Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1656: Magician Equipment Rating

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According to Anna's inference, the reason why this 'Flashing Bracers' can't be sold is that it should have unique requirements for use! Although neither Zhang Yang nor Anna can completely imagine how the producer can do this, but ‘Only Arcanist’ can use this restriction, I am afraid that is the real reason for its cheap sale!

"It should be right. After all, if it is not the case, its initial starting price will definitely not be 400,000 gold coins. It is very possible to fail to start a million gold coins. As for why no one is bidding on this matter, I am guessing that it is local This "Flashing Bracers" has been known to everyone for a long time? So unless it is a usable person, who will spend 400,000 gold coins to buy an ornament? "

Anna's analysis is so reasonable that Zhang Yang recalled that when he first photographed this 'Flashing Bracers', Alchemist Harold did glance at himself with a strange vision, but perhaps because the two sides were not counted What a familiar relationship, in the end, said nothing.

In fact, this is also a matter of course. Unless it is a very good friend, there is no power to interfere with what others buy.

Moreover, now that I think about it, I was afraid that the alchemist at that time, Harold, would be wondering if this man burned money and had to buy such an unusable thing. Or has it been guessed that he should have a friend who specializes in arcane magic? But if that's the case, what happened to the people who were bidding with themselves?

However, Zhang Yang mentioned this question, and Anna suddenly shook her head helplessly:

"In fact, the reason is very simple. You should have taken several things by the time you think about it? And at least one million gold coins have been spent."

"That's right, I did photograph something before. It costs about two million dollars for gold coins. Is there any problem?"

Hearing that Anna was startled suddenly, did you spend 2 million gold coins before buying this ‘Flash Bracer’? So, if you count it again, does it mean that Wright spent at least three million gold coins that time? How did he get so much money!

However, in this regard, Anna felt that it was better not to ask, so she answered in a matter-of-fact way:

"That's right. Although I haven't participated in an auction of this size, when I was studying at Beidou College, I heard from the instructors that there were special people in the auction house staring at those big Customers ”, so once this kind of“ big customer ”finds that no one has increased the price during the auction, they will participate in the price increase as appropriate to achieve the purpose of increasing income. So according to what you said, someone gave up after giving up once , This is probably not because other people want to buy, but the auction house has participated in the price increase! "

"This ... it's very possible. After all, when I went there didn't have many gold coins. Considering to exchange some gold coins and buy some practical things, I only sold a few gems I got before. So if the auction house is early Just stare at me ... it should be right. Hey ~ I didn't expect them to do this kind of thing! "

The speaker didn't care about the listener's intention. Although Zhang Yang didn't elaborate, Anna finally understood how he got so many gold coins. But as the more you know, the more mysteries you have, and you can exchange at least a few million gold coins just by selling a few gems. How rare and precious are the gems?

However, as Anna had feared before, she was not a Wright person. If it was just a ‘friend’, it ’s better not to get too thorough about this matter. So Anna, still curious in her heart, comforted:

"This is also a normal thing. After all, the auction house is also a merchant, and it is not surprising that the merchant does anything for the benefit. In contrast, I will tell you about the general classification of magic equipment. Because I do n’t know who was cheated again ... "

"Uh, trouble you Anna."

"Do you need to be so polite with me? Forget it, you listen well! About the division of weapons and equipment levels used by magicians ..."


According to Anna, the weapons used by magicians are mainly wands and wands. Of course, there are very few unusual roads, such as special magic swords that can be used as wands and have certain lethality.

Although there are almost hundreds or thousands of styles and materials in terms of magic robes, they are basically the same kind of things. As for magic jewelry and magic robes, there is not much difference. Although there are so many styles that it is impossible to count, they are generally divided into four categories: necklaces, rings, wrists and gloves.

Therefore, in terms of attributes, the increase effect is generally the most important, and it is also the main credential that determines the price of magician weapons or magician equipment most of the time.

