Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1665: Murderous outbreak

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At this moment, a huge coercion mixed with a strong killing intention came from the direction of the attacker as if it were overwhelming. This was the fifth-order senior spiritual master of the most sensitive sense among the attackers. Frightened! After all, as a magician who specializes in spiritual magic, he knows better than anyone what this powerful and powerful pressure that makes people feel inexplicably fearful and depressive represents!

That is not at all the pressure and magic pressure of ordinary combatants or spellcasters, which is inspired by the fighting and magic powers in the body, or even the spiritual coercion issued by people with strong spiritual power like him. That is clearly the soul coercion that can only be released by the super strong who has entered the realm of the super strong, has condensed and tempered his own spiritual strength to the limit, and thus transformed into the power of the soul!

If this were not the case, no matter how powerful his mental power was, he would not be able to feel such a trembling from the bottom of his heart as a fifth-level gold senior spiritual magician. So at this moment his heart suddenly became scared. Even if he said nothing, he could choose the location of the attack in the Forest of Warcraft instead of directly killing the Thunder Cloud Academy, which was enough to explain their concerns.

After all, the fact that the dozen or so assassins, including the Tier 5 Gold Intermediate Assassin, was gone a while ago is enough to show that Leiyun Academy is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. It ’s okay now, and it ’s only been a little more than three omissions since the attack, and it has attracted super powers of this level. How is it good! ?

In many cases, the guy who burns and robs and does bad things is more afraid of death, so after first feeling the coercion that made him fear and tremble in the heart, the spiritual magician had already succeeded half of the five. Metamagic [Mind Control] suddenly became unstable, so that from the very beginning, a male groundgrass tiger that was unable to breathe, was now trembling again, obviously struggling to resist the spirit of the other party. magic.

But at this time, the overwhelming pressure came to shock the male terrifying tiger's heart so much that it was originally struggling to resist spiritual magic, and its mental state suddenly became obscured, and its mental state became blurred. stand up. This situation suddenly delighted the spiritual magician wearing a precious magic robe. In his opinion, as long as he controlled the powerful male ground-grained tiger, then the strong resistance to the attack would have some confidence. , At least when it is entangled with each other, should he be able to escape?

So at this moment, he completely threw the pressure that made him tremble with fear. While the whole person was highly concentrated, the effect of [Mind Control] suddenly doubled, which made the male land pattern The tiger seemed to endure huge pain in an instant, and the whole sky screamed, and then his loose eyes began to turn white, and his eyes were completely controlled.

However, at this moment of great seizure, a blood-red ray that suddenly fell from the sky hit the psychic magician with a trace of ecstasy in his face. So in a flash, someone who was so good at the moment was completely crushed by the red light into a piece of bone!

This situation is really terrifying. After all, the guy is a fifth-level gold magician, not an ordinary person with no resistance!

So the two fourth-order black armor soldiers who were standing beside the spiritual magician as guards have obviously been removed of their extra feelings, and have become puppets who can only obey their orders, but are being broken by the spiritual magician. After the rotten flesh splashed all over, he was so shocked for a moment.

The so-called removal of excess emotions is difficult to be 100% complete. After all, in theory, as long as creatures with wisdom and memory are instinctively afraid of death, removing emotions at most only erases part of the memory, which is convenient for control. If you completely erase all wisdom and memory, you will not get a puppet that can exert most of its strength, but a complete walking dead.

So these two black armor warriors ca n’t understand it anyway. Obviously, this spiritual magician has applied [Magic Shield], [Bark] and [Nature Armor] a total of three magic protections, and his A magnificent robe of magic also comes with a triggering [skin skin technique] to protect the magician from the moment of attack.

But why under the protection of so many layers of magic shields, even if the ordinary sixth-level Zijin junior strongman can't hit the magic protection of a breakthrough, how can there be no effect at this moment? Then was the blood-red light directly blasting people into mud? !

And after all, what is that blood-red light? !

So even the black armor fighters who have no feelings feel instinctively a little scared and bad at the moment. Wouldn't it be easier to deal with them by being able to instantly blast the spiritual magicians who are much stronger than them into a slime?

