Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1630: White College City

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"How is it? Isn't it incredible? When I first decided to move the orphanage, I remember it was still a forest of trees. It was probably only about half a year later? It turned out that there were only five small buildings. "Cloud Academy" has developed into a school city with an area that almost catches up with Balxus today. If this kind of magical thing is not seen now with my own eyes, I am afraid that even I will not believe it at all. "

(Are these ... just built within half a year? It's really amazing speed ...)

It is said that Zhang Yang is also well-informed, but in the face of the pure white stone building standing in the forest glade, an incredible feeling still emerged. In fact, if Zhang Yang remembered correctly, he thought that when he first came to Balxus, he only had about two orders of strength, and he had already paid off Grein in this forest. Now he has not returned in just three years. Here it seems to have become a city.

More importantly, how could such a complex of white rocks be built in only half a year? Thinking of Zhang Yang's sudden look around, he soon discovered the strangeness of it.

"The white stones used for these constructions ... shouldn't be natural stones? If I'm not wrong, they should all be products of earth magic, but I can't guess exactly how they were made."

"Oh Wright, I didn't expect you to have any eyesight! When I first saw these 'hybrid granites', I was surprised and puzzled for a long time. It wasn't until Miss Anna explained it to me. What happened? "

"'Hybrid granite'? So, these stones are not just rocks transformed by magic, and something else should be added to them."

Although the face was blocked by the hood of the hidden cloak, Ophelia was obviously surprised to hear Zhang Yang say it, so that after a while, he said with exclamation:

"Sometimes it's really hard to figure out if you're smart or a bit dull, yes, as you guessed, these 'hybrid granites' are not just reversed by the" rock softening technique "in earth magic It is transformed from the application. It seems that some of the mud as the raw material is also added with a certain proportion of something called "curing agent" made by alchemy, which finally makes this kind of hardness that does not lose real granite. 'Mixed granite'. "

"Is the dual application of alchemy and magic? Unexpectedly, I haven't seen it for a while, and the guy in Lanster has actually made such a great thing, and it is rare that the kid has started to do something right."

Listening to Zhang Yang saying this, Ophelia couldn't help but chuckled, and then explained to Zhang Yang when he was puzzled:

"I have heard about this matter. The discovery of this" curing agent "was completely an accident. It seems that I originally wanted to make a certain coating that can increase the resistance of the element. Failed, but accidentally got this kind of "mixed granite" that can be merged with the earth element and finally applied to the construction of stone materials, so this should be regarded as not bright in the east and bright in the west? "

"Is it bad luck? It's like the style of Lanster's guy ... But even if he uses that kind of" curing agent "alone, I'm afraid it can't afford the consumption of such a large building. Right? And even if [Rock softening] is just a relatively first-order magic in earth magic, but if you want to reverse the application, the caster must be higher than the first order, and such a large-scale use ... When are there so many earth magicians in the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps? "

As he said here, Zhang Yang, who was extremely keenly aware, suddenly found a group of young men in robes coming out of the Leiyun College gate, about two hundred meters away. When he took a closer look, he noticed that although these young men obviously dressed as magicians wore magic robes, they were obviously very different regardless of the color of the style or the markings sewn on it.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yang, who suddenly flashed in his mind, naturally said to himself:

"It turns out that, in terms of Neil Jelina's popularity in Latvia, as long as the necessary remuneration is given, then a second-level low-level soil magician from the 'Four Colleges' will come over to help in the name of 'internship' It ’s not a problem. As for the alchemist, remember that Lanster was also from an alchemist family? It ’s not a problem to find someone to help. "

"Oh ~ It turns out that you have also guessed wrong, Wright! In fact, before Leiyun Academy was officially established, Leinster had gathered a group of children with talent and interest in alchemy to help him experiment. So Up to now, the group of children led by Lanster not only set up an alchemy specialty in the Thundercloud College, but also owns a whole building as a special alchemy laboratory. So the "curing agent" required for the construction of Thundercloud College In fact, it was all made by the Alchemist students of Leiyun College led by Lanster, and it is said that the formulation of the “curing agent” used in this “hybrid granite” is kept secret from beginning to end. ”

"This is in line with Lanster's style, but I really didn't expect that even now he has become reliable. Then ... just visit him later."

