Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1736: Division and arrangement

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If there is no external threat, Ophelia may choose to maintain the status quo, as long as it can guarantee a stable life for the people under the Moxim Kingdom. But the problem is that the so-called 'There are tired eggs under the dangerous nest', facing the undead natural disasters from the Campos Orc Kingdom of the South, the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, the North, and the Devil Demon that may break through the barrier of the plane and invade Orlando mainland at any time To be honest, Ophelia has no other choice.

If you want to survive the unprecedented crisis of the Orlando continent, then a unified human kingdom that can bring all forces together is essential. Even the French Empire, which has been split into more than a dozen in a short period of time, cannot be reunified, but as long as a consensus can be reached under the existing circumstances, and the coalition forces can form a joint force to jointly resist external threats, then it is not impossible.

Unfortunately, judging from the current situation, it is estimated that the seven princes of the original French empire could not be expected. At the same time, there were several guys who were selfish and disregarding the survival of the entire human race for their own power.

So even if Ophelia was unwilling to launch a civil war, the reality forced her to make a choice. Whether to stick to your own heart and moral bottom line and finally meet the destruction with everyone, or to abandon your consistent persistence and solve the internal problems of the **** for the sake of the overall situation, and then use this unified power to unite the magic kingdom Pompeii and The mercenary country Ladovia is fighting for the survival of the entire human race?

In fact, the conclusion is already very obvious. In the face of the survival and freedom of the entire race, everything else is nothing. No matter whether it is personal honor or insistence in the heart, it cannot be compared with the survival and continuity of humanity.

So in the final analysis, Ophelia herself understands, and the reason why she has not made up her mind is that she hopes to listen to a person's opinion and get support from that person. After all, she needs help in her most vulnerable and isolated. At that moment, it was "that person" who gave her selfless help regardless of the dangers of her life, not only accompanied her to complete the seemingly impossible "Ancient Silver Pegasus Trial", but even helped her complete her wish to find her mother. Relics.

So it can be said to some extent that without the help of ‘that person’, there would be no Ophelia today, not to mention the future trend of the French Empire.

And this is of no special significance to Ophelia. It is Zhang Yang who is sitting opposite her at the moment!

So after counting all the power possessed by the Silver Pegasus Legion and the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, Zhang Yang, who had been thinking for a long time, finally looked up and swept his eyes from the faces of everyone present until everyone nodded their heads with trust. Looked at him, Zhang Yangcai exhaled deeply and said:

"Well, in order to cope with this crisis and for the survival of this race of mankind, the two of us joined together to reunite the divided French Empire! To this end, whether it is to use force or other methods , As long as it is for the benefit of the entire human kingdom, then it will be spared! "

"Yes, lord!"

"Good boss!"

"Hey! Just waiting for you!"

"Finally a big vote!"

"Fuck! It's been a long time since I saw that the princes who were self-righteous weren't pleasing to the eye, and finally they can breathe out!"

In fact, everyone looked at the posture of this meeting before and guessed that there might be this result, but because everyone knows Zhang Yang and Ophelia's temperament well, they also worried that these two will not be determined to fight at one time. . Fortunately, both Zhang Yang and Ophelia chose to put down their own perseverance in the face of the overall situation, and then put the survival and continuation of the entire human kingdom in the first place.

So after Zhang Yang finally made the decision, not only did Ophelia look relieved, but many of the people present were also full of energy. Seeing the appearance, they could not wait to declare war on other forces immediately.

However, war is not a child's play, nor is it as simple as a duel between two people. Whether it is the arrangement of troop strength, the deployment between offensive and defensive forces, or the transportation support of logistical materials, all aspects cannot be determined by a table full of blood and blood. That requires not only detailed and thoughtful planning, but also a clear and detailed division of labor.

Moreover, after the division of the French Empire, the relationship between the various kingdom forces is very complicated. Although overall they are all opposed to each other, but if anyone really dares to kill a certain party for no reason, then the weaker party even sacrifices part of itself Interests will also choose to seek help from other forces. At that time, if the party provoking the war is unable to confront it, it will naturally draw allies, so once the war between the two kingdoms really breaks out, it will not take long to develop if it fails. Become a full-fledged melee between several kingdoms and even all kingdoms!

