Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1604: The disaster of Pompeii (20)

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In fact, from the emergence of these evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects from the death desert and attacking the magic kingdom to the now inexplicable retreat, it has only been a short period of about half a day. However, in such a short period of time, the entire magic kingdom According to the preliminary statistics of the southwest of Bay, more than 40,000 people have been killed!

And this data is only the number of civilian deaths and disappearances of the magic kingdom Pompeii. If you count the caravans from the French Empire and the mercenary country of Ladovia, this number must be increased by at least 10,000. .

Therefore, it can be said that as the main inducement for the huge flying insects to retreat outside the city, Zhang Yang has contributed greatly to this campaign. In addition, the feat of killing hundreds of evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects alone and powerful enough to repel the seventh-order enemy heads outside the city, which made him instantly everyone after entering the city. The focus of attention, even many people who do not know his name have already opened the left "hero" and the right "Zerg Buster".

However, for Zhang Yang, who doesn't pay much attention to his imaginary name, this title is still a title. If he cares too much, the more he goes behind the towers, the more likely he is to put up a tall building, afraid of experiencing failure and climbing, the more he falls, the harder he falls. Fortunately, Zhang Yang is not the empty racks that make a name for himself. In terms of his strength and speed of progress, it is definitely a model on the surface.

Moreover, it is better to tell the Queen of Magic the first-hand information obtained after contact with the swarm as soon as possible than to accept the praises of the military and civilians in the Emerald City.

As for Zhang Yang did not leave in a hurry at this moment, the reason was for the zerg corpses taken away by the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg outside the city because they were too broken!

At first, neither the great magician Mai Wendi nor the city guard general Kohler was a bit unknown, but when they learned from Zhang Yangkou, if they used weapons made from the residual limbs and carapace fragments left by these evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg After preliminary tests seemed to have special effects on those Zergs who had committed crimes, a blaze of flames lit up almost instantly in the eyes of all the combatants present, so that with Kohler's order, he took those cities The guard soldiers directly turned into a group of amazingly efficient 'corpse pickers', not only collecting all the fragments of the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg corpses that could be found outside the city, but even some of the Zerg internal organs scattered on the ground. The classes are also packaged and brought back.

It is a pity that although Zhang Yang was the discoverer of this weapon material, he was not a forge master at first, and secondly his knowledge of materials science and alchemy basically remained at the level of the book introduction. Therefore, how to transform and use the ‘materials’ left by these zergs and then make them into weapons is not all that Zhang Yang can help.

Of course, although this battle was very thrilling in the later period, it was not small for Zhang Yang. After all, whether it was a coincidence or some kind of necessity, in short, Zhang Yang had successfully succeeded in attacking all the evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects. Just drive away.

Therefore, from this point of view alone, even if the number of killings of the Magic Branch may exceed Zhang Yang, from the perspective of the overall contribution to the magic kingdom Pompeii, Zhang Yang is definitely a winner.

Not only that, as a direct harvest that can be seen and touched in this battle, Zhang Yang raided the long and short two sickle feet of dark red flying insects, but from the current situation, regardless of the material itself The strength is still a special effect on the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, even if it is not as good as the 'Qira's Slayer' Battle Axe personally made by Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya, but if it can be made into a weapon, the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is also much easier to use than ordinary magic weapons.

More importantly, because Zhang Yang first attacked in order to weaken the attack power of the dark red Ahn'Qiraj as much as possible, so as soon as he came up, he first started the relationship between the two sickles in front of him, so that this pair of bends Sword-like sickle feet are basically cut off by the roots, which can be said to be extremely preserved. It is not necessary to find alchemists to find ways to process them before they can be used to make weapons, like the carapace fragments collected from outside the city. .

So as long as Zhang Yang can find a high-level forging master, then soon he will get one long and one short two special effects on the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg. Although there are no other magic attributes, the texture alone will not be inferior. The dark red scimitar of the Tier VI magic weapon is gone.

After all, how can they be the most offensive part of an evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insect commander with a level 7 legendary strength?


In fact, the magic kingdom Pompeii not only has the most magicians in the human kingdom, but also has the most developed alchemy system in the human kingdom. Therefore, only in this jade city, including the alchemist master Harold that Zhang Yang had contacted, there are no less than twelve or three alchemists with this level and strength.

