Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1707: Temple Knights (Part 1)

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Most people generally think that space-based magic does not need to condense elements like elemental magic when it is used. After all, is the environment where people are in space?

However, only those who really understand the magic of the space system understand that space elements are the basic elements that construct the world, like wind, fire, water, earth, light, and darkness, even because they are everywhere and most of the time. Stable, so there are few free space elements.

Therefore, whenever large-scale space magic is activated, in order to make up for the space elements required by the magic, the caster or magic circle must slowly extract space elements from the surrounding extremely compact space in a certain proportion. As for the matter of speeding up the extraction of space elements, and not to mention how powerful or skillful it is to be achieved, when a space element is rapidly reduced to a certain threshold in a short time, a bad one is not Extracting space elements is so simple, once it causes space collapse and distortion, let alone the release of space magic, even the caster can survive!

Therefore, as the most esoteric and least mastered Orlando magic in the world, the most mysterious magic, space magic is not only very difficult, but also not fast. Therefore, from the activation of the life-saving escape magic on the "Mediterranean" scepter to the gradual operation of absorbing the surrounding space elements, it takes almost half of the total time.

It's just that because of the special nature of space magic, after launching space teleportation magic, the barrier formed by space elements is extremely strong. Although it can't be compared with the 'crystal wall' between the two planes, even if there is no seventh order Legendary power is basically unbreakable.

So when the space elements outside the "Mediterranean Sea" had condensed and the silver-white barrier was gradually rotating, Zhang Yang no longer ignored him, but turned his attention to the remaining two heavy armor knights.

In fact, for all the sacrifices of the light system belonging to the "Guangming Temple", these two have not yet been completely converted into the heavy armor knights of the "Temple Knights", because the blessings and protections imposed by the sacrifices for them have been broken by Zhang Yang, and now their strength It has fallen from the peak, and it can only be maintained at the edge of the fifth-level gold intermediate level by the addition of [Fanatic Frenzy] and [The Prison of Light].

Therefore, they still did not break away from the shackles of the human body. In this case, they did not have any room to fight against Zhang Yang. Even if they were knocked down again and again, and their will was controlled, they only issued them rigidly before executing the Mediterranean. Order-kill Zhang Yang.

But at this moment, when 'Mediterranean' realized that the strength of these two heavy armor knights or 'temple knights' could not kill Zhang Yang at all, before reaching, he stretched his fingers to stand aside and far away Niel Jielina, and then disappeared completely in a silvery white light that could not be seen directly.

Zhang Yang can only hate his teeth but there is no way to resolve it, but what surprised him is that these two heavy armor knights who should have obeyed the "Mediterranean" because of their will will seem to have not seen it at all. In general, the spearhead is still locked on Zhang Yang's body.

(Does the two armored knights naturally lift the effect of [God ’s Frenzy] with the departure of the "Mediterranean Sea", and then restore their will? But the question is whether they are burning from their performance or the power of life Judging from the fact that they should still be completely controlled by [God ’s Frenzy], then why did they turn a blind eye to the last command before the departure of the "Mediterranean Sea"? Could it be said ...)

While dealing with the apparently weak offensive of the heavily armoured knights, Zhang Yang thought of a certain possibility. If he guessed right, the problem should be the magic of the [Space Teleport]!

According to Zhang Yang ’s previous observations, the members of the Light Temple affected by the magic of [God ’s Frenzy] do not need to issue orders for the ‘Mediterranean’ sign, but instead give instructions through mental fluctuations and sounds. In this way, in the Mediterranean Sea within the magic of ‘space teleportation’, it is only possible to see the movement of the figure, but its essence is already in a small and relatively fragile ‘subspace’.

As a result, although ‘Mediterranean’ gained a strong protective layer, at the same time, he also completely isolated himself from the range under his control. Therefore, for the heavy armor knights whose will is controlled and thus become like puppets, they have not received the order of ‘stretching’ with their hands before leaving the Mediterranean!

So whether it was Zhang Yang or Neil Jielina, she was just worried about it. Even in the case of Neil Jielina, she was a little bit lost!

After all, do n’t forget Zhang Yang to prevent these people in the “Light Temple” from fleeing, so he specially asked Neil Jielina to call the members of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Regiment who stayed in Valksus to stand by. Even if the situation was somewhat beyond Zhang Yang ’s expectations, these people in the “Light Temple” did not escape but were controlled into a dead fight, but the soldiers of the more than one hundred thunder lightning mercenary regiments waiting outside [the prison of light] Watch it all!

