Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1591: The disaster of Pompeii (7)

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In fact, in Zhang Yang's view, magic is a very esoteric skill with high precision requirements. Therefore, in addition to the talent for a certain element, the level of knowledge and concentration and the ability to control and use magic can all determine magic. The important factor of strength.

Among them, the space magic can be called the leader of all magics in terms of complexity and precision. Therefore, whether it is to release magic normally or use a magic array, for most casters, in addition to consuming more Big instant magic can skip this point, and a relatively stable and undisturbed environment is inevitable to whether the magic can be released successfully.

Or how to say that the magic tower will be so great for the caster. After all, the magic tower can provide almost endless magic for the magician in it by consuming magic core or magic crystal. The solidified anti-interference magic arrays at all levels are also one of the guarantees for the magicians in them to fully exert their maximum strength.

It is only for the teleportation magic in the space magic, because the space energy is almost ubiquitous, which makes it best not to be disturbed even if there is an anti-interference magic array during the teleportation. This is why in the Violet Castle and the Sacred Magic Academy, all have a dedicated transmission room in a relatively quiet place.

This approach is not a matter of having money and nowhere to burn, but a real consideration for safety. It's a pity that no one ever thought of the Sacred Demon Academy's transmission room where few people usually come, and it happened to be pushed away at the most critical time!

Therefore, at the moment when Zhang Yang, Page and McWendy carried out the teleportation, the usual opening action still had some influence on this long-distance space teleportation. So this situation suddenly made Zhang Yang nervous. After all, too many bad experiences were there. If he was transported to an unknown place at this critical moment, it would be difficult to return to the human country. Zhang Yang, I'm afraid there will be an urge to collapse.

Fortunately, this effect is not a big problem for the space teleportation magic circle that is already running. Moreover, McVendy, who controls the magic circle at this moment, is still a high-level magician with a sixth-level purple gold intermediate strength, so even It was slightly affected by the transmission, but there should be no big mistakes ... should ...

So when Zhang Yang and three people were wrapped in a space of energy and quickly passed through that space channel, as the white light dispersed, the Emerald City finally appeared in the three ... below? .

"This! Why is it in the air! The instructor is trying to find a way!"

In fact, before the start of the teleport, McVendi already said that the most fearful thing when carrying out the teleportation is that the destination is ambiguous, or the caster has no impression of the destination at all. If that is the case, not only the probability of failure It must be increased by at least 30 percentage points, even if it is a lucky pass, and it appears to be light in the middle of the sky. It can't be embedded directly in the mountain or the boulder, it is really terrible.

Therefore, for this spatial transmission beyond the line of sight, accurate coordinates can be said to be particularly important. And this is one of the reasons why McIndy needs to use the Saint Magic Academy teleportation room. It is important to know that not only does it increase the stability of the teleportation, but also allows him to greatly reduce his consumption. The magic magic teleportation room also stores magic. The specific coordinates of the teleports between the major cities of the Kingdom of Pompeii!

Therefore, if everything goes well, the three of Zhang Yang should theoretically appear directly in the transmission room under the Emerald City Magic Council like Alvor and others who have sent the past, instead of appearing directly in the Emerald City at this moment. 500 meters above the south!

However, the problem is that since the unexpected situation has occurred at this moment, it makes no sense to entangle the reason why this is so. In contrast, how to think of a safe landing at this point in the fall is the top priority.

Of course, the danger mentioned here mainly refers to the height of the three people. After all, falling from a height of 500 meters is not a joke. Even if Zhang Yang ’s strength and strong physical quality are concerned, once Without any buffer, it directly landed on the ground, so the result was really not even daring to imagine himself.

In this way, it is almost mortal to put on such a falling impact that even Zhang Yang can't afford to put on the page with only fifth-level gold primary strength. In contrast, as a high-level magician, Mai Wendi There is absolutely no need to worry about this. After all, as long as it is not born with no affinity for the wind element, then for the magician, no matter what kind of magic they are good at, when the strength is sufficient Kongshu] is definitely the only choice!

So compared to Zhang Yang who was looking around while falling, and Paige who was struggling with excitement around him, McWendy, a magician, just fell a dozen meters down and flashed blue, and then suddenly Stabilized in mid-air and then changed position to accelerate actively to chase the position where Zhang Yang and Page fell.

