Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1616: Grow or change

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"This is indeed true, but the facts may not be the same as several guesses. Although I had the chance to get the title of mentor of the magic kingdom of Pompeii in the magic kingdom, but not as a magician. , But only the mentor of the Warriors Branch. "

"Hey? Is there even a branch belonging to the warrior among the legendary colleges of magic and higher education? This is the first time I heard about it."

"That's what it is! But even Master Wright is so powerful! Being able to serve as a mentor of the Sacred Demon Academy as a Gentile, has this kind of thing never been heard before? Vice President Sanchez?"

"That seems to be the case? But to be honest, even though I had been to the magic kingdom of Pompeii when I first traveled, but in the end, in addition to the profound magical atmosphere in Pompeii and the generally high magical talents of the people, It ’s really not even the door to the ear studs of the Sacred Devil Academy ... "

"It turns out that's a pity ..."

Because he was not familiar with the internal structure of the magic union, Zhang Yang had to agree to let Sanchez and others send him out in order to avoid intrusion. In terms of Zhang Yang ’s character, he mostly politely responded except when necessary. Listen to the three people talking.

Fortunately, the scale of the Moxie Wood City Magic Union is much smaller than that of the Sacred Magic Academy, so even walking at normal speed only took a few minutes of effort to come into the hall of the Magic Guild.

"Thank you for the company of the three. Because there are really important things, this time I won't bother much. If I have the opportunity, I hope to be able to walk with the magic union."

"Adults are so polite, we won't say much here because we are so talkative, you just need to remember that whether you or Lord Ophelia have a place where I need to contribute, the Moxie Wood City Magic Union will definitely do its best. Just help! "


In fact, after contacting with Sanchez and others, Zhang Yang was quite emotional. Although in recent years, whether he is himself or the Thunderbolt mercenary group under his command, he has made a name, but he asks himself that under normal circumstances, it is definitely up to Less than the name is reported as a guest.

The reason for this is that it should be caused by the light of Ophelia. After all, as far as Zhang Yang knows, even before he helped him get the real power of the Silver Pegasus Legion, Ophelia was very popular in Moxim City and the surrounding towns. Accordingly, he, who had accompanied Ophelia through the trials of the ancient silver Pegasus regardless of the danger, and walked along the road of glory, was also accepted by most people in Moxiximu.

It ’s just that Zhang Yang ’s 'hands throwing shopkeeper' doesn't know at the moment that the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, which was originally unknown and even pointed to as 'only by relying on the Silver Pegasus Legion, can now exist' It gradually developed and grew, and even because of its rich and reasonable internal organization, it has become the largest mercenary organization in the northern part of the French Empire.

The only regret is that the current continent of Orlando is really turbulent. Not only are the disasters happening, but even the largest human kingdom, France, has fallen apart due to competition for kingship. This is to make the lightning thunder mercenary group that is in rapid development. Between the loss of stable development of soil.

But then again, the real powerhouses tend to rise in troubled times. If they don't go through the test of life and death, blood and fire, how can blind learning and exercise make people grow up quickly? What's more, for the mercenary industry, it seems that the troubled times are the stage where they can really show their own light?


Only half a year later, the familiar Moxie Wood City in Zhang Yang's memory has become a bit strange. It is not to say how much the structure of the city has changed during this period, which really made Zhang Yang feel a little uncomfortable, or the panic atmosphere in front of him.

The ordinary people who were well-dressed and happy in the life of Moxie Wood City in the past, although they are still doing their past work, but they all showed a trace of tension and worry involuntarily. Not only that, the apparent increase in patrols and guards in the city and the apparently depressed commercial streets all revealed a unique atmosphere of wartime.

After seeing all this, Zhang Yang, who has always been calm, actually had a anger in his heart for no reason! He really couldn't understand what the so-called "superiors" were thinking. Now there is the orc kingdom in the south, and the undead in the north has become a big problem; there are demons in the dark world who ca n’t peep; even the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg from the outer plane has come together to blend in with today. The princes still have the desire to fight for power? This is self-defeating!

In fact, it would be enough if the princes and the empire's high-level leaders found themselves dead, but the problem was that their actions directly and indirectly determined the lives of countless kind and innocent ordinary people!

Leaving aside the experience of the previous life, Zhang Yang has never had such ambitious aspirations like "save the world" and "save the people in fire and water" since his rebirth. He had lost everything and grieved his heart. He had only hoped that he could live up to the new life of this life, be able to enjoy the magnificence of this wonderful world, and be able to live free and happy.

