Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1751: Emergency report (on)

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For professionals, cultivation and fighting are almost all of their lives. At the same time, it is closely related to whether they can survive in battle. Therefore, any opportunity to improve their own strength is generally not missed by professionals.

However, professionals also know that any actual combat is risky, even if the target is a robber who is two or three levels lower than yourself, in case you are unlucky and encounter a large group, you will take your own life. . Not to mention the warcraft that generally has a single combat power far exceeding that of humans of the same level.

Therefore, although actual combat is the fastest way to improve one's own strength, the risk is also huge compared with the benefits. However, if you don't fight, you will simply cultivate your fighting spirit or magic power, which will not only be constantly stuck in the bottleneck of promotion, but also become a "flower shelf" with empty levels but no actual combat experience!

Therefore, in this case, it is a compromise to engage in friendly comparisons with professionals of similar strength. After all, this kind of battle generally does not appear to be life-threatening unless it is intentionally done, and even if you are not careful. I was injured during the competition. It is also very easy to find a light priest priest in the town for treatment.

Therefore, most of the spellcasters and warfighters in the human kingdom will usually find those who have the same strength as their own to compete, so as to hone their combat skills and improve their actual combat capabilities. At the same time, the mercenary union will also have related business and dedicated venues.

So when Apple said that he wanted to compete with Ingir, Ingir was obviously quite moved.

"Also, when I was stuck in the fourth-tier silver senior, I was taken care of by my second sister. Now that we are finally at the same level, how can I feel at ease when I try it once?"

Upon hearing Ingrid say this, Apple also smiled, but the smile had a hint of sarcasm.

"Oh yo, I didn't expect my little sister to even take revenge ~ You know, I used to be for your own good, how come, do you think you can beat me with your current strength? Don't forget that you passed The threshold of the fifth-tier gold level, but today's strength is only reaching the fifth-tier gold junior, but what about me? Fortunately, it has also been in the fifth-tier gold intermediate for several years, so you still have no chance of winning!

Under normal circumstances, if someone is looking for April to compare, she is either too lazy to justify it, or she directly hits her opponent with the fastest speed, how can she say so much at this moment? So do n’t look at her ridicule to Ingir, but in fact, both Lerella and Ingir know that Apriel is joking at the moment and is quite happy.

So Ingrid, who was lying on the couch lazily, jumped up suddenly after listening, and then replied with eyes bright:

"It's a victory or a defeat that you have to fight before you know it? After all, I have experienced many battles with a weak victory over a strong one. If it is just a level gap, it can almost be ignored anymore? You have n’t broken through the fifth-level gold intermediate level and advanced to the second elder sister for so long, and the younger sister is also very anxious for you! "

When Ingrid said this, a person suddenly appeared in Appler's mind, so she replied in a clearly sour tone:

"Weak to win? If you mean that guy, he is not weak at all! Right? Obviously there is no grudge in the body, but there is a huge power that the grudge cultivator can't match, such a guy is simply a boar You ca n’t do countless things if you eat Warcraft! "

It ’s unclear who Ingel ’s words refer to who is Ingir. After all, even if she does n’t have much contact with April because of her busy official duties, how great was the stimulation of April ’s battle with Wright. Jill is also quite clear. It ’s just that Apple did n’t know that, aside from the non-human guy with the title of “Unsolvable Power”, Ingir had already had the strength of the leapfrog challenge, so she listened to the show. Issue:

"Wright ’s words ca n’t be viewed by the standards of normal people, let alone your strength will be planted in his hands, even the sixth-order Zijin-level powerhouse will not get any benefits under his hands, so I think It's not easy to get back to him. But there is a saying called 'Shibubu three days when we are in awesomeness'. After careful calculation, it seems that our sisters haven't tried one in two or three years? So who loses and wins Maybe it is! "

When Ingrid said these words, he was so confident that Aprilel saw the situation and was in a good mood. After drinking the fruit wine in his hand, he said with full spirit:

"Very good! With the courage of the little girl at the moment, I really want to fight you, so ... shall we start now?"

Seeing Aprilel's fists, Ingil hadn't agreed to the elder sister Lerella but was in a hurry.

"Wait, wait! Are you two going to try it out in my shop ?! I haven't thought of changing the shop yet!"

