Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1628: Strange hometown

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Before, Ophelia was still wondering what kind of request Wright would make. Whoever thought he hadn't come back for so long had prepared such a big 'surprise' for Neil Jielina and others!

What's more important is that Wright is crazy even now. Now it seems that she is still preparing to pull her into the water, so that after listening to this, Ophelia suddenly had an illusion that he was not considered to be digging himself. Jump? It ’s okay to hurry up. Why do you have to propose a ‘racing’ competition?

(But think about it since the end of the trial and formally become the head of the legion, you do n’t seem to have the opportunity to participate in the battle anymore? Since this is so, as long as you wait for the thunderbolt mercenary group to pay attention to your hand, then take your own There should n’t be any problems with Wright ’s strength. So ... would n’t it be a pity if such an interesting thing did n’t happen?)

In addition to the fact that ‘suffocating’ is too long for ‘activities’, the reason why Ophelia would agree to Zhang Yang ’s request also meant to personally confirm how much the Thunderbolt mercenary group had grown. After all, since Wright disappeared, Ophelia, who felt ashamed in his heart, was very concerned about the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps in order to take care of this foundation for Wright.

It was for this reason that Ophelia had an unusual interest in the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, which had undergone almost earth-shaking changes in the report in just a few months. She was curious to know why the head of the Ming Wright was not there, the mercenary The group will continue to flourish, is this all due to Neil Jielina?

If this is the case, this young girl who is nearly ten years younger than herself, in addition to rapid improvement in strength, is likely to not be underestimated in team management skills, and this is the real idea of ​​Ophelia at the moment .

Of course, Ophelia, who has always been unwilling to lose and is quite confident in her speed, also made a request to Zhang Yang, that if she won in this race, then Wright would have to Keximu Kingdom's office, that is, to become her subordinate again.

It is a pity that Zhang Yang did not choose to refuse this apparently unequal request, which caused Ophelia to drum, so that an ominous premonition emerged.

Therefore, in order to be cautious, Ophelia also chose a route that has relatively many obstacles and is likely to be more beneficial to him. But even then Wright seemed to care nothing, just nodded and no more.

(Do you think I will lose 100%? Then let you know what is the speed of wind combatants!)

After feeling that he had ignited the fighting spirit, Ophelia carefully sorted out the light armor on the body, picked up a stone from the ground and signaled Wright to use this as a signal to prepare to start, and then put this piece of stone with less than fist. Throw it up easily.

So at this moment, regardless of Ophelia or Zhang Yang, the attention was focused on this unusual stone. When its upward force was exhausted and fell vertically to the ground under the influence of gravity, it made a pop When it sounded softly, Ophelia and Zhang Yang, who had already been ready to start, almost started indistinguishably, and rushed out in the direction of Balxus!


(It ’s a mistake! I did n’t expect that Wright even has that ability. I knew it would be better to choose a relatively flat route ...)

At the moment, like Zhang Yang, Ophelia, who was wrapped in a hooded cloak all over his body, was very unhappy. He clearly chose a complicated forested route in order to give full play to the flexibility of the wind fighters. I thought that Wright ’s guy showed unparalleled flexibility when he entered the woods, so that he could not only easily ride on the tip of the tree, but even occasionally step on the trunk with a foot and the whole person could jump out for dozens of meters in an instant !

Seeing this, Ophelia's heart was suddenly cold, even if she tried to maximize her speed, but as long as she had not been out of the constraints of ground movement, she inevitably needed to adjust her direction while running. Avoid various obstacles ahead.

Therefore, in the face of Zhang Yang, who was leaping between the tree trunks and easily blending strength and flexibility to the extreme, he was thrown behind him by the other side without running out of Giuliofilia. So when the slightly panting Ophelia arrived at the gate of Valksus, ‘that’ seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

After that, things will be simple. Although my heart is full of imbalances, Ophelia is willing to take a gamble and learn to look like Zhang Yang. He took out a long dark red hood cloak and put it on. So at this time, Zhang Yang found that although the texture, style and color were different, the dark red hood cloak that Ophelia had brought out was similar to the lurker cloak in his body. !

Not only that, since Ophelia put on that dark red hood cloak, no matter how hard Zhang Yang looks, only a hazy face can be seen under the hood, so plus It can also hide the effect of the breath like Zhang Yang's "Lover Cloak", which saves even the mask.

