Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1689: Concern is chaos

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If the forest of Warcraft is really rich in resources, it is not only the place with the most types of Warcraft on the entire Orlando continent, but also rich reserves such as precious minerals and precious herbs. But in addition to these, because of its environment, resources and climate, there are countless insects and poisonous insects from large to small.

Not only that, swamps, poisonous fog, malaria, and even some carnivorous plants are also unpredictable. Whenever the veteran of the mercenary or adventurer imparts the common sense and experience about the Forest of Warcraft to the novice "Rookie", it usually will In particular, he said, “Do n’t just think about how to hunt World of Warcraft, the invisible threats are often more deadly. ’

So although Zhang Yang did n’t know exactly what poisonous insect was hiding in the grass at the moment and attacked Neil Jielina, but judging from the green poisonous needle shot from that volley, it was definitely enough Dangerous doomsday!

However, the problem at this moment is that this poisonous worm is too close to Neil Jielina, only a meter or more, not to mention, and it is a very fast long-range attack using the poison needle. Therefore, even at the speed of Zhang Yang ’s bow shooting, he did n’t rush anymore, so Zhang Yang simply threw away this precious sniper bow in the night, in order to be able to **** the poison. The needle is blocked.

In fact, even if you do n’t use [Lightning Enhancement] Zhang Yang ’s reaction speed and shot speed are very close to the level of the sixth-order strongman. In addition, the distance between Zhang Yang and Neil Jielina is more than ten meters, so it is there. A poison needle came in a flash, and when it was about ten centimeters before it hit Neil Jelina's arm, a black shadow almost as high as Neil Jelina's, but it was really hit first. On top of the poisonous needle, it flew forward with unrelenting momentum until it cut off a tree that was thicker than the waist of an adult man, and then it was nailed fiercely to the next dozen meters. On the trunk of a stout tree.

But what Zhang Yang did not expect was that although he threw the green and poisonous poison needle in time, he was too close to Neil Jielina, so that when flying past her, she The aqua blue body protector that was released from the outside instantly [Lock Fog Clothing] opened a big piece of "tear".

Seeing this, Zhang Yang suddenly reacted, but this time he was confused because he was confused. After all, fourth-order silver-level combatants like Nier Jielina who practiced orthodox grudges will still have some grudges even in non-combat state. Maintain [Lock Mist Clothing] body protection. So do n’t look at it is just a layer of body protection and grudge like fog, but its hard protection ability is definitely not worse than a set of second-order leather armor. At the same time, the protection effect of grudge and magic of various elements is more than most. Counting the third-order magic shield is also reliable.

Therefore, as long as the grief in Neil Jielina's body has not been exhausted, then she who has been maintaining [Lock Mist Clothing] will be shot by the poison needle because of the blocking and filtering effects of the body protection and qi [Lock Mist Clothing]. She also has a more than 70% chance of not being poisoned, and even the consumption of grudge is minimal.

In contrast, although Zhang Yang's "flying bow" knocked out the poison needle, he was mistakenly protecting part of her body because he was too powerful and too close to Neil Jielina. The body qi was completely torn, so that this flat white caused Neil Jielina to consume about 3% of her qi, not to mention, and also instantly weakened the protection on her arm to almost zero.

Fortunately, Niel Jielina's response was not slow. When she realized that she had been attacked by a poisonous insect, and Zhang Yang mistakenly tore her body shield torn apart, she waved her swords and leaned over. Rotating, turning the temporarily unprotected right arm to the other side, "Water Mirror" and "Smoke Wave" have already drawn two magnificent semi-arcs outside the body, instantly turning all the grass blades within two meters below Qi He cut off.

In this way, the poisonous insect hiding in the grass and attacking Nier Jielina was naturally unable to escape, so that the appearance of the poisonous insect appeared only after the leaves of the sky grass stirred by the grudge were scattered.

"It turned out to be a" spike worm ", and when I was fighting these two" fly thorn worms ", I thought that there might be this thing waiting for an attack, how can I know ..."

Speaking of which, Neil Jelena turned her head and looked at about ten meters away. She cut off a tree and then nailed the black giant bow deeply into the trunk. She was really funny and moved. Obviously, it is a ruthless character that can compete with the seventh-level legendary super powers, but who can believe that this even the "spike worm" and the "flying thorn insect" always work together in this mercenary training manual. What about common sense things that are not clear?

