Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1585: The disaster of Pompeii (1)

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In fact, the news brought by Evan and others in their lives is really precious, and it can even be said that if the news is not known in advance, so that the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg continue to develop, then once these huge bugs are ready, Take the initiative to launch an attack on the human country, then people may face more than this situation with the fifth-order flying insects at the moment, even the sixth-level Ahn'Qiraj battle Will appear frequently.

So in a sense, although Evan and others led these Zergs out of the depths of the dead desert in advance, it actually weakened the Zerg's overall strength. After all, even for the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, it is not an easy task to breed these tens of thousands of flying worms with only fifth-order strength.

So thinking of this, the Queen of Magic, Estra, first nodded to Evan with respect, and then saw her stretch out the pair of jade-like slender hands to draw a complex purple magic circle from the air with magic power. Volley drove it up.

Evan, who had always been extremely anxious to see here, was relieved. After all, with his level and strength, it can be seen that the magic array released by the magic queen Estra at the moment is a kind of advanced communication magic. The only difference is that the general communication magic only transmits the user's voice, and this advanced communication magic array can transmit some text information together in the form of magic ciphertext.

So as the magic circle on the side of the magic queen, Estra, started to run, a sharp magic alarm sounded above the magic kingdom capital Dalaran! Not only that, as a crisp crystal-like sound gradually sounded, a hemispherical magic shield large enough to cover the entire city of Dalaran, but it had gradually risen from the wall outside Dalaran , And finally merged completely in a height of more than a thousand meters.

At this point, the defense system of Dalaran City is fully activated. When this layer of magic shield exists, it can not only resist any external attacks, but even form a layer of prohibition above the shield. Fly area.

Not only that, this situation is happening in almost all major cities in the entire magic kingdom of Pompeii, so except for the Pompeii soldiers who have been given a strong alert command, they are not too surprised. Ordinary people, after seeing the city's protective cover rise at this moment, all of them suddenly changed their looks and hurried back to their homes, and then completely locked the door.

It's just that the queen of magic, Estra, who did all this, did not put away the magic array in his hand directly, but at the same time controlled it in his hand, he said to Evan in front of him:

"Okay, now the shields of all cities have been raised. Even if all the insects in your mouth have a destructive power of more than 5th order, it is by no means possible to break this super-large shield with the number of days. Compared with this point, how to effectively eliminate these flying insects is the top priority, do you have any comments or suggestions? "

The Queen of Magic, Estra, has never been a good-tempered person, so like this situation where the enemy is knocking on the door, she naturally cannot do that. Even if she could not destroy the group of fifth-order flying insects that had killed a large number of her elite scout squads, I am afraid she would not be able to dispel her hatred.

Therefore, compared with the combat information given by Zhang Yang, Evan, who fought these flying insects all the way and is a magician, obviously has more say.

"Yes, through this battle we have long understood the characteristics of these flying insects. Although we ca n’t test the shell hardness of these flying insects because we are all magicians, we are facing the resistance of various magic systems. At this point, we have come to a definite conclusion! In fact, what is completely unexpected is that the giant bugs that usually fear the fire magic are surprisingly high resistance to the fire magic! Mo said Most fire-range magic causes very little damage to it, and even the powerful killing magic effect of Flame Blast is quite insignificant. "

Speaking of this, Evan didn't know if he suddenly thought of something. In short, his face looked obviously dark, and then he continued to say:

"In fact, it's not just the fire magic that has a bad effect on these Zergs, even the wind magic has a great deal of damage to them. Based on the results of my own test, whether it is fifth-order range magic or fifth-order single Body magic, at most, only half of the original damage is done! As for magic below level 5, the effect is even more attenuated. The problem is that compared with earth magic, the effect of wind and fire magic is already good. In addition, no matter whether it is stone bombs, ground spikes or quicksands of various levels, even the gravity technique performed by senior soil magicians has no obvious effect on these insects, so in the face of these insects At that time, earth magicians played a greater role in preventing enemies and defending than they did in attacking, so if possible, I suggest that all earth magicians in the kingdom should stay in the city. "

"It's such a thing ?! If these bugs really have high resistance to the three lines of magic of the ground, wind, and fire, then this situation may only be related to the environment of the dead desert."

"Master Queen, what do you mean?"