At this point, neither the French Empire nor the mercenary country of Ladovia can be compared with Pompeii, let alone relatively backward at the beginning, alchemy is still only in the Snow Kingdom Slav at this stage of the pharmacy match. Of course, the state of the Slavs that has been completely invaded by the undead now is impossible for outsiders to know at all. It may even be that the civilization that originally belonged to the Snow State Slavs has been completely destroyed.

So even though these alchemy masters are good at different fields, no matter the basic literacy or research ability, it is enough to deal with the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg crust fragments. Therefore, after a large number of corpses and carapace fragments of the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg were transported back to the Emerald City, the alchemists who heard the news immediately began a study on the spot.

Seeing that Zhang Yang and others who were planning to leave the Emerald City and return to Dalaran immediately, after taking into account that the results may soon be obtained according to the current progress, they decided to take a break and then see if they could bring Together with the research and transformation results of the shell fragments of Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, they went back to Dalaran.

So Zhang Yang, who had gone through a big battle, finally found an opportunity to take a break, but it ’s a pity to take into account his current physical load. No fifteen missing trainings at all do n’t want to get rid of the weak state of overload, as for a complete recovery I am afraid that on this basis, I have to add four missed hours.

Fortunately, as far as the current situation is concerned, Zhang Yang does n’t seem to need to fight anymore in a short time, so he who sits and eats some food around the Shing Mun Square only needs to quietly watch the busy alchemists not far away Just conduct the experiment and wait for the result.

What surprised Zhang Yang a little was that, while he was eating and resting, the alchemist master Harold, who was good at making magic puppets in his memory, seemed to have made a breakthrough in research. So that accompanied by Strix, he was eagerly walking towards the location where Zhang Yang and the big magician Mai Wendi were located.

"Sir Kohler! I have an important discovery here!"

"Oh ?! Master Harold, have you succeeded ?! Sure enough, it is a master alchemist who is good at making magic puppets. Your ability to dispose of materials is really unmatched in the Emerald City!"

"Master Kohler is kind, I just want to do my part for the kingdom. Having said that, Lord Kohler, you see, I not only re-made those magical carapace into a whole plate, even after testing It was found that this **** material itself also has high plasticity! "

"Oh? Plasticity? Can Master Harrow explain it in detail? Please forgive me for not knowing much about alchemy."

Everyone was excited when they saw the long strip of lavender **** plate held in the hands of the female puppet Skerkes beside Alchemist Harold, but when he heard that Harold had other discoveries, he was Even Zhang Yang, who has always been calm, was a little surprised.

Fortunately, alchemy master Harold is not the kind of person who likes to sell customs, so after Kohler humbly asked, he nodded and explained:

"In fact, the reason why I was able to find a way to dispose of this material so quickly is actually because I have been studying biological materials from various Warcraft during this time. It has a lot to do. After all, you should understand that whether it is bones , Scales are still this kind of magical carapace, in fact, these hard substances are all grown out of biological bodies. So it can be said that although their state is different from the general muscle skin and the like, it is indeed the same to be able to grow. of."

"Listen to you, could it be ..."

"Yes! I used this feature to connect several pieces of carapace in such a short period of time and initially changed its shape! I will call this" restorative "!"

Listening to such an explanation from alchemist Harold, everyone in the room even had a little understanding of alchemy and suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment. This has to be said that Harold really has the potential to be a mentor. So after seeing everyone understand, the alchemist Harold continued:

"As for the" plasticity "I just mentioned, it is actually very easy to understand. A simple explanation is like that most of the Warcraft living in the waters have a certain ability of water elements. The environment they live in will have a certain degree for the creatures living there. Degree of influence. It's just that these Ahn'Qiraj worms can be said to make special use of this ability, so that I suspect that these huge flying insects have such a strong resistance to magic, it is likely to be inside the dead desert Environment and food! "

"Wait, do you mean that once these bugs leave the desert of death, may they become more difficult to deal with?"

"Perhaps, after all, in the barren places like the Dead Desert, it can grow to this level in just over a month. Who knows what will happen after letting them occupy more resources?"

"Oh? Master Harold knew they existed before?"

"Yes, after all, I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Wright just over a month ago."

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