However, the problem is that the three Zhang Yang who are in the air at the moment are not undisturbed. Just two or three hundred meters below them, tens of thousands of bodies are generally more than two and five meters long. The forelimbs are a pair of bone sickles The giant purple flying insects are forming a erratic circle in hundreds of units, and then seem to intersect each other with intermittent suspended gears, attacking the enchantment above the emerald city in batches one by one.

To tell the truth, in addition to people's fear of scalp numbness, the group strength and strict organization shown by the cooperation of countless giant flying insects are absolutely beyond the ability of Warcraft.

It can be said that anyone who sees this scene will sigh at the same time. Where is this bug in people's previous impressions? It is basically a special army with strict organization, superb coordination and attack capabilities!

However, it must be mentioned that even in the face of a total of nearly 10,000 "wheel-shaped" attacks with only fifth-order Warcraft strength Ahn'Qiraj flying insects, the huge colorful magic enchantment covered above the Emerald City still has no collapse. meaning. Even when the huge flying insect swung a sickle-like front claw on the "colorful enchantment" with the power of the sprint, the moment when the bone claw collided with the "colorful enchantment" was burst out A fluff like a spark only when the metal hits and polishes!

Judging from this situation, it seems that in terms of the number and power of these flying insects, there is no way to take this huge colorful shield in a short period of time, but compared to the solid city defense, the gates outside the emerald city The residual limbs and blood that almost covered the entire city gate are silently describing the cruelty of the attacking flying insects!

After all, whether it is the Emerald City or other large cities in the southwest of the magic kingdom of Pompeii, even the capital of Dalaran is included, and there are many ordinary farmers living in the surroundings. In this way, if you count the caravans and travelers traveling between cities, it can be said that even major cities in the Pompeii of the Magic Kingdom raised large magic shields in time when these Ahn'Qiraj flying insects attacked, and then these The city is protected, but for those civilians who happen to be on the route of the Ahn'Qiraj flying insects and have no time to move to nearby cities, it is a complete disaster ...

Therefore, when the three Zhang Yang suddenly appeared above the Emerald City, at least one-tenth of the Ahn'Qiraj flying insects below that were competing with the large magic shield above the city suddenly shifted their targets to the three Zhang Yang!

As a result, the situation suddenly became more critical. After all, Zhang Yang and others who had become the targets of thousands of fifth-order Ahn'Qiraj flying insects suddenly fell into desperation when the falling crisis was not lifted.

Therefore, in the face of a large group of Ahn'Qiraj flying insects coming from below, the big magician Mai Wendi who wanted to reach out to them, had to abandon his original plan and turned to the front. Those Ahn'Qiraj flying insects raised their hands and released a total of more than three dozen densely packed [Arcane Barrage]!

However, the problem is that for the evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects that were recently born on the mainland of Orlando, their own resistance to all kinds of magic has long exceeded the early safety of Zhang Yang encountered in the death desert. Qiraji Zerg member.

So even though these Ahn'Qiraj flying insects are not as resistant to Arcane magic as they are to the four elements of Earth, Fire, Wind, and Light, the hard resistance is already won by quantity, and the individual lethality is relatively high. The small Arcane Barrage is more than enough.

So after the purple fire mass formed by a series of small arcane missiles exploded, none of the dozens of Ahn'Qiraj flying insects affected by this attack were shot down, even the most seriously injured were just broken Part of the wings, so that the flight speed is slightly reduced.

Seeing this scene, Paige, who was nervous and frightened by the sudden fall, was a bit desperate. After all, even if his strength was a bit lower than that of Zhang Yang and Mai Wendi, but under Zhang Yang ’s deliberate training, he felt Is much more sensitive than professionals of the same level.

In addition, these Ahn'Qiraj flying insects are hard to resist [Arcane Barrage], but fart things don't have this, so that Page can easily judge the strength of these huge purple flying insects!

So even Paige didn't say anything after the first exclaimed voice, but his pale face, whose blood was almost washed away by fear, showed the truest thoughts in his heart.

However, when Page felt consciously dying, he was suddenly feeling his shoulders tight, and when he looked sideways, he found that it was n’t anyone else who caught him at this time. It was Wright who did n’t say a word from beginning to end. tutor!

Not only that, but he is still in crisis now, his face is still as usual as usual, and I do n’t know when he has taken the unique Adamantite sword in his hands!

"Look, this is how I fight!"

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