"Although it is not certain, it is very likely. After all, based on the analysis of the few Zerg corpses brought back by Wright at the time, those insects had no resistance at all to all kinds of magic at that time, but this passed. Less than a month, these insects have such high resistance to the three elements of fire, earth and wind, so the only possibility is that these insects are adapting to the local environment of the dead desert, which is why they are The reason for the extremely high resistance to the three elements of the soil, fire and wind in the desert! "

As far as the vision of the Queen of Magic Estra, if you dare to say this, then the result is absolutely inseparable. So after listening to her analysis, Evan suddenly couldn't hide the surprise in his heart and frowned.

After all, for most of Warcraft on the Orlando continent, most of them are only highly resistant to a certain natural element, and like these Ahn'Qiraj Zerg generally have high resistance to multiple elements, perhaps only The legendary dragon family.

So the question is whether these bugs, who seem to have no language ability and fight completely regardless of their own life and death, will it really be a powerful creature comparable to the dragon?

Unfortunately, I am afraid that no one can get an answer to this question. Moreover, compared to this academic question, information about the weaknesses of these bugs is the most important at this moment. So after thinking carefully, Evan paused for a moment before continuing:

"Perhaps your idea is correct. Although these insects have strong resistance to the three elements of the earth, wind and fire, they are completely resistant to water magic, natural magic, dark magic, and undead and arcane magic. There is no resistance at all! The reason why our Scouting team was able to rush out of the center of the dead desert while fighting, a large part of the reason is that the water magicians in our team accounted for a relatively high Together, the teams almost made up the relationship of ten people. Unfortunately, almost all of them in the later period were almost magical, mentally exhausted or even overdrawn, so I was the only one in the end ... "

Evan's eyes suddenly became wet when he thought of the investigative team brothers who died generously in order to get him to send the news back. It should be understood that because of the relatively small number of investigative teams, most of the tasks performed are extremely dangerous, so that over time, all members of the investigative team, including Evan, have become like brothers.

Now it's okay, the brothers who fought together and laughed together in the past died in the blink of an eye. Why did Evan, who is the captain, feel so bad? It's just that it's obviously not the time to mourn and mourn the dead, so after lowering his head to touch the tears, Evan, who has raised his head again, has changed back to his previous firmness.

Although Estella, the Queen of Pompeii, is very sympathetic to Evan's experience, she understands that this sacrifice is for the chance of tens of millions of people! Moreover, if one day the situation really develops to the point where you have to work hard, even if Estra is the queen of Pompeii, she will do her best for her country even if it is dead!

So at this moment, Queen of Magic, Estella, did not softly comfort Evan, but straightened her waist and said:

"Evan of the Magic Kingdom Scouting Squad!"

"Your Majesty!"

"The information you brought back about the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is very precious. With this information as a reference, whether it is a magic legion or becoming a legion, it will reduce a lot of unnecessary losses. Therefore, the blood and sweat you and your brothers paid The sacrifices are not in vain. When the crisis passes, their families will definitely receive corresponding awards and proper care! "

"All for Pompeii!"

"Very good! So can you continue fighting now? Can you use your experience to fight the incoming flying insects?"

"of course!"

"That's good! Now as Queen of Pompeii, the Magic Kingdom, I will order you to gather the remaining members of the Scouting Squad and temporarily join the branch of the Magic Legion in Dalaran to immediately start the defense and counterattack against the incoming Zerg!

"Lord Queen! All for Pompeii!"

"All for Pompeii!"


In fact, just as the Queen of Magic, Estra, talked to Evan, there was a faint sound of magic explosion from the southwest. It is important to know that the geographic location of Dalaran is not only the capital of Pompeii, but also the center of Pompeii!

Therefore, in this position, you can hear the sound of continuous explosions, which means that the flying insects have broken through the blockade of the border cities, including the Emerald City, and come directly to the interior of the magic kingdom Pompeii!

Therefore, even a few days ago, the Queen of Magic Estra had ordered to strengthen the vigilance, and all major cities in Pompeii have raised large magic shields when the danger comes, but those slightly remote villages and towns , I ’m just afraid I ca n’t take it seriously.

So after thousands of years of peaceful life, Pompeii, an ancient kingdom with a long history, failed to hide from this catastrophe!

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