Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1600: The disaster of Pompeii (16)

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When Zhang Yang first came to the Emerald City for the first time, he was very interested in the city's gates. After all, compared to the bulky suspension bridges and gates common in the French Empire, in the magic kingdom Pompeii not only I can't see any moat at all, even the gate looks very exquisite, even if it is only seen from the pattern on the surface of the gate, even if it is a mysterious decorative painting, it is not an exaggeration.

However, it seems that many beautiful things in the world are extremely dangerous and extremely deadly. Once the gate with this magic pattern is activated by the magician of the fortress, then it will suddenly change from a gorgeous artwork to one offensive and defensive. Powerful weapon!

By that time, under the control of the city guardian magician, not only can the magic shield with super defensive ability be released from this gate, but even after inspiring the magic circle engraved on it, it can also release such as [fire wall technique] ], [Ring of Resistance] This type of magic has excellent effects in battles that defend the gates.

So it can be said that unless there is any way to ignore the variety of intensified magic on the city gate, and can easily break the solidity that is made of at least a dozen metals smelted according to special Billy, and is almost seamless after closing Metal gate, otherwise, if you want to break through the city, it would be more reliable to find a way to open a hole in the wall around ten meters away.

But the question is, as a carrier of large magic shields above the major cities of the Magic Kingdom, are those seemingly ordinary walls really easy to destroy? If so, why did the evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects have to compete with the large magic shields that are nearly indestructible with energy, instead of digging the city walls with their sharp sickle feet on their forelimbs?

Could it be that people believe that these Ahn'Qiraj worms are just low-energy bugs, and thus have no wisdom? If this is the case, it would be a big mistake! You have to know that for the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, even though most low-order Zerg warriors do not have self-awareness and wisdom, the special individuals in the worm swarm as "controllers" still have the evil Ahn'Qiraj that Zhang Yang has seen before. The general high-level Zerg commander is definitely less intelligent than anyone else. Even because of Zerg ’s unique body structure, both brain capacity and reaction speed are likely to be much stronger than humans on the Orlando continent.

Therefore, under this premise, the flying insects that attacked the Emerald City still chose to fight against the large magic shield above the city instead of attacking the more fragile walls, which is enough to explain the problem.

However, what Zhang Yang did not expect was that he had just decided to withdraw the gate of the Emerald City and opened it directly. This situation was too coincident no matter how he looked, so even Zhang Yang doubted whether it was hidden in the city. With a legendary prophetic magician, this is exactly what has happened in the world.

But the problem is that the gate of the Emerald City, which is completely controlled by magic, does not have the function of only opening a gap for people to enter and exit. Therefore, it is either a complete closure of the tight line or a full opening. So when the southern gate of the Emerald City slowly opened in a creak, Zhang Yang was rather worried about their reckless behavior.

After all, Zhang Yang ’s own power to kill hundreds of flying insects is close to the limit. Even if the relationship between down-to-earth operations is no longer restricted, the combat power will be improved again, but I want to use his own to guard the width. There is a gate of seven or eight meters, and its height is close to ten meters. It is possible to do it in a short time, but as the time goes by, the effect of [Lightning Enhancement] on Zhang Yang disappears, and he dare not hit this kind of bag. Tickets.

You have to know that the strength of these incoming evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects is almost equivalent to the quasi-five-level Warcraft, and the hidden "controllers" of the swarms that can use [spiritual shock] are more worthy of Zhang Yang. More lethal than Tier 5 Intermediate Warcraft!

More importantly, whether it is judged from previous experience or Zhang Yang's personal guess, he feels that among this group of worms, there must be at least one high-level zerg general who is far more powerful than his subordinates!

In this way, once Zhang Yang retreats to the city gate, he is likely to be attacked by this high-level Zerg general at the sixth-level peak or even the seventh-level legendary junior. Then, in case the other party's strength is too strong, Zhang Yang ca n’t stop him from rushing into the city from the gate Even if it is possible to kill the Emerald City in terms of its internal strength, it will only take a little time before, in terms of the strength of the opponent's seventh-order legendary level, the people are involved and the city is destroyed is almost a matter of finality. .

Therefore, Zhang Yang would rather think of other ways to enter the city, or simply delay the time near the city gate, and then wait for the big magician Mai Wendi to use the teleportation magic to pick him in.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's thoughts have just risen from the bottom of his heart, and more than ten magicians who have been surrounded by defense soldiers in the defense circle have already emerged from the location of the city gate! Not only that, as the hundred people stood at the gate of the city, Zhang Yang found that not only the figure of the big magician Mai Wendi, but even Paige, Alvo and Munch and others also appeared in the Guarding the ranks of the soldiers.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Yang knew that this time was really a coincidence. After all, the time from the magician Mai Wendi was transferred into the Emerald City from the worms, and now it is time to find all the people to respond. .