"Oh, that's really something to look forward to."

(I just do n’t know who will surprise you in the end ...)


In fact, because of the continuous expansion, the Leiyun Academy has four staggered walls from the outside to the inside, but the height of 7 to 10 meters is not what most professionals above the third level want to climb over. The problem, not to mention the strong like Zhang Yang and Ophelia.

So when the two of them dived through the wall as the sky faded into the evening, it was so easy. The only thing that needed to be noticed was the guards who patrolled in groups of three in the courtyard from time to time. However, the area of ​​the Thundercloud College today is really too large. Although it is slightly less than the scale of the “four major colleges” in Ladvia with a long history, it is not just a dozen groups of guards who can fully tour Over here.

Therefore, Zhang Yang felt strange about this point. After all, in his opinion, Anna's calm personality should not be unexpected. Of course, there may be reasons for the shortage of manpower, but the professional ratio of each group of patrol guards is quite reasonable. After all, the combination of a shield warrior, a sword dancer and an archer basically encounters All types of emergencies are sufficient.

However, in Zhang Yang's view, if conditions permit, if a magician and a priest can be added to form a team of five with both offensive and defensive abilities, even if they encounter a higher-level enemy, there should be a battle. Power.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, Zhang Yang ’s vision should be difficult to realize in the short term. After all, the establishment of Leiyun College is too short, and it is very insufficient in terms of financial resources and talents, so Zhang Yang can also achieve this level. Be satisfied.

Thinking of these, Zhang Yang silently overturned the third wall under the leadership of Ophelia, and not far away that apparently stronger and thicker than other surrounding buildings, existing as an alchemy laboratory The three-story building entered Zhang Yang's vision.

At this time, as the distance from the small building gradually narrowed, Ophelia, who was carefully leading the way, finally asked softly when he reached the shadow behind the building:

"What next? If you choose to dive in, you might not be able to walk through the main entrance, right? But the problem is that you also see that the windows on the outer wall of this building are already narrow, so the buildings are all made of white I'm afraid it's a bit difficult to get in from the window above because of the 'mixed granite' relationship? "

"This is not a problem. In contrast, I want to test the firmness of this" hybrid granite "."

After saying this, Zhang Yang spread his left hand, and after the power of the soul was slightly activated, a sword blade gun with a gray-white blade that Ophelia was very familiar with had already appeared in Zhang Yang's hands.

"Can it be you ..."

For the question of Ophelia, Zhang Yang directly answered with action. I saw that he did not gain momentum. While his men were working hard, under the coincidence, the blade was completely infiltrated by the bone devil scorpion tail poison and with it. The fusion sword blade gun gradually cut into the outer wall of this building with a tingling sound of scalp, and soon penetrated with a puff.

"Uh ... Could you just use it to open a hole in this wall ?! Let me talk about how to fix the problem later, what if the person inside finds it?"

"Relax, I have used perception to confirm the condition inside the wall before. There is no one in that room. And ... if it is an alchemy laboratory, there should be more space under it, right? "

With the corrosive ability of the poisonous sword blade gun and his great power, Zhang Yang has cut a rectangle that is enough to enter on this white stone wall that is half a meter thick, and then in Ophelia Guessing how Zhang Yang would take this rectangular piece cut from the wall out of the wall, Zhang Yang already seemed to insert a fruit with a table knife, so just use a sword blade gun to insert it. This piece is half a meter wide and one meter thick. How tall the stone was easily taken out by him.

(Just, just take it out? And the cut looks like butter cut by a hot knife. Although it is not as smooth as a mirror, it is also very smooth. Is this 'hybrid granite' not as strong as it was last tested? Not successful?)

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