Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1589: The disaster of Pompeii (5)

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As a public teleportation magic array that can be used by all high-level magicians, the teleportation room set up in the hall of the inner space department of the magic branch of the Sacred Magic Academy is naturally not comparable to the teleportation hall in the Violet Castle for the magic queen. Whether it is the number of personnel that can be transferred at the same time, or the stability and efficiency of the transfer, there are quite obvious differences.

Therefore, when Queen's Guard Mai Wendi came here with Zhang Yang and others, the Magic Branch competitors who had set off one step earlier had just left here, and even the space fluctuations caused by using the teleportation magic array had not completely dispersed. .

This kind of feeling is not obvious to the members of Peiqi, Alvo and other soldiers branch, but for Zhang Yang, a lucky person who has experienced many space transmissions, it can be clearly felt. Arrived. So after entering the room where the magic circle is sent, Zhang Yang's eyes subconsciously bet on the huge purple crystal shimmering on the roof, and after this situation was seen by Mai Wendi not far away, it made him Suddenly surprised.

(Can this person still have the talent of the space department ?! If I guess correctly, he should also feel the fluctuation of the space department magic in this room that has not completely dissipated, like me?)

Thinking of this possibility, Mai Wendi was really unbelievable. After all, Zhang Yang had seen and witnessed the scene when he participated in the test of the whole school of the Holy Demon College before hiding and changing his identity. Therefore, as a sixth-level Zijin intermediate strong He naturally understands that a professional who already has the power of the soul, can also possess several professional characteristics of warfighters, and has a certain degree of water magic ability is definitely a super difficult existence!

However, this discovery at this moment made Zhang Yang's dangerous level in McWendy's mind suddenly soar again by nearly 20%! After all, McIndy deeply understands that even if this Wright is only because of the power of the soul, the perception is so keen that he can feel like his fake space, arcane double magician The remaining space fluctuates here, instead of really having the ability of space magic, but this is already a great threat to space magicians who are different from the magic of each department!

It should be known whether it is for short-range space teleportation magic, or the more commonly used flash spell in combat. If the opponent will perceive the position where it will appear in advance during the use, then almost completely lose the suddenness. The use of this type of magic will definitely be greatly reduced!

Once the short-range space teleportation magic or flash spell is used by the other party to determine the landing point in advance, so that the other party can use it, then the magician who just completed the space teleportation is likely to face the completion of the magic but find himself actually active Put your neck on the edge of the opponent's knife!

Therefore, when he realized that Zhang Yang might be the most unwilling character of this space magician, McWendy completely gave up the idea of ​​helping Aisha give Zhang Yang a secret trip.

"Okay, this is the teleport room where the magic circle is located. Because our number is not large, I will send you in two batches later. But before I emphasize, even if there is magic With the help of the formation and the stable teleportation, space teleportation magic also has a probability of about 5 to 1,000 percent error. So to further reduce this risk, once you start the teleportation, you must remember not to use any grudge or magic It ’s even better not to have any physical movements. In this way, I should be able to reduce the probability of error to about 1%. At that time, unless someone ’s luck is too bad, there should be no problem. Leave the area where Teleport Magic Array is located as soon as possible, otherwise if there is any person who is in an emergency and must teleport directly, then if there is still someone staying above Teleport Magic Array, both sides will be lucky if they collide together. It ’s troublesome to cause turbulence in space. "

(Luck is too bad? Is it like me?)

Although the probability of one percent according to McWendy's words is already very low, the words in Zhang Yang's ears still made him feel drummed. After all, in terms of his personal experience, whether it is an active teleportation or accidentally being involved in space teleportation magic, he can reach his destination safely and safely, and he can thank him once or twice in ten times!

So if you are really lucky, do n’t look at only about 1% chance of an accident, but for Zhang Yang, it ’s not guaranteed to be spread!

It's a pity that he doesn't seem to have any other choice in this situation now, so Zhang Yang who listened to this can only nod like the one like Peggy and others.

McWendy, who got an affirmative answer in this way, began to get busy. After all, the long-distance magic transmission is not a child's play. Not only does it need to determine accurate coordinates in advance, but even because the transmission distance is far away, and the relationship between four people at a time is only dependent on Mai The burden of Wendy's magic in a person is too heavy, so even the magic nuclei and crystals consumed when releasing magic are a cost that ordinary professionals can hardly afford.