So the only question now is how Zhang Yang can get rid of those thousands of evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects who have chased directly from the sky, and then safely retreat into the city after a round with Mai Wendi and others.

(It seems that you can only be as careful as possible. After all, in terms of the number of warriors and magicians over the city gate, they should have no problem in dealing with these ordinary flying insects that cannot be fully deployed, so I only need the local one. Is there a possible leader of the swarm?)

Thinking of the fact that Zhang Yang was ready to deal with the raid here, it took less than ten instants to reach the defensive circle established by McWendy and others. So Zhang Yang found out that among the magicians out of the city, except for Mai Wendi, the rest were all water magicians!

At this time, after seeing Zhang Yang arrive, with the order of a stout general wearing silver armor, more than a dozen water magicians surrounded by nearly a hundred third-tier city guards, even brushed together. Earth began to cast the same magic at the same time!

So just two moments later, with the center of defense of the City Guard soldiers as the center, within a range of about 150 meters outside the south gate of the Emerald City, it was quickly covered by a white ice mist at this moment. Nearly a hundred evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects who chased Zhang Yang first fluttered and fluttered directly, and their speed and movements were significantly slower.

However, this situation is just the beginning. As the more than ten water magicians gradually increase their magic power output, within the scope of the original unparalleled spell, they have quickly condensed at least thousands of sharps of different sizes. Ice Cone!

Therefore, at this moment, the magic enveloped area where the temperature had dropped greatly due to the relationship between ice and fog. At this moment, it has become a fantasy from the forest covered with suspended ice cones, so that the blue and white ice fog and the bright ice cone are against each other. Even the large amount of evil Ahn'Qiraj flying into it seemed less terrible.

It's just that the power of the fifth-order water magic [blizzard] released jointly using the "synergistic casting" technique gradually began to show, so when those flying insects flooded into the magic envelope, those originally suspended quietly in mid-air The sharp ice cone in it suddenly hovered clockwise at a high speed with the magician as the center!

This is good. With these hard and sharp ice cones gradually accelerating, at first, the flying insects that penetrated into the magically enveloped area were just unable to be shaken and shaken. Later, because of the faster and faster speed, the positive magic enveloped area Even because of the high speed whirl of thousands of ice cones, a crystalline blue ice edge whirlwind was formed!

At this point, the disadvantages of the huge evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects' low resistance to water elements were fully revealed, so that the flying insects that were frozen and shivering in the magic range were now raging in the icy storm Next, in less than three instants, they were all frozen and then penetrated and torn!

It was then that Zhang Yang realized that the magicians who had gone out of the city to meet the enemy had long known that the attacking evil Ahn'Qiraj had this weakness, so they would boldly go out to meet the enemy. It's a pity that after the "Ice Storm" that was merged and upgraded from the fifth-order water magic [blizzard] was completely formed, the flying insects on the periphery did not continue to die and continued to advance, but all hovered within the magic range. Slowly circling outside, it seems to be waiting for the moment when the magic stops.

Zhang Yang, Mai Wendi and others who saw this scene suddenly became a bit heavy. Although it has been determined that water magic is very effective for these evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects, the calmness and wisdom displayed by the other party fully proves that they are not a group of beasts that can't act on their own, but an organized organization. Disciplined army!

So in this case, if Pompeii still dare to underestimate these sudden giant zergs, then it is likely that they will be completely destroyed and destroyed like the snow country Slav!

"Damn! If these bugs can be a little more stupid, it would be good to rush into the ice storm. Then, in terms of the power of this ice storm, strangling all the bugs outside the city is a matter of the blink of an eye! It ’s good now, although a few hundred insects have been wiped out just now, what should we do with the remaining ones? We ca n’t keep them out of the city and trap us in the city, right? McWendy, are n’t you usually? Are there many ways, what should I do now? "

At the moment, Kohler, who was standing at the front of the line with a sword and a hammer, really hated his teeth, but the problem is that in terms of the strength of these magicians, not only the scope of the "ice storm" is only so large, even when the magic is released can not move.

Therefore, even if the "Ice Storm" is effective through experimentation, it can only be used for defense in the end, and it is impossible to continue to expand the results by actively attacking.

At this time, Zhang Yang, who was closely watching the dense and dense swarms of flying insects on the periphery, saw a shadow that was easily overlooked when he was not paying attention when he was close to the ground outside the ice storm!

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