Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1754: Unbelievable undead

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(Great Snow Goddess and Snow Wolf God, are you abandoning your own people? What are we doing wrong, why should we suffer such a disaster? Or is it ... this is the beginning of the end? The whole Orlando world Is it coming to an end?)

There are many beliefs in the intelligent life in the Orlando world. The roots are mostly the first life that appeared in the Orlando world in the ancient times, that is, the existence of the ancient gods as the "old god". For example, the Slavs who lived on the extreme north snowfield generally believed in the **** of ice in ancient times. They believed that the **** of ice not only gave Slavs refuge, but also gave them this holy place to live.

So even if some scholars and magicians think that the ancient gods may not be considered as real gods at all, or they have disappeared into the long river of history for various reasons, but for the stubborn Slav Snow people, this legend used to be female The appearance of the snow goddess is the representative and will of the entire snowfield, and the patron saint of the Slavs.

As for why the "Snow Wolf God" was accepted by the Slavs, in a general sense, except for the possibility that there was really an extremely powerful magic wolf with a power above the Holy Order, and had a deep intersection with the Slavs. The magical **** between the magic wolf of various departments and the Slavs may also be an important factor for people to believe that it exists.

It's just that unlike those who believe that all merits and demerits are attributed to the "God", although the Slavs also believe in the "Ice Goddess" and the "Snow Wolf God", this belief shows more of a simple The spiritual sustenance and the respect and admiration of the elderly as if the child.

So if anyone feels that he can control the Slavs in the name of God, it is really wrong. The Snowfields never expected to receive God ’s alms, and therefore they would not be lost because God did not respond to their prayers. Therefore, in general, the seemingly savage and backward Slavic Snowmen, in terms of belief, are comparable to those of the magical magicians of the magic kingdom Pompeii, all of which are quite reasonable. On the contrary, various churches and shrines are prevalent among the flanges that claim to be the largest nation of mankind. Fools are also the most popular.

However, to this day, the discerning people have long recognized the fact that the Orlando world either does not have a true God who is omnipotent and omnipotent, or that this **** does not care about the life and death of humans and all other intelligent races, otherwise it will not let the demons, undeads and even the outside world Zerg Wounded in this beautiful Orlando world.

Essien naturally understands this, so his previous sigh in the bottom of his heart was nothing more than a simple spit. Although there is no practical effect and significance, at least can you decompress yourself?

Just thinking of this, from the other end of the snow wolf fortress wall suddenly came a clear commotion, this situation made Ai Xin frown, at the same time a bad hunch rushed in my heart again.


"What happened? As a soldier of the Snow Wolf Legion, can't you at least be calm? How can you protect the civilians behind the fortress in your state? Centurion!"


"Tell me what happened just now? Why is there rioting on the walls?"

"Yes, lord! Just now, we, we saw ... saw undeads chasing down the scouts sent by our Snow Wolf Legion! It's near the dry grass near the road about 500 meters north of the fortress!"

Hearing this, even calm as Essence could not help but shocked, and then waved away the crowd a few steps and came to the edge of the northern wall of the Snow Wolf Fortress to look out, but when he followed the centurion When he looked in the direction, there were no shadows related to the undead near the dead grass in the distance. Not only that, even the wolf cavalry scouts said by the centurion.

"Here, Master Essien, it really appeared there just now! Everyone is only seeing it ..."

The distance of 500 meters is not close, but far is not far. In terms of the physical fitness of professionals, some people may not see it really because of the different levels of individuals, but the general outline is impossible. Incorrect. Moreover, now the Snow Wolf Fortress is in a state of full vigilance. There are no fewer than twenty soldiers on guard on each city wall, so the possibility of collective hallucinations and misunderstandings is basically negligible, and ...

(Yes! It should have appeared! Those **** undead ...)

Although the training system of the Slavic warriors is different from that of the warriors in other human countries, the evaluation of the rank level is basically the same as the strength. Therefore, in terms of the vision of Essin, a fourth-rank silver intermediate strongman , You can easily cross the distance of about 500 meters and see the mottled blood stains near the dead grass!

As we all know, the vast majority of undead spirits will not bleed. Except that the legendary vampires are special, even zombies, death knights, etc. transformed from humans will only emit black when the body is damaged. Poisonous body fluid, not the deep red blood stained near the dry grass at this moment!