And ... just a flick of power can easily tear off the protective body outside her. Although this has nothing to do with her not pushing [Lock Mist Clothing] to the extreme, its power is also enough to make Neal Jie Lina was shocked. After all, if you think differently, if the other party ’s goal is not the poison needle but her ... Niel Jielin feels and does n’t say that she does n’t wear any armor except for body protection, even if she still wears the previous Boar leather armor will also fall to the end of a serious injury!

(Adults are so strong! But the judgment just now ... is because he is no longer able to practice and use grudges, so forget that I still have body protection grudges [lock fog clothes] Is this all about it? Or ... adults. He cares about me too much, so ...)

The thought of Niel Jielina's face suddenly showed a very happy smile, but Zhang Yang was a little embarrassed. Fortunately, this guy is usually used to expressionless expression, so as long as he is bored and does not pretend that nothing has happened ... Is it okay?

But since Neil Jielina had already spoken, Zhang Yang had to say something, right? So looking at the stinger that had been cut off by Neil Jielina with a sword, and half of his body was dying on the ground, struggling to twist, Zhang Yang coughed and said pretentiously:

"Although that's what I said, Xiao Na, you are now recovering from an injury and you are not wearing armor, so ... I'm worried about you being injured again, but it seems a bit more worrying ..."

"That's not it! If it wasn't for the adults to take action in time, although my current body protection level can basically offset the poison on the poison needle, but for such sharp things that already have a certain degree of armor piercing ability, only rely on body protection [Lock fog clothing] But it does n’t work, so if there is no adult, I will be slammed by the poison needle shot by the sting bug ... so I still have to thank the adult! "

(Although Xiao Na said the truth, why did she always feel comforted? Hey ... If I was attacked by this poisonous insect, it would be better to cope with it. The poison needle shot at this speed would not hit me at all. If you want to protect Xiao Na, you ca n’t rely on the “Dark Night Kiss” alone. So ... the grappling bracelet is more widely used, whether it is attack or defense.)

Thinking this way, Zhang Yang had already walked over to pull the kiss of the night out of the tree trunk, and then confirmed that it was not damaged. At this time, Niel Jielina, who had habitually collected valuable materials from her prey, came over and asked:

"Adult before letting the Terna beauty go back to prepare candidates, is to prepare to expand the size of the soul guard, but I don't understand what is to be prepared in this regard, as long as we have a body for them to use Is n’t that enough? "

After re-installing six tier 4 water magic nuclei on the left wrist and confirming that they are ready for use at any time, Zhang Yangcai explained with emotion:

"Of course preparation is required, and careful preparation is required this time. After all, once you become a soul guard, it will be completely combined with a new body. Basically, there is no possibility of returning to the state of the soul. So in this case, if you fight If you die, you will be completely destroyed. If the Terna people really have a future, they will not see it, so it is normal to hesitate. In addition ... "

Speaking of this, Zhang Yang sighed, and then subconsciously looked up at the faint sky above his head, and said softly:

"Even if these Terna people have the determination to sacrifice themselves for race, but some of them still have family members, in this case, in the end, is it better to choose a family member, or choose someone without any concerns to be a soul guard? Ok? "

"This ... I don't know ..."

“So it ’s only necessary for them to go back and prepare the right person, and I have long found that if I want to become a soul guard and adapt to the new body as quickly as possible, then the strength of the Terna ’s soul during his lifetime and the strength of the selected body are The closer it is, the better. If the soul of the Terna people had a higher strength during his lifetime but chose a body of a low-level professional, then not only could he not exert his original strength, but he had to re-cultivate for a long time before he could play combat power. On the contrary, if a mediocre soul of the Terna is combined with the body of a certain human being, the result is not only unable to exert the fighting power it deserves, because the body is too strong, it is likely that he is not at ease Controlling may also be. "

After listening to Zhang Yang ’s explanation, Neil Jielina nodded her head suddenly, as if giving a five-year-old child a fifth-order magic weapon, or letting a fifth-order gold-level strongman use a wooden sword to fight an enemy of the same level. If internal and external cannot be coordinated, it will only have the opposite effect.

When the two set off again, Zhang Yang, who was walking next to Neil Jielina, continued to say:

"In fact, there is one more thing besides these, but everyone is unspoken. That is that there is no clue about the continuation of the Terna people, so for a long time, these soul guards are mostly in Serve me, so in case I find a way to really be resurrected in the future, instead of the semi-dead state nowadays? These 'first movers' can be sacrificed in vain, so it takes some time to determine the trade-offs between candidates. what……"

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