Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1748: Ingir's Holiday (Chinese)

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"Yo? What's the matter? It's just that if I don't come for a few days, I have changed my title. Could it be that I am an outsider after being a general of the City Guard?"

Speaking of the fact that after Ingir served in the City Guard, most of the city ’s name for her changed from the previous "Miss" to "Adult Ingir". Of course, this change in the title is actually a little wrong. No, after all, the general of the City Guards is a very important position in a city. It is said that the serious point is almost the official position after the city owner.

So for most people in this position, people around him may be unhappy if they do n’t add the suffix 'adult' when calling him, but the problem is that for Ingir, she is not used to it and doesn't like it. Compared with the "Miss" who made her feel kind and familiar, what she called "Adult" not only had a sense of distance, but also seemed to mock her deliberately.

So when Mukcha Khon respectfully shouted such a sentence, Ingrid ‘bombed’. If others call her, it will endure, but where is this place? This is the shop opened by her good sister! It is not an exaggeration to say that she has been a ‘stronghold’ for many years.

Moreover, Mukcha, who has been around for many years, is not an outsider. She is a bit older than their three sisters alone. What is the purpose of staying in European weapons for so many years and willing to be a guard and a "door boy"? Does Gil still have a count? Therefore, Mukcha, who always called her "Miss Three" or "Miss Little", suddenly changed her title today. How could this Ingir not get angry?

In fact, Mukha himself regretted it when he said it. The problem is that it is too late for him to want to take it back, and Ingir is the kind of person who especially likes to speak by action. So before waiting for Mukcha to think about how to get the words back, Ingrid, who was full of anger, had angrily stuck his hand and pointed at Mukcha's nose:

"Why? Can't speak? Just default? Okay, just the casual clothes I'm wearing today won't even cure you for attacking the 'City Guard General', so come here and let's make a gesture, right If I have any dissatisfaction, just say that, if you win me, then it ’s okay today, if you lose ... Hmm! I hope you have enough armor today! "

"for this I……"

What character is Ingir? Others who say that they are practicing ice-type grudges generally do not believe it, but their tempers are more like that of the combatants who practice fire-fighting grudges, so she said in a crackling words that she did not give Mu Kecha a chance to intervene. So far, it seems that Mukcha only has a way to fight.

However, when Mukcha was a big boy and was neither in or out of the house, an elegant and quiet female voice came from the terrace on the second floor of the European weapon shop.

"Oh oh, I knew by my voice that my little girl was here, but it was only a few days that I did n’t see you, little English, you ’re so angry, is it too heavy for the City Guard recently? Tired of my little sister? "

Even if you look up from the angle where Mukcha is located, you wo n’t be able to see the person who is talking because of the cover of the upper terrace, but with the quiet and beautiful voice of this person, Mukcha can instantly recognize this person ’s identity, Except for the Miss Lella who has been dreaming about him for many years, who else can have such a sound that makes you feel comfortable and calm from the bottom of your heart?

(Ah! Miss Lella, I like you the most next time! You have always been the goddess who can save me!)

However, let's not mention the seemingly strong and calm, but the heart is full of peach heart, Mukhacha, standing opposite him, who was originally angry, heard the other party's voice, but deeply sighed. He took a breath and then said with a helpless expression and tone full of 'I know it would':

"I said the eldest sister, although you two have been confused for so many years, after all, this guy has not been 'correct' right now? So no matter what you think, my sister should theoretically be more important than him in your heart. Right? So my heart hurts when you look at his little sister like this! "

In the first moment, Ingrid, who wanted to eat a human face, suddenly showed a sad expression, just like the person who just pulled his arms and looked for faults to prepare for the start was not her. This expression changed quickly. Suddenly stunned Mu Kecha, after all, in Mu Kecha's memory and impression, Ingir seemed to be unable to control his temper at all. Once the anger comes up, it will definitely not be easy before it hits him. Stop it? So what's going on with this guy now?