So even though McIndy's hands and feet are quite brisk, the technique of playing with the magic array is very skilled, but it still takes about three points to miss from the beginning to the preparation.

Fortunately, it takes a lot of time to reach the Emerald City compared to choosing other ways to rush, now it is still too convenient and fast to use the teleportation magic circle, so it is worthwhile to wait for a three-point leak, even if it is very leaky. .

So when McVendi was all prepared, Alvor, Munch, and others who had never experienced magic teleportation did not see a trace of tension at all, but happily took the lead in the magic circle. Zhang Yang could not understand this, so he asked directly:

"Do you know that if you make a mistake or encounter an accident during the transmission, then your chances of surviving are absolutely negligible, and even the corpse may not be retained, so are you not nervous?"

Regarding the question raised by Zhang Yang, Alvo answered indifferently:

"It's nothing to be nervous, after all, there is only a 1% chance of an accident, isn't it? So if such a low probability can be shared by me, then I have nothing to say. Moreover, I haven't experienced it in my life. After the magic teleportation, you have to know that this kind of thing can't be done with money alone. There is no such special thing at this moment, and other high-level space magicians will not take it as our warfighters. Whatever! So it is worthwhile to feel the magic of teleportation in your lifetime! "

Zhang Yang, who got this kind of answer, suddenly understood that for Alvo and Mengqi, with their strength and position in the magic kingdom of Pompeii, they basically have no chance to contact the 'high-end' of magic transmission. Things, so they are rushing to experience this rare experience, and they will not leave regrets in this life. They will forget the 1% danger.

Furthermore, where can you be a professional without experiencing danger? Whether it is fighting or something else, even traveling by boat may be in danger, so for Alvo and others, instead of worrying about catching the 'one percent' error probability, it is better to worry about receiving The next battle against the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg will be even more real.

In this way, after Zhang Yang nodded recklessly, as the big magician Mai Wendi read the spell to drive the magic array in front of him, just after a burst of white light that was not particularly dazzling, he just stood motionless just now. Among them, Alvor and others disappeared completely.

When Zhang Yang, Page, and McIndy entered the Magic Array together, McWendy, who had been arranging the Magic Array for a while, was suddenly asked without looking back:

"Mr. Wright, listen to what you said to them just now. Could it be that you are a little worried about the security of teleportation using magic circles?"

After listening to Mai Wendi's question, Zhang Yang sighed helplessly before answering with a little emotion:

"It can't be said completely, just a few bad experiences."

To be honest, McWendy asked the question, and didn't expect the other person to answer. After all, as far as he knows, even some high-level magicians have a little fear of teleporting magic, but most of them are left-handed and he doesn't want to admit it. It is important to know that space-based magic is more powerful than elemental magic, but it is also more dangerous, not to mention that once the chance of an accident of a few percent is spread, the coordinate error is transmitted to other places. It is light. If it is It's really dead if it falls into the void of the plane or underground rock.

So when Zhang Yang answered, instead, McWendy and others froze after listening. After all, even if the space magician himself usually uses space to send a type of magic too often, not to mention war fighters. So when I heard that Zhang Yang had experienced several accidents during the space transmission, and still survived in good order, how could anyone not be surprised?

It's just that Zhang Yang obviously doesn't want to speak on this topic, so when everyone looks at him, Zhang Yang just shook his head slightly and then stopped talking. This really made Paige and Mai Wendi and others feel at once. It became like a cat scratching, it was completely the feeling that the story was gone when the story was critical.

So I don't know if it was frightened by Zhang Yang's words. McVendi, who was clearly all ready, actually re-checked all the steps before starting to cast the spell.

However, just when the magic array at the foot of Zhang Yang's people had lighted up and he was about to start teleporting, the door of the teleport room that was supposed to be undisturbed was suddenly pushed open by someone! It's a pity that Zhang Yang and others have been shrouded in white light that is unique to teleportation magic at this time, so that even Zhang Yang's eyesight can't see what the person looks like ...

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