Generally speaking, whether it is a weapon, equipment or jewelry, if it can increase a certain attribute by 10%, it can be regarded as a first-order magic weapon or equipment; if it can increase a certain attribute by 15%, it is a second-order. ; A third-order increase in a certain attribute is a third-order; a 30-degree increase in a certain attribute is a fourth-order; a 35-percent increase in a certain attribute Forty is the fifth level; the one that can increase the percentage of a certain attribute by 45 to 50% is the sixth level. In contrast, from the seventh level, which is the legendary level, the increase effect is achieved A staggering 60%!

The standard of the eighth-order epic magic weapons and equipment is to provide a 70% increase for a single attribute. As for the known highest-level magic weapons and equipment, that is, the ninth-order holy items, the single attribute increase The effect has reached 80%!

According to legend, only possible tenth-order god-level magic items can achieve a 100% increase in a single attribute, but so far it seems that it has never appeared on the Orlando continent, at least there is no history or written records. .

For a magic item with more than one increase attribute at the same time, the item with the highest attribute increase will be regarded as its main attribute, and under the same circumstances, only one increase effect is a primary magic item, such as a fire department. A staff with a 10% increase in magic power is a first-order primary magic weapon. In addition to the 10% increase in power, if you can add a 10% effect of casting speed, then it is a first-order intermediate magic weapon.

On this basis, if you can accelerate the magic condensation speed; store a small amount of magic; solidify any of the magic, this root can also increase the power of the fire magic by 10% and speed up the casting speed by 10%. , And a staff that stores a small amount of magic, is a first-order advanced staff.

Of course, under the same circumstances, the existence of three attributes in low-level magic items is very rare. After all, on the one hand, it is limited by materials and craftsmanship. In addition, masters with this ability will not work hard to make one unless they are specifically entrusted. Rank three attribute staff.

After all, for them to spend the same time and energy, they can basically make a third-level advanced or even a fourth-level advanced staff. As for the magic wand, although it is small and easy to carry, it is limited by its own size, so it can be portrayed. The magic circle is very limited, and there is no place to install the magic core with the ideal.

Therefore, three-attribute high-level magic wands are very rare. Relatively speaking, larger-sized wands with more available area are often high-quality goods with three-attributes.

In fact, magic bracers, magic gloves, and even magic rings have almost the same functions as wands and wands. They all exist to improve the efficiency of magicians and the power of magic released. The only difference is that compared to the volume and sturdiness of wands and wands, magic gloves, magic wristbands, and magic rings are either too small to add multiple effects, or the materials are easily damaged and difficult to repair.

Not only that, for the magician, no matter how many magic rings he wears on his hand, or wear magic gloves, magic bracers, and then take a staff, but the final effect will only retain the same The highest item in the attribute, not superimposed.

On the contrary, if the magician wears too much magic jewelry, then not only will there be no benefit, but on the contrary, it may trigger a turbulent flow of magic, leading to a greatly increased possibility of spellcasting failure. Therefore, for the magician, the three additional increase attributes have reached the limit, but more will be harmful.

So even if a magician has the conditions to put together various additional strengthening attributes, but the one who wears it in the end will generally choose to match three of them according to the situation.

However, the additional effects on magic robes and magic necklaces are generally not included in this list. After all, for magic robes and magic necklaces, increasing the element's cohesion speed, increasing casting stability, and increasing element resistance are the main attributes. The attributes on the staff do not conflict.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, a magician who pays attention to actual combat effects may wear ten magic rings on his hands. Do n’t get me wrong. That is not all magic rings with amplification attributes, but some in a pile. This kind of special magic is a 'magic magic ring' that can be stimulated with mental power at a critical time.

Therefore, for the magician, in addition to the three attributes of the additional effect, the magic ring worn on ten fingers, the magic wrist brace on the wrist, and the magic that may exist in the staff can coexist at the same time.

As for all "Magic Jewelry of Shaped Energy", not only the magic level present in it directly represents its level, but the number of uses and the time of "Gathered Energy Cooling" are also important evaluation criteria. On average, magic jewelry that can be used only once in a period of time is the most common, and the price that can be used many times will double.

So in general, if the magician wants to complete a weapon and equipment, then he needs more gold coins.

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