clear, and she seems to be completely out of tune with that Wright. , So you do n’t have to count on this. Forget it ... It ’s already pretty good now, if you keep the man again, it may have the opposite effect. It ’s just that I did n’t expect that Wright can really not be in such a short time. The Warriors Branch brought about changes, so if you can keep him in Pompeii, if you do n’t want to use it in decades, can the strength and number of Pompeii warriors be improved?)

The so-called strategy in place means that people will change in the way they think about the problem and the height of the problem as their identity and status change. Therefore, even though the Queen of Magic, Estra, prefers to be a pure magician, as Queen Pompeii of the Magic Kingdom, she often has to think about the issues in the interest of this country.

Fortunately, compared to those who were ruthless and ruthless for the sake of 'national justice', Estra was still more "humanized" as a woman. After all, if you change to the Lan Empire in the same situation, The prince ’s words, once Zhang Yang is found to be useful to himself and the kingdom, he will not easily let him go.

However, as the hottest topic in Pompeii's magic kingdom at the moment, Zhang Yang, who is remembered by countless people, is doing what at the moment?

In fact, it is completely different from the situation that people supposedly want to celebrate. At this moment, in the fortress to which the Warrior Branch belongs, all the members of the Warrior Branch are intensively preparing for the ‘survival competition’ that will be held tomorrow.

After all, compared to things like celebration, I have already seen the members of the Warrior Branch of the Dawn of Winning. To be honest, I hold my heart and wait for the defeat of the Magic Branch tomorrow. This desire is so strong that the members of the Warrior Branch who are back in the fortress of the Warrior Branch at this moment, regardless of the mentor or the student, now have a nearly fanatic expression on their faces!

It's just that unlike the extremely excited state of Alvor, Piper, and Page, who seemed to be 'beating chicken blood', Zhang Yangzheng was sitting alone at the top of the fortress belonging to the Warrior Branch and carrying a wine bottle. In the southwestern part, the extremely abnormal fuchsia is fascinated.

I don't know why. At the moment, Zhang Yang's heart always feels a little uneasy. The unforeseen feeling that something seems to have happened is always lingering in his heart.

Moreover, although it was just at night, the sky was not completely dark, but in Zhang Yang ’s memory, he never saw the weird fuchsia in the sky! Reminiscent of the southwest is the direction of the death desert, so Zhang Yang has every reason to suspect that this particular sky is probably related to the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg!

(Can it be just a month later, that the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg have recovered their vitality, and then began to attack the human kingdom? If so, humans, or the entire life on the Orlando continent can still be from this Do you persevere during this disaster?)

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