So from this point of view, Ophelia's dark red hood cloak theory should be above Zhang Yang's lurking cloak.

In this regard, Zhang Yang originally wanted to ask a clear question, but obviously Ophelia, who was in a bad mood because he lost the game, just threw the sentence 'I took it casually from the family treasure trove' and I won't say more, and this Suddenly Zhang Yang felt a little inexplicable, did he provoke Ophelia? Doesn't it seem?


In fact, whether it is Balxus City or the mountain village where Wright grew up, there is not much hometown feeling for Zhang Yang. Even the "Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps", which was originally created by him in one sentence, has not had any real sense for Zhang Yang until now.

After all, Zhang Yang still has too little time to stay here, so that apart from the memory of the mercenary regiment in the first few months, Zhang Yang, the head of the thunderbolt mercenary regiment, has no impression of his mercenary regiment. , Let alone understand.

Therefore, when Zhang Yang walked with Ophelia on the streets of Balxus with an inexplicable emotion, a familiar and strange feeling suddenly surprised Zhang Yang who had rarely expressed emotion.

It ’s more than two years after careful calculation, right? Under normal circumstances, this time should not be a big deal for a city, but because of the rapid development of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, this small town that was not so famous in the past is now a big change!

According to Zhang Yang, it seems that apart from the fact that the total area of ​​the city has not been expanded, no matter the houses, streets or shops, even the slightly broken city walls that were originally remembered are now completely renewed. It's kind of like Moxim's city.

The reason for this change is because of the presence of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps. This is not what Ophelia said, but Zhang Yangyi asked someone to ask someone on the street at once ...

There are not many silver coins. Even for Zhang Yang or Ophelia at the moment, there is no problem even if one coin is a word. However, it is a bit too dazzling to do that. Once the intentional person stares at Zhang Yang's "hidden action" principle, I am afraid it will not be guaranteed.

In contrast, Ophelia, who is already in a better mood, is very interested in Zhang Yang ’s approach. After all, her identity is different now. To really understand the status of a country, the people around him and the ministers and even nobles However, Zhang Yang ’s approach gave Ophelia inspiration, but it ’s a silver coin, even if you ask a hundred people, it ’s only a gold coin, so if you can understand the real ideas in the people ’s hearts, then you can It's really great value.

So Ophelia, who felt that she had gained a lot, finally said:


"what happened?"

"I learned another trick from you ~"

"You mean spending money on intelligence?"

"Yeah. A silver coin can know a person's thoughts, whether it is true or not, I think it is worth it."

"Really? But this is something everyone understands for mercenaries and adventurers."

"Uh ... do you mean I don't have common sense ?!"

"No, I think you just don't understand what ordinary people's lives look like."

"I know that, but to be honest, it ’s really hard for me to have a chance to get in touch ... Forget it, let ’s talk about this topic first. Well ~ The headquarters of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps is in front, but according to As far as I know, if you want to 'visit one by one' your friends, I'm afraid you have to spare a lot! "

"Oh? What do you say?"

Seeing Zhang Yang still seemed a little confused, Ophelia spread his hand:

"As I said before, the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps has developed extremely rapidly in the past two years. Now, not only has it reached the level of a large mercenary regiment in one fell swoop, but even about half a year ago, they have established a special The "Thundercloud Academy" and "Thunderstorm" branch training newcomers, and the "Lightning Thunder" branch completely commanded by Neil Jielina. So after the sudden deployment of such a big scene, your friends have almost become all Part of the person in charge or main force, so if I am not wrong, the only person who is sitting at the headquarters of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps at the moment is the logistics director Dubins, right? "

"Millet's words ..."

"Why? Do you care about this boy who is prettier than a girl?"

Actually speaking of Mileofilia really cares! After all, when Wright inexplicably brought back a boy who was more than a woman, she was shocked! It's a pity that Ophelia was already incapable of protecting herself at that time, so she didn't have the extra energy to 'learn' meticulously. Now it's hard to catch a chance, so that she almost put her ears up and put them on to 'force the question'.

"Gadhafi has always been responsible for teaching him nothing to worry about, and I'm more concerned about the reason he left alone."

"Gaddafi? Who is he? I have followed the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps for so long. Why haven't I heard the name?"

"Oh, actually he is ..."

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