Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1597: The disaster of Pompeii (13)

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As a different world race from the distant eccentric plane across the void, in Zhang Yang's memory, these evil Ahn'Qiraj Zergs have almost never demonstrated any magical ability except for their strong bodies, but they are different from the original. The information received from the ancestor of Ahn'Qiraj in the depths of the Great Lakes is consistent.

However, the key issue is that Zhang Yang clearly remembered that the original Ahn'Qiraj ancestor Ruoya once said that whether it is the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg or the orthodox Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, it is actually extremely adaptable to the environment. If they were not so, they would not be able to leave the constraints of the planet and the plane, and then wander in the extremely cruel and desolate plane void, and it is impossible to easily settle in the strange plane world.

Therefore, it can be said that even if we count all the life of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg in the entire plane world, in fact, only Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya and a few surviving Ahn'Qiraj's ancestors still retain the original Ahn'Qiraj. The origin of the Zerg.

As for the other evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg that have sprung up in the New World, even if their strength is very strong, they are no longer purely life from the plane of Ahn'Qiraj. It is a general existence similar to subspecies.

After all, if you want to survive and multiply in a brand new world, and then compete with local local life for living space and resources, then you must first adapt to the power system of this world, and then let yourself be in line with this world, so as to connect the outer plane biological Remove the 'tag' so that it can truly be recognized by the world.

And in this process of adapting to the new world and changing itself, it is said that the good point is evolution, and the bad point is mutation! But in any case, adapting to the environment and becoming strong is the only criterion. This may be the price that must be paid for survival and development. The same is also the reason why Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya can create the 'Qira's Slayer' Battle Axe, a weapon with great lethality to the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg.

After all, there is a well-spoken saying that the so-called change does not leave its ancestors, no matter how many plane worlds these evil Ahn'Qiraj zoological life occupies, and how they have changed afterwards, but the kind of bloodline that is the original Ahn'Qiraj world The awe of the origin of life is that it will never disappear.

Therefore, in this respect, it is also the fundamental reason why the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, even across the endless plane void, must kill those ancestors of the world like Ahn'Qiraj.

After all, only in this way can the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg get rid of the fear of the original brand in the bloodline, and truly remove the threat of the entire race that is not orthodox and fundamentally restrained by the ancestors!

So after all, the evil Ahn'Qiraj that has just experienced incomparably long sleep and travel, and finally arrived in the Orlando world, is actually not very powerful. After all, they need nourishment and rest no matter the body or spirit.

However, the problem is that the evil Mother Ahn'Qiraj, who is qualified to travel on the plane, will never be alone. Therefore, as long as they arrive in the New World without being destroyed by opponents who completely exceed their own strength, once they successfully land in the New World, they will be able to hunt for food and supplies at an alarming rate to recover quickly.

At that time, the evil Ahn'Qiraj worms nourished by the local fresh flesh and blood can not only quickly replenish and restore, but also draw the unique power of this world from the flesh and blood essence of these local lives! Therefore, no matter whether it is the evil Ahn'Qiraj, or the following evil Ahn'Qiraj generals who come across the void of the vast plane with their aunt, apart from continuing to sleep individually to retain the original blood, the rest of the city Acquire and adapt to the power of the new world in a very short time!

By that time, with the ability of the evil Mother Ahn'Qiraj to have almost complete control of the blood of future generations, a large number of evil Ahn'Qiraj Zergs that fully adapt to the New World's power system and have a very high comprehensive strength can be quickly deployed and born. warrior!

So no matter for which world, if it cannot be taken seriously in the early days of the advent of the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg and then completely wiped out, then once they are given sufficient development time, the world is only afraid that more than 60% of them may be affected by the evil Occupied by the Qiraji Zerg, and its ultimate result will be in the near future will be demanded by the endless evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg completely exhausted vitality, and then become a deserted extremely barren death star!

Therefore, Zhang Yang, who has completely withstood this [spiritual shock], has already possessed the power of the soul and the guardianship of the mysterious thunder and lightning nebula in the soul space, so that it is not necessary to face this kind of spiritual magic with the main body of spiritual power It is difficult to be harmed even in the face of true sixth-order soul magic.

In contrast, the main reason why he became so serious all at once is because the "controller" in this evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insect actually used spiritual magic!

(But is that really spiritual magic? Or is it just an advanced application of one's own spiritual power?)

To be honest, although Zhang Yang was shocked at the moment, he was not a real magician. At the end, he was still not sure whether the blow was a spiritual magic or an instinctive application.

