Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 15: One step to four rides

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Anyone who is familiar with military tactics knows an axiom: cavalry is the nemesis of infantry. Heavy cavalry is a nightmare for ordinary infantry.

Therefore, when Zhang Yang lifted his sword shield to meet the elite of the four heavy rides. Everyone felt that he was crazy, purely ignorant of life and death. Although the combat strength of ordinary soldiers mostly hover around Tier 1, some elite soldiers may also reach Tier 1 advanced strength! Obviously, the heavy knights of Macales are not weak! At this time, only the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion just watched nervously, and even two people watched with the attitude of watching lively / joke watching: Nake and Mosi, these two faces still had a faint red The captain of Yin Zi. They believe that if it is their "Miss Wright", it should be a victory. Only those who have been physically abused know how powerful the young man who looks like a thin figure, who seems to be unable to do any swordsmanship, Nack and Mo West, as the captain of the Silver Pegasus Regiment, is very strong in physique and combat skills. They have all reached the level of the peak of the Tier 1 soldiers! Therefore, they were defeated by Wright and they simply believed that as long as they were not the second level or above guys who would use grudge, it should not matter. It's just that if the four knights go together, it's still dangerous, um, but it's just trouble for "Miss Wright"! ? Therefore, these two guys who were beaten out of worship believe that their "Miss Wright" will win, although they will be miserable after being called ...

Zhang Yang breathed deeply and his body was doing his best to relax and adjust. This should be the second challenge since rebirth. The first time it was not a challenge, it was desperately! Wright couldn't help thinking of the crazy fire leopard. It's really unlucky to say, how long it will take to continue desperately. Really enough ... but, to survive! Be sure to beat them! There is a bigger chance of winning one-on-one, and you can use your previous fighting knowledge to gain an advantage. Once there are more people, can this small body withstand this consumption and test? You will be injured if you are hit! So ... a tactic is needed!

Zhang Yang left his shield to protect his upper body sideways, his right hand held his sword, his sword pointed to the ground, and his left leg stepped a half lunge. Calm eyes looked at the knight opposite.


The four knights looked at each other, and the knight on the far left walked forward.

"To deal with this little kid, I am enough alone!"

After talking about it, he rushed towards Wright when he raised his rifle. Isn't there a heavy cavalry that accelerates over long distances ... underestimated.

Zhang Yang didn't move, and steadily took a defensive posture, but just quietly looked at the rushing knight, looking at the sharp spearpoint. 5 meters ... 4 meters ... 3 meters ...

2 meters ... here!

After all, it is an elite knight, and the speed of 4 meters per instant is mentioned in the distance speed of only 10 meters! At this time, by the strength of the wildebeest, the knight made a sudden spike and ran straight to Wright's chest with the sound of the wind breaking! Heavy cavalry plus wildebeest and armor vests, weighing more than 800 Pakri! Such a large weight plus the strength of the knight is concentrated on the point of the gun. If it pierces the shield straight, then I am afraid that Zhang Yang ’s ability at this time will be struck through with the shield. and so……

Zhang Yangfei flew sideways to the right, flashing past the point of the piercing gun. Then he turned back and hit the gun with a shield. Immediately afterwards, he turned around and jumped with all his strength! (Riding on the horse is relatively high, out of reach.) At this time, the knight had just rushed past Wright, and Zhang Yang's blow seemed to push him heavily behind him! ……when! ! ! thump! When ...

A face-to-face, this knight was hit by Zhang Yang! Originally at the level of these knights, he would not be shot down at once, but Zhang Yang's shot timing and strength were too tricky, directly breaking his immediate balance before being shot down by a blow. However, because he was a heavy knight, he was not seriously injured in heavy armor. Instead, he was shot down from the corner and then fell to the ground fiercely, but he fell into a halo. Zhang Yang's sword didn't hurt the knight, this time only a small pit appeared on the plate armor of his back! The short sword in Zhang Yang's hand was broken because of vigorous efforts!

At the same time as the knight fell, Zhang Yang quickly rushed over and grabbed the sword from the knight who had fallen. By the way, he hit a helmet against his helmet, and the unlucky boy passed out completely ...

When Zhang Yang finished cooking the unlucky knight and faced Makares again, the people under the wall were dumbfounded. In a face-to-face, the light infantry defeated the elite of the heavy cavalry ... deceptive ...

Feiya opened her ruddy mouth in surprise. She has not seen the competition between knights and warriors, and she has even seen the competition between the strong fighting. But so simple and fast, she still saw it for the first time. At the same time, I was curious about this unknown young man. What kind of secrets are you hiding?

"Oh! Good job!"

"The strongest !!"

"Come on!" Silver Pegasus 300 warriors cheered loudly ...

It's kind of interesting, to achieve this level without comprehension, is it a strong control of strength? My hands are a little tickled ... Makalus didn't get angry because his guard was knocked down, but admired the young man a little. The fire control is very good, no serious injuries, no murders. Very smart, very calm, and strong control.

The remaining three knights were shocked. Nodded to each other, the cavalry charged the horses in a row. Zhang Yang's words: Have you started to feel the pressure? Get serious ...

Zhang Yang still held his shield sideways to protect his upper body, his right hand pointed at the sword, and his left leg stepped in a half lunge. It's just that the right hand holding the sword trembles, unknown, behind him. He's so hard! ! Hand hurts!

The knight's sword that Wright took was heavier than his original, with a blade three fingers wide and nearly a meter long, and the thickest part almost half a finger. It should be a weapon specifically used by cavalry in order to facilitate chopping, so the tip of the sword is not sharp. Although this sword was slightly heavier for Zhang Yang at this time, it was used to deal with them at this time. Sanqi charge, this first hit is not easy to hide. Just thinking of seeing that the three people and three riders have spun and accelerated to a distance of 10 meters, they are ready to shoot!