Therefore, in this case, whether it is for Zhang Yang or Neil Jielina, it is a great opportunity to show his strength in front of his hands. But whoever thought it was the end of Neil Jelina still didn't wait for her to show her the chance, which made her feel a bit regretful.

After all, do n’t look at Neil Jelina as a charming and pretty little girl, but she has been fooling around for three years in the circle of mercenaries and combatants. The problem is that it is easy to feel itchy hands once you get the weapon you want, and you always want to experiment with its power in the battle of real swords and real guns to be enjoyable.

In addition, from the perspective of Neil Jelina today, in terms of her strength, it may be almost the face of the transformed "Temple Knight", but in terms of her movement speed and reaction speed, it should still be the same no problem. As for the current heavy armor knight who is barely maintained at the fifth-level gold intermediate level ... It is only a big order higher than her strength, and both the reaction speed and the movement speed are far worse than her. For such an enemy, as for Neil Jelina, who has a sixth-order magic sword in hand, as long as you are careful not to fight hard with the other party, then it is definitely not a problem to want to win!

But the problem is ... Since Zhang Yang wants her to look honestly and don't do it, Neil Jielina can only itch her heart.

And at this time, Zhang Yang had already begun his experiment on how to interrupt the transformation rites of the 'Temple Knight'.

In fact, after using the previous temple knight as a comparison reference, Zhang Yang has found a way for the heavy armor knight to quickly consume the power of life and then trigger the transformation ceremony of the 'temple knight'.

In fact, it is also very simple to put it bluntly, that is, to accelerate the consumption of the other party's remaining life force, that is, to continuously create injuries. For Zhang Yang, who is holding the "Ahn'Qiraj Destroyer" battle axe, tearing apart the opponent's defense is already a breeze.

So I saw that Zhang Yang did not attack the two heavy armor knights at the same time. Instead, he flew one according to Fang Cai's approach, and took the other one as the experimental object. So in just over ten seconds, Zhang Yang ’s body armor in front of the selected heavy armor had almost no bigger piece of good space. In addition to being able to roughly see a human figure, I was afraid that even from the ancient tomb The armor he had cut out was more complete than his body.

However, Zhang Yang cut the two-handed giant sword in the armor of the heavy armor into two halves with the advantage of the "Ahn'Qiraj Destroyer" giant axe in his hand and his great power after [Lightning Enhancement]. When a hole was cut in the middle of the opponent's chest from top to bottom, the life force in this heavy armor knight was finally exhausted, so that as the rune on the armor vaguely lit up, it was finally transformed. The magic circle of 'Temple Knight' barely triggered.

However, it may be because there are so many gaps in this armor at the moment, that the armor that was originally integrated and the magic texture is very smooth and beautiful, always looks like a "card master" when running the transformation ceremony, not only the speed Compared to the previous 'Temple Knight' transformation, it was much slower, and even Zhang Yang felt half dead, as if he would be unsustainable at any time, and the transformation failed.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang has roughly counted, and compared with the problem that the "Temple Knight" was unable to be interrupted by pure physical attack when he was transformed last time, Zhang Yang decided to use all the remaining magic in the "Brace of Domination" this time. Spend it out and try to see what effect the elemental attack will have.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang waved his hand across the sky, and the power of his soul poured into the "Brace of Dou Qi". At the same time, the huge sharp ice thorns of the thighs of ordinary people seemed to spend no magic power. A few meters away, the transforming 'Temple Knight' body and the magic array on the ground slammed past!

But after only five or six rounds, Zhang Yang chose to stop. Although this kind of 'Ice Spikes' magic attack obviously has a certain degree of destructive effect on the strange magic array on the ground, when Zhang Yang's icicles hit the heavy armor knight, Zhang Yang found that the other party was originally tattered. , It's almost like a "hollow-out" magic armor gap. At this moment, there is a breath of cool air, not the liquid white blaze that was extraordinary before.

In this regard, Zhang Yang quickly figured out the secrets that might be hidden, and then flew up just after the conversion of the "Temple Knight", and then a huge axe overturned and cut down the miserable "hollow" knight. On the ground, three times, five and two steps followed the footsteps of the first "Knight of the Temple", which turned into a "pie" type iron piece that couldn't help but tremble ...

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