(Isn't that ... This Ingir is a fake at all ?! Or even if Lella stopped talking before, wouldn't Ingir not listen? Right now ...)

In fact, it was not only Mukcha who was surprised at the moment, in fact, even Lellara was not very comfortable with the changes at the moment. However, no matter how this change is going in the good direction, Lerella shook her head secretly and smiled, then poked her head from the edge of the terrace and said:

"Oh, oh, what is‘ unclear for so many years ’! Besides, is he not a regular employee of my‘ European Weapon Shop ’? So I ’m not understanding what you ’re talking about!”

Most of the time when a woman decides to act silly on something, it means she is hiding her true thoughts. Moreover, the more beautiful the method is, the more effective it is, so that Ingir, who listened to her words, has nothing to say, but Muke, who was secretly rejoicing, looked a little bit lost.

(This ... Isn't it true that Lerella didn't feel my heart? But it wasn't right, before ... cough! She should understand? But I don't seem to have officially confessed to her yet. However, it would be nice if I could reach that level quickly, then I would ...)

However, while Mukchahu was thinking about it, Ingil had already said to Lerella in a tone that hated iron.

"Okay, after so many years, aren't everyone stupid yet to see? Not to mention you two are always secretly eyebrows, really when we are all wooden people can't see!"

"Oops, this ..."

Lerella didn't seem to expect that Ingill would suddenly pick out the matter at this moment, so she was obviously surprised, but just when she wanted to defend, Ingir did not give her a chance to sloppy, but continued:

"Actually, you should know his thoughts better than anyone else. If you don't cross the tier 5 gold level to become a tier 5 gold level strong man, he can't summon the courage to confess to you? Do you want to be like this? Have you been dragging on? Besides, you should also know that there is no shortcut for professional cultivation. In addition to hard cultivation, fighting with powerful opponents can really break through your own limits, so I find him trouble. Essentially speaking to him It ’s a good thing. "

Some things were clear to everyone before, but they were still unclear. Now that Ingrid has said so, both Lerella and Mukcha suddenly turn red. However, the problem is that, as Ingir said, it has been at least five years since Mukcha came to Lerella. However, until now Mukha has not successfully crossed the threshold of the fifth-tier gold level, so he has never had the courage to confess.

To be honest, if this matter was put before, Ingir might be too lazy to control, but right now ...

I do n’t know what Ingrid thought of suddenly, but she suddenly looked a little emotional, and then said deeply after taking a deep breath:

"In fact, if you put it in the past, I will not talk about things between you. But ... the situation is different now. If this guy does not improve his strength as soon as possible, he will break through the bottleneck and reach the fifth order gold as soon as possible. Level, I am afraid that once something happens again, you will not be able to protect your safety? So ... I think neither his strength problem nor the matter between the two of you can be dragged down as before. "

As a senior general in the City Guard, although Ingir has always been very calm, but because of her position, she has received much more intelligence than the average person, so she has more understanding and understanding of the mainland situation. So compared to ordinary people like Lerella, Ingir understood how critical the situation in the mainland today is.

So whether it's out of consideration for the safety of the elder sister Lella, or her future concern with Mukcha, Ingir hopes that she can do something for them. It's just that for the time being, it's reliable to help Mukcha to improve his strength, as soon as possible to match up with Lerella ... The others are really helpless and can only look at their own.

"Little girl ..."


In fact, whether it ’s Mukcha or elder sister Lerella, the Ingir who appeared in front of them today feels a little strange to them, how to say, although the appearance has n’t changed, it ’s the same person, but it feels like But there is a big difference from the past memory. After all, who could have guessed that this kind of anxiety would be caused by Ingrid who was all day long and frivolous, who could never make a noise?

Not to mention the fact that Mukcha loves Lerella in the past, but everyone knows it well, but it was really the first time that Ingir was presented in person like this at the moment, so Lerella, who was originally quite calm and prepared to pull out, was free. Suddenly, his face turned red, and as for the other party, Mukcha, his face was a change of blue and red, and he was completely speechless ...

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