The knights who were rushing to Wright were pulled into a horizontal row, so no matter how he dodged, even if the knight in the middle missed, the left and right knights could attack Zhang Yang, now it is up to him to resist. This tactic seems to be very skilled. It's just that Wright didn't think about it.

"It seems that Wright's strength is really strong. Has the Pompeii Knight unconsciously used the combined tricks on the battlefield to deal with a single strong enemy?"

Meili said silly that she hadn't awakened from the battle at that moment.

It seems that Wright's strength is very strong, but Ophelia has already seen it. Wright really doesn't know how to fight. He can achieve what he is today by completely relying on amazing response and strong control and calm response as well as the most reasonable tactics! Yes, tactics! Not with force, but with the short attack of the enemy! With time stuck, he did all this quickly and accurately. What kind of confidence and experience does this require? Is he a genius? Suddenly, Ophelia remembered a legend about the sky-chosen ...

The celestial being, the darling of heaven, is born with a powerful talent in a certain area. Once it is brought into play, it can easily surpass others ... Legendary, the only holy arrow in the world today, Master Mafarios is A natural choice. Is it ...

When the middle knight's lance pierced, Zhang Yang Quanli flashed to the left, but just before he was about to land, the left knight pierced his lance! Zhang Yang had long expected that he would postpone his shot, but such a tricky timing grasped his name. In this way, he can only put a sword on the shield, and the sword and shield together puncture the spearpoint. Through this impulse, Wright quickly landed, and then instantly bounced and rushed towards the left knight ... the wildebeest! This is to scrap their advantage, mount! If everyone is on their feet, see how you rush. At the moment just before the enemy, Zhang Yang's heart seemed to be burning with fire! Suddenly he felt his blood flow accelerating and his body was hot! Is it my heart that I want to pursue this extreme battle? Do you have a heart eager to fight?

For a moment, Zhang Yang's sword tip accurately penetrated into the gap of the war horse's leg armor, and pierced into the right hind leg of the left knight war horse. The war horse with leg injury and pain could no longer withstand the heavy pressure on his body and stumbled obliquely. The left knight was also thrown off and flew out. At this time, the remaining right knight and middle knight rushed back to protect the left knight who fell to the ground. After a pause, he rushed over even more fiercely. This time the two are very close, it is estimated that they want to take care of each other.

At this moment, Zhang Yang quickly bowed his head, ignoring the image, to avoid a stab, followed by a rush into the middle knight's horse. When there is defense, there seems to be no threat with the sword, then ... Zhang Yang hides his upper body behind the shield and fits into the horse knight's belly! The wildebeest took a slight pain and turned sharply to the right ... The right knight was unexpectedly hit by a backlash from the warrior of the middle knight, just when he just wanted to get his balance back ... Wright went from the horse's belly Suddenly rushed to his back, pulling his cloak fiercely ... Just listening to it, the right knight's tragic back lay on the ground heavily, stirring up a dust ...

At this time, many knights watching the battle subconsciously looked at the cloak behind ...

The Chinese knight hesitated for a moment, probably thinking about the consequences of the first knight who rushed up, even turned over and decisively, throwing off his lance, pulling out the sword, and preparing to play close combat.

The 300 warriors of Silver Pegasus Qi Qi mourned for him. Everyone sincerely thought that they would use grudge less than Tier 2 and don't face Wright in the battle, otherwise ...

Seeing this, Zhang Yang knew that the original Chinese knight was very confident in his walking, and it should be stronger than his ability on the horse, but it should not be dismounted so neatly. After all, the armor is very heavy, although it is also very heavy hard……

Oh I got it. Although Zhang Yang's perception is not as strong as it used to be, the small area is still unobstructed. At this time the left knight quietly pulled out the saber and came over from Wright's right side. Do you hit it? well!

Come and go, it ’s always yours to attack and defend me, so I ’ll take the lead this time! Zhang Yang thought of this, protecting half of his face with a shield, dragging his sword and rushing towards the left knight behind him! The knight knows well at first glance. Quickly bang ~ bangang ~ ran over here, but without the blessing of arrogance, the knight's heavy armor is really too heavy ... Where is running, it is completely brisk ...

The flashing body quickly changed to avoid the heavy cut of the left knight, and it was time for Zhang Yang to perform, gamestart ...

Start dancing!

Sweep, vertical split, diagonal sweep, shield strike, kick ... in less than 10 instants. Zhang Yang launched a stormy and stormy attack on the left knight. On average, he attacked more than two times in a moment. I saw the left knight splashing on Mars. The left and right swings seemed like a puppet out of balance! Completely lost the ability to fight back. In the end, a strong shield from Zhang Yang ’s left hand knocked on the helmet of the left knight. The poor guy fainted happily ... The seemingly messy hacking fell into the eyes of the master. Very delicate! Even Macales couldn't help but praise it well. Although Zhang Yang's slashing is messy, he often attacks the left knight to adjust his balance! Otherwise, a knight like a tin can, even if it is incompetent, will not be beaten by this messy attack! The reason why Zhang Yang can do this is to break the balance of the left knight, so that he has been unable to find the center of gravity to fight back. This is not a grudge skill, but a skill that is better than a grudge skill! It is also the control that Zhang Yangneng relied on countless times to survive!

There was silence under the wall ...

When Zhang Yang turned around and looked at the Chinese knight less than 2 meters away from him. The guy hesitated for a while, but put away the sword and bowed his head to Zhang Yang.

So far, 1 step to 4 ride. Victory! !

(The story about Zhang Yang's past, the plot needs, and the text will slowly appear later.)

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