"Oh ~ Sister is so timid ~"

"We will pay attention to tap it!"

Ingrid and April, who had fought against each other a moment ago, suddenly took their hands and got together to tease the elder sister Lerella together. For this, Lerella could only hold her forehead and sighed and waved her hand:

"It's really impossible to take you, don't forget that you are now all fifth-level gold-level powerhouses! Once you can't hold your hands when you compare, don't say that the simple training ground behind my shop can't bear it, only I'm afraid even this weapon shop will be demolished by you? "


"This ... shouldn't it ..."

"Humph! It's weird to believe you! So if you really want to compare, go to the mercenary trade union's dedicated venue, my elder sister, I can't stand the small profits here."

However, as he was saying, Mukcha who had already hid downstairs suddenly ran upstairs again, then stopped at the door and said:

"Miss Ingill, a man claiming to be a member of your guard is waiting for you downstairs, saying there is an emergency military report, do you think ... will you take a look?"

At this moment, Mukcha was clearly a little cautious in speaking to Ingir, but leaving this aside, the content of his words made Ingir, who was in a state of excitement, slightly stunned, and then muttered:

"Members of the Guards? I've specifically confirmed that I'm not being followed. Isn't it right? Because of their strength in soft feet shrimp, I shouldn't be able to hide my perception, right? How did the guy find this place?"

However, it is strange that since the person who came here clearly reported the identity of the guards and said that there was an emergency military report, then Ingir could not ignore it anyway. So after sighing deeply, Ingrid frowned, apparently not in a good mood, and said to the second sister, Apriel, in front of him:

"Today's comparison between us looks like it's going to be a mess, but it doesn't matter, I will definitely come to you again when I take the next vacation! I hope that I will be able to fight happily!"

"That's natural, waiting for you to come over at any time. But when it's obvious that you are on vacation, then they should also understand that the ordinary little things don't need to notify you, then ... what's the big deal?"

"Who knows ... maybe which business group was attacked by the robbers along the way, after all, the entire **** has become more and more uneven over the past six months."

Speaking of this, not only did Ingrid frown, but even the faces of April and Lella became serious. Although the public security in the city of Bros due to the presence of the Northern Army is good, but throughout the entire territory of France, because the relationship between the princes and the lords has been separated, it has long been a mess.

In order to survive, many displaced civilians had no choice but to choose between joining the thieves or being starved to death because of civil strife. So a few of the richer provinces were still relatively peaceful. It can be said that gangsters and rampages in France do not talk about life, so for Ingir, who often handles such incidents, is basically already used to it.

However, as April said, if it was just a gangster or something like that, I would n’t have sent someone to find Ingir, so considering the fact that the three sisters still wanted to get together, they could only be patient The temperament went downstairs together to see what happened.

(It ’s better not to be a little big fart, otherwise it ’s up to me how to clean you up ...)

Ingel, who was disturbed when she was interested, could be described as a wicked fire. However, when she came to the first floor of the European weapon shop and saw someone coming, she wanted to be angry, but she was stunned and asked slightly Road:

"Danny? Why are you? I remember when you left today, you didn't chase it out like that guy?"

"Uh ... Master, you're right. You didn't expect you to notice me in such a hurry. I'm really honored to be here!"

"This, just your strength is not enough! When you enter the fifth-level gold level, you will understand that even if you don't focus on observing the surrounding environment, as a fifth-level gold level strong will instinctively control your side. Situation, so ... do n’t get me wrong! "

"It turns out that's the case, what a pity ..."

"What a pity! How do you know that I am here? It stands to reason that in terms of my strength and familiarity with the city, even the strong men of the same level do not want to catch up with me, not to mention you should be fundamental Did n’t you chase it? So ... make it clear to me, how do you know that I am here! Did you guys deliberately watch me under the eyeline in the city ?! "

Speaking of which, Ingrid's anger suddenly came up, so that the fierce look made Danny startled, and he had to step back three times and almost fell to the ground.

"Adult and general, the anger! We borrowed our ten guts and we would not dare, nor will we spy on you!"

"Then how did you find here ..."

Seeing that Ingir didn't seem to have any intention of directly hitting people, Danny put the heart that hung over his throat back into his stomach a little, and then Qiang stepped forward with his soft legs.

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