So even though Essien didn't see the undead in the crowd at this moment, the Wolf Cavalry sent out by the Snow Wolf Corps on patrol had become an indisputable fact. So I thought here that Essien took the opportunity to order:

"Submit the order! The soldiers on duty are all in combat to deal with the next possible attack!"


"The herald, immediately inform the head of the army about what happened here. At the same time, everyone should remember that the Snow Wolf Fortress is not only a military fortress, but also an umbrella and a spiritual pillar for the tens of thousands of refugees under the southern wall! So No one is allowed to shout loudly without obtaining accurate information, otherwise the refugees will panic and cause chaos, then the situation will not only be difficult to control, but also more easily attacked by the enemy while chaotic, understand? This is the order! "

"Yes! Master!"

"Then let me act!"



Because there is little friction between the Slavic Snow State and the French Empire, the significance of deterrence and precautions for both the Slavic Snow Wolf Corps and the former Northern Army of the French Empire is obviously greater than actual combat significance. However, truly qualified fighters are definitely not created by training alone. Those who have not experienced actual combat, have not been baptized in blood and fire are nothing more than ‘chicklings’.

Therefore, based on this situation, the former Northern Army of the French Empire will generally adopt methods such as "changing defense" and "participating in large-scale hunting" to give soldiers exercise. For the Slav Snow Wolf Corps, which is very scarce of materials, the effect of separating some legion fighters in rotation and allowing them to go to fight around the human country in the name of the "Snow Wolf Mercenary Corps" all year round is even more remarkable. After all, it not only allowed the soldiers under his army to pass the test of actual combat, but also generated income for the legion and even the kingdom.

So if you really want to count it, apart from the fact that a few of the soldiers who have just joined the Snow Wolf Corps are not counted, most Legion fighters are veterans who have entered the "Snow Wolf Mercenary Corps" and have experienced it, so there is also a small part of them The low-level undead have fought, so in a sense, the Snow Wolf Legion is not ignorant of the undead.

So as Essien's order was conveyed layer by layer, the entire Snow Wolf Fortress suddenly ran like a precision machine. Not only did the guards on the walls become tighter, even the Ace Wolf Cavalry of the Snow Wolf Corps was called up to stand by at any time. After only a few minutes, the head of the Snow Wolf Corps served in the Snow Wolf Corps for nearly fifty years. General Kraft has led all officers to Essien.

"Master Legion!"

"Well, what's the situation?"

"Returning to adults, according to the usual practice, the total number of wolf cavalry scouts going out to patrol is divided into ten groups, but as of now, there are only three groups of six. The remaining seven groups of scouts are all missing. According to my personal Judgment does not rule out the possibility of being killed. "

"Is there only three groups back ... It should be the first scouts sent out in the morning."

"Yes, lord! These three groups are the first scouts that went out in the morning. As for the groups that started patrolling in batches in the afternoon, they should have returned by now."

At this point, Essien didn't go on. Although there is still some time before the sun sets, for the vicinity of the snow wolf fortress that has been affected by the strange black clouds in the north, the visibility has fallen to a degree that is not much different from the evening. Too. Therefore, under normal circumstances, scouts who go out to investigate will return early when the sky is brighter, instead of returning until night before as if there were no undead natural disasters. So after listening to Essien's words, Kraft, the head of the Snow Wolf, whose hair and beard were completely white, nodded in agreement, then turned his face and said:

"Order all the soldiers into a state of imminent combat, but no one is allowed to attack without my order. What about the person in charge of the fortified defense facilities? Come and see me now!"

As Kraft's voice fell, his orders were quickly passed on by the officers at all levels behind him. So not long ago, a shirtless man with a height of two and a half meters and a weight of no less than three hundred Pakri appeared to be in front of Kraft at a pace enough to be called “heavy”.

"Boss, call me?"

"Yukata, you guys ... Forget it, the catapult on the fortress should be able to be launched at any time? If you were allowed to project a burning fire bomb at a distance of about 1,500 meters, would it be possible?"

After hearing Kraft ’s words, the shirtless man named Yukata first subconsciously glanced outside the city, and then he twisted the “beard braid” on his chin with his muscle-knotted right hand and answered. Road:

"If you use a trebuchet on the south wall, there is no problem, but the trebuchet on the north wall is not as effective as the south, so it is a bit reluctant to project the fire bomb at a distance of 1,500 meters. It ’s just that ordinary stone bullets are good to say. Er, boss, do you want it? ”

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