However, this idea had just emerged from the minds of the two black armor fighters, and a black shadow crashed down with the red light that had not completely dissipated in the air!

In response to this, the two unconscious black warriors had too little time to react too much and could only use their full strength to arouse their grievances. Putting up his broad sword in a defensive posture, he stepped back.

Unfortunately, it is too late for the two of them to avoid it at this time. If they choose to dodge when the red light falls, they may still be able to live a little longer. At this moment ...

I saw that the smoke rising from the black shadow fell to the ground with two eyes of thunder and light, followed by a blood-red light that was slightly smaller than the other, but it flashed laterally, leaving a blood-red in the air. At the same time of the trajectory, the two fully defended black armor fighters and the smoke that had risen before were all divided into two by this blood-red trajectory. When they rolled to the ground, they had turned into four bodies without any trace of temperature. Now!

The natural magician who was not far away was so scared that he almost scared after seeing this scene! It is important to know that as a natural magician, he has a special sense of life energy, so he realized the terrible blood-red light.

The moment when I died from the sky because the spiritual magician died too 'broken', I didn't think that the moment the two black armor fighters were cut by the waist, he found that the life energy originally belonged to the two was absorbed and exhausted! As for whether the soul is absorbed together, it is not possible for this natural magician to detect.

But even this is too scary, even though they kill a lot of people, but they are also unheard of in this killing method and efficiency! And in the blink of an eye, a Tier 5 Gold Senior Magician plus two Tier 4 Silver Senior Warriors died so unclearly, shouldn't he be the next one? !

Thinking of the nature magician here, I dare not hesitate to use the technique of 'instant' magic directly in consideration of the triple consumption of magic power under normal circumstances, so just a moment later, with a burst of green smoke in the nature magician out of thin air The standing position appeared. A pure black crow with green eyes and a length of only half a meter flew its wings through the smoke and flew straight into the sky.

This is indeed the fifth-order magician of the natural department used his new life-saving magic-the fifth-order natural transformation magic [Crow Incarnation]!

However, even if the speed of the crow's flight is not slow, for Zhang Yang, who has reached the sixth-order purple gold peak after using [Lightning Enhancement], it seems like slow motion except that he can fly.

and so……

If he turns into a crow and flies to high altitude early, Zhang Yang may still be a little troubled, but if it is only less than 30 meters away from the ground ... let alone Zhang Yang, whose strength is soaring, I am afraid that it will be replaced by any fifth-level gold or higher battle If the worker takes the full jump, he can get it!

So just when the crow used her breast-feeding force to flap her wings to escape her life, a dark shadow with a **** light appeared next to the crow from the night sky first! And this time, the natural magician who has turned into a crow really has no chance to resist. Zhang Yang did not even use the **** holy sword "killing intention" held in his right hand, just extended his left hand like a hoop. Hold the crow's neck directly, and then crush it with a sour 'click' sound!

This is good. After just a few moments, the five arrogant attackers were killed by him in one fell swoop. As for the only senior Tier 4 silver shooter left today, although it has been reflected and raised his bow to shoot Zhang Yang in midair, but after losing the dual control of the spiritual magician and the natural magician, the remaining a dozen The demon wolf did not recover his original consciousness, but his eyes were red and he was completely crazy against us!

In the face of this situation, where did the black armor shooter dare to stay beside the demon wolf that was originally used as a guard, so that after hurriedly shooting an arrow at Zhang Yang, he ran regardless of whether he hit or not, and seemed to want to escape to the forest Looks like.

However, if this situation is put into the past, Zhang Yang who wants to extract information from his mouth may consider letting him die, but now Zhang Yang is anxious and angry because of the attack on Neil Jielina, and he is killing in his heart. Boiling long ago. So just when the shooter turned and ran out more than ten meters, a blood-red sword tip with a red awn continually exuded, but was inserted vertically from his back heart at once, and then gently Disturbance shook the black armor shooter's entire chest into a blast of broken bones!

"Cough, cough! You ... are ... who ..."

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