However, since he replaced ‘Wright’ since his rebirth, Zhang Yang could no longer simply live for himself. Although he is still hesitating today, he also has people he likes, friends who share troubles, and things he wants to protect.

So for the existence of those who want to destroy all this, whether it is the selfish princes and nobles; or the undead spirits who want to spread death to the world and the demons who deliberately occupy and enslave the entire Orlando world, how could Zhang Yang be angry?

In contrast, it may be because I have seen how difficult the life of the Orcs is. Although the Camps Orc Kingdom has always wanted to invade the human kingdom, Zhang Yang ’s heart ca n’t really hate them. On the contrary, he has more. Sympathy and helplessness?

(So ​​is it still not enough power? If you have enough power to protect everything you see, you can change those tragic fate? But ... what level of power can achieve this desire? Eighth-order epic or The ninth-order holy level? It seems that even the invincible ancient **** could not do it?)

At the moment, Zhang Yang rarely felt at a loss, but while he was walking while thinking about his thoughts, the sound of drinking and a series of weapons unsheathing pulled his thoughts back to reality instantly.

"Who is coming ?! How dare to break into the ground of the Silver Pegasus Legion!"


As far as Zhang Yang ’s strength is concerned, even if someone reveals his murderous intention to him, or directly attacks or even attacks on him, as long as the attacker ’s strength does not exceed him, Zhang Yang can rely on instincts. A counterattack at a time.

However, at this moment, he was extremely keen, but he did not feel any real killing intention. Although he was surrounded by dozens of heavily armored soldiers with long swords and axe halberds, Zhang Yang only felt from the other person ’s body. Obvious alert. This made his heart warm, and then the whole person became a little happy.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not your enemy. On the contrary, if Ophelia knows that I will be treated by you as soon as I come back, I am afraid that even if she doesn't arbitrarily punish you, you will have to let you stand for another month. "

Because Zhang Yang was in a good mood, he rarely made jokes with the soldiers on duty of the Silver Pegasus Legion! It ’s just that it ’s not the case to hear the other person ’s ears, not to mention that in order to avoid being recognized, Ophelia and Neil Jielin spent an unnecessary amount of money. Zhang Yang She also wore the "Lover Cloak" rewarded by the Queen of Magic, Estra.

So for the guy who is hidden from the head to the foot in a black hood cloak, and dare to put words at the entrance of the Silver Pegasus Legion to imply a strong relationship with the respectable Chief of the Ophelia Legion, a few young The energetic Silver Pegasus soldiers were suddenly really angry.

"Bold fanatics! No matter what your identity is, you can't accept the fact that you dare to disrespect the head of the army, we can't accept it! I'm not afraid to tell you that before you there are five waves of people who claim to be ambassadors of the prince The identity of this is a big word here, and finally I was invited into the barracks to teach some etiquette and drove out. Could you be the sixth one? "

Hearing this, Zhang Yang Haoxuan didn't laugh out loud, he had long known that Ophelia had a high reputation in the Silver Pegasus Legion, but he never expected that the disciplined Silver Pegasus Legion soldiers could make for her. This kind of outlier thing comes. Of course, Zhang Yang believes that even those honorable soldiers who hate each other will not lynch the messengers, but on the other hand, the veterans and oilers' methods of whole people are also endless.

Thinking of this, in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, Zhang Yang immediately raised his hands gently to signal that he had no weapons, and shook his head at the same time:

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything to do with the selfish princes ... Forget it, I'm not kidding with you. I would like to ask anyone to inform Ophelia and say Wright is back."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yang slowly took off the hood worn on his head, and directly revealed his original face in front of everyone. So all of the people around the group froze for a moment, and then all of them turned their heads subconsciously and looked in the direction of a young officer next to the gate, which made Zhang Yang a little unclear.

However, even more unexpectedly was still behind, when Zhang Yang looked with everyone's eyes, and by the way, when the young officer seemed to be so familiar, the young man who looked only twenty-five to six years old and had a somewhat handsome appearance The officer first subconsciously rubbed his eyes, and then issued a 'Poof! With a bang, a colleague who jumped up and squeezed away the colleague around him ran into the station at full speed, even if he was crazy.

So including Zhang Yang, all the people left by him at the gate of the Silver Pegasus Corps station were a little messy ...

(This is the situation of Shenma?)

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