After all, in theory, any intelligent creature naturally possesses mental power, but the difference is the difference in strength. So what if the blow was not spiritual magic but only biological talent and instinct? Well, the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg that Zhang Yang had worried about had already evolved to be able to use magic, which seemed a bit uncertain.

(Forget it, in short, collect this special flying insect corpse first, and let those professionals go to their brains after returning to the city.)

But the problem is that when Zhang Yang used the 'Qila Slaughter' tomahawk to divide the controller of the evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insect into the ring of space, the evil Anji who had gathered together not far away La Fei insect suddenly turned up!

In fact, at the moment when Zhang Yang completely killed the special evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insect, the hundreds of huge flying insects that were originally packed in a dense place around Zhang Yang were actually completely stunned. a bit. Not only that, because these flying insects were originally prepared to stop Zhang Yang at any cost, so that at this moment, more than a quarter of the huge flying insects had to be too close and collided together.

This kind of inadvertent bumping is basically normal for the originally disciplined flying insects. After all, if the situation requires, these flying insects will not tremble even if they die.

However, what is amazing is that these evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects, which originally lived in harmony and cooperated with each other, suddenly fell into anger at the moment because of a slight collision with each other! So the hundreds of flying insects that were originally chasing Zhang Yang rushed together in a moment. Not only the flying insects that had collided with each other were entangled, but even the huge flying that seemed to be a bit dazed Insect, was also involved at this moment.

At this point, Zhang Yang, who was originally the target of the group attack, was inexplicably 'free' at this moment. Even with the exception of a few unsightly unlucky flying insects rushing towards his "foreign", most of the other flying insects were directly Kill each other!

Seeing here, Zhang Yang can already fully determine how the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg controlled the low-level warriors, although Zhang Yang has not yet understood how the special flying insect he killed by him controls the other giants around him. Flying insects act, but only lose the "controller" will immediately fall into chaos, and will be so irritable that they attack each other, which is already the best news for Zhang Yang!

However, what made Zhang Yang even more surprised was that the hard carapace outside the bodies of these evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects that could not be broken by the fifth-order magic weapon. At the moment, when facing the attacks of other members of the same family with the forelimb sickle feet, that The carapace, which was originally strong enough to be abnormal, lost its original toughness in an instant, and was almost easily cut by attacks launched by other fellow races!

So at this moment Zhang Yang suddenly realized that the truth is like the 'Qira's Slaughter' Tomahawk has a great lethality to the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg. The evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg attacked from within the Swarm System, There is also no such high resistance effect.

To be honest, Zhang Yang is not clear whether this kind of setting exists to prevent his subordinates from mutiny, but it is undeniable that the problem that originally plagued Zhang Yang and everyone should effectively attack these evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg. Zhang Yang discovered it by chance and solved it!

Of course, these giant purple flying insects cut and bite each other when they attacked each other, but most of the damage they suffered was only the degree of shell bleeding. Fortunately, this effect is much worse than that of the Qiraji Slayer, but it is already several times stronger than the fifth-order magic weapon of the Adamantite Sword!

So it can be said that once this kind of weapon armor made of the evil Ahn'Qiraj flying worms and carapace is developed, then the status of the warlord in the magic kingdom of Pompeii will definitely soar in an instant. The magician's chamber resistance may also be.

However, Zhang Yang, who had already pulled two sickles at the moment, had just killed four or five evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects, and was attracted by the sudden increase in the vibration of the wings around him, but when Zhang Yang fixed his eyes on it When I found out, the flying insects that had besieged the large magic shield above the Emerald City were all concentrated to Zhang Yang at this moment!

Zhang Yang, who had already lowered to less than 100 meters from the ground and was considering how to play the role of these Zerg materials in his hand, was suddenly taken aback by the almost occult insects in the air above.

You have to know that Zhang Yang is not a god, so even if he is calm and confident, he will not think that he can wipe out all the more than 10,000 nearly 20,000 evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects above himself. The position below the ground bounced and moved, just because most of the flying insects were located in the mid-air about 100 meters from the ground, so that when Zhang Yang jumped to the bottom of the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg instantly, But he found that from here about 70 meters down, he could not even see the shadow of a living flying insect!

Then the question is coming again. For Zhang Yang at this moment, it can be said that there is a wolf before a tiger, so Zhang Yang chose decisively between jumping directly and fighting with the worms behind him. ...

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