At that time, not only the overall strength of the human kingdom was greatly weakened, but the ordinary civilians who lived in the territory of France were the ones who really suffered.

So a detailed plan and a reason that can silence other forces are particularly important.

Fortunately, compared with the determination to go to war, it is easier for Zhang Yang to arrange specific matters. After all, regardless of past or present life, the thing that Zhang Yang is most familiar with and is good at is combat. So after everyone in the room calmed down a little bit, Zhang Yang and Ophelia confirmed their eyes and then said:

"In the current situation, there are only three things that are the most important. The first thing to do is to find out the real cause of death of the Emperor Frank. After all, according to the available information, his sudden death is a bit strange, and it may even be caused by A prince was killed, and only by grasping this point can we justly send troops to fight against it, and will not be attacked by other lord groups. "

All of you here naturally nodded and agreed, but it was not easy to find out this matter, otherwise it would not be so undetected for so long, which eventually led to the collapse of a French empire in Nuo Da. So without waiting for everyone to speak, Zhang Yang continued:

"I know that it is not easy to find out about this matter. After all, even if the old emperor has been dying for almost a year now, the ordinary way can't find the slightest trace. But today I successfully got the" Light Temple "and" Black " After the information of the Japanese Knights, I thought, if this method can be used to find out? After all, as far as I know, the emperors of the French Empire will be buried in the royal cemetery after death, so although this may be very difficult It ’s a big risk, but it ’s worth trying to get the truth. ”

Zhang Yang said that everyone here in the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps has shown a clear look. In this case, although Ophelia was very puzzled in his heart after seeing it, but at this moment, everyone understands that there is indeed this matter. I nodded curiously and continued to listen to Zhang Yang.

"The second thing is actually closer to the first one, that is, through the clues obtained this time, the" Black Day "Knights that have frequently caused turmoil in the country in recent years have been completely pulled out, so that the master behind If the messenger is really a prince, or even the same person who murdered the emperor of France, then our reason for doing it will become more sufficient, and even if it is done properly, it will also get the favor of many loyal nobles. The next stage of integrating the domestic strength of the **** to create momentum ahead of time can be regarded as a multi-purpose. "

People naturally have no doubt about Zhang Yang ’s second point, but as Zhang Yang and Ophelia said before, Franks, the capital of the French Empire, is not only complicated by all forces, but even the strong The quantity and quality are not comparable elsewhere.

Therefore, in this case, if you want to accomplish the two things that Zhang Yang said, without enough strength and a certain network, don't even think about it. In theory, Ophelia was originally a suitable candidate, but now that she has become a queen, she leaves the territory to go to the "storm center" of Franks City, which is simply a self-catching net, no difference from sending death.

Therefore, Zhang Yang's strength is sufficient for this matter, and because he has few activities in the country, it is relatively convenient to act. The only problem is that Zhang Yang is completely unfamiliar with the noble class of the French Empire and has never been to the capital, Franks.

Therefore, in order to cooperate with Zhang Yang's actions, Ophelia had to send a person with enough weight and familiar with the nobles of all parties. Therefore, based on the above points, the strong men of the Silver Pegasus Knights were first excluded, and although there are many strong men in the Camod family, on the one hand, it is difficult to cooperate with Zhang Yang in unfamiliar actions, and the other was accompanied When Ophelia returned to the Silver Pegasus after completing the 'Road of Glory', Zhang Yang had fought with the elders of the Camod family, which made him an outsider not to be seen by the powerful Camod family.

Therefore, choosing who to go with Zhang Yang has become an urgent problem to be solved.

Ophelia was really a bit worried about telling the truth, although she now has great power, not only completely mastering the Silver Pegasus Legion and the Silver Pegasus Knights, but also announced that after the establishment of the country, the local defense army has been incorporated and became a law. After the division of Lan, all the kings of the lords are almost the best powerful queens in terms of strength.

But the problem is that although the strength of the Silver Pegasus Knights is strong, it is not suitable for this kind of investigation and penetration. The battle battle is the place where they can really exert their own strength. In addition, because Ophelia's time in power is too short, although some strong people have been promoted, but on the one hand, the overall strength is still lacking, and in addition, the loyalty is somewhat unreliable.

So when Ophelia thought hard about who was more appropriate, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared in her mind!

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