Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1756: Countermeasure and exploration

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As we all know, although most undead spirits are transformed from the dead, there are some differences. With wisdom as the distinction, those with self-awareness and wisdom can be called "undead spirits" and can only listen to action and usually rely on instinct to act like skeletons and zombies. At best, they can only be called "undead creatures". Not 'undead'.

In addition, because there are too many types of undead creatures, let ’s not change with each passing day, but it is not allowed that a certain undead magician or lich will create a brand-new undead creature after the tinkering. Therefore, based on this situation, people divided them into three categories based on the shape of the undead creatures, namely the "bone system" that uses various kinds of white bones as the carrier; the "rebirth system" with blood and flesh, and the body is completely abandoned, and only the soul exists. 'Ghost Department'.

As the largest proportion of the three systems of undead spirits, although the difference between the shape and size of the boneless undead creatures represented by skeletons is not particularly obvious, the level of individual strength among them is quite different. For example, the lowest-level skeleton may be slightly stronger than ordinary people, so that if the fear factor is removed, even ordinary people who are not grumpy may go all out with it.

However, it is as if humans can strengthen themselves through cultivation of fighting spirit and magic. Excluding those high-level undead spirits directly transformed from the death of the strong, even the lowest-level skeletons and zombies are instinctive. The earth advances itself by absorbing all available things such as dark elements, power of death and even elemental energy.

Therefore, even if it is only the most common low-level skeleton when it is awakened at the beginning, it is even trapped in an uninhabited place, but as long as there are available elements around it, it will take several years, more than ten years, and even more After a hundred years of accumulation, the strength of this skeleton with no wisdom but only a few instincts will also change considerably, so that even if it cannot be directly turned into a high-level undead creature with wisdom, but its own strength is improved by one or two levels. Normally.

Therefore, if this is the case, it can be understood that a large number of high-level undead spirits suddenly burst out from the depths of the snowfield. Assuming that they all come from a special plane, and most of them have been baptized for tens or even hundreds of years, then it makes sense that the strength will be so strong in the theory of natural growth.

So if you think along this line of thought, how strong are the undead spirits that have existed for hundreds or even thousands of years? I'm afraid not to say that the Slavic Snowland can't carry it. If this is the case, the undead natural disaster may only cause a devastating disaster if it is replaced in France or Pompeii.

Of course, the reason why the Slavic Kingdom will fall in such a short period of time is that it is difficult to do so only with hundreds of thousands of high-level undead spirits, but do n’t forget that the most frightening place of the undead spirit is not its hard power. This kind of necromantic magic and plague that can kill the enemy and then awaken to become the undead, etc., are really scary things!

As long as the enemy is killed, it can be transformed into its own men, and as long as it destroys life, it can breed death from it. This is the way of fighting the undead spirits. It can grow as fast as a snowball, and it can give a destructive blow to the opponent from the spiritual level. !

So even though the population of the Slavic Snow Country is relatively small in the human kingdom, they are suddenly attacked by a large number of high-level undead spirits, and soon they will use the dead bodies of the war dead to create new undead creatures in large quantities. This repeated operation and the destruction of the capital of the Slavic kingdom as soon as it came up, caused the entire country to fall into chaos directly, and it was impossible to gather enough power to do so, so that it was quickly killed by those who were tired and afraid of what The undead completely occupy ...

This situation may be unclear to others, but Kraft, the commander of the Snow Wolf Fortress, the last barrier to guard the Slavic Snowmen, cannot fail to understand. So when the 'sickle-clawed skeletons' outside the fortress were pulled out of the mist, Kraft's eyes instantly determined that these guys were definitely not later transformed from the Slavic corpses, but as the first batch of undead The invaders appearing in the undead are truly "dead hunters" with wisdom and strength!

(If you look at it this way ... the flames attached to the fire bombs have very limited damage to it, probably because of the gray scale armor outside these weird skeletons? Then ...)

"Yukata! Can you shoot with ballistas at this distance?"

Not to mention that Kraft is now 61 years old, but as a sixth-rank Zijin mid-level strongman, he is not much worse than the young people in terms of physical fitness. If he had been seriously injured when he was on a mission in his early years, he almost died. All are lost, which affects the further improvement of the strength, otherwise the hair and beard will not be white at this age.

However, when he opened his throat at the moment, his voice still overshadowed the noise made by the surrounding equipment. However, only a few moments later, Yukata's loud voice responded:

"What a joke, boss! There are 1,500 meters from here to there. Okay! Do you think that the defensive ballista is a slingshot? Besides, the killing distance of the defensive ballista is basically within a kilometer, even if I have the ability to shoot past, and the power and precision of the head can not be guaranteed at all! "

In fact, it is not necessary for Yukata to say that Kraft, who is the head of the legion, also knows, as a sergeant and warrior who has spent a lifetime in the Snow Wolf Legion, what performance does the garrison ballista have and the extreme attack of the catapult? What is the distance, how does the fortress defense system work, and even what capabilities does each of these old folks have? Kraft tells the truth better than anyone else.

However, in theory, it is the best choice to keep the unknown enemy intact, but now the undead spirit has stepped out of the snow wolf fortress and killed the wolf cavalry scout in front of the city guards! In this case, if Kraft does nothing, the morale effect is extremely fatal. After all, if the enemy is in front of him but does nothing, neither for the soldiers of the Snow Wolf Legion nor for the compatriots south of the fortress. Good explanation.

So in this case, Kraft would like to be able to attack those **** undead directly from the city's head with a powerful weapon such as a city ballista. After all, the power of this thing is really huge, as long as it is within the shooting range, its power is enough to cause a fatal threat to the fifth-level gold level strong!

In this way, it is best to kill several incoming undeads without dispatching any fighters. Otherwise, if you temporarily frighten them back, you can also get a "repel the enemy" conclusion. In this case, you only need to win a little In response time, Kraft also arranged tactical layout.

The problem is that Yukata is not as "far-sighted" as Captain Kraft, so even though this old boy is second to none in the construction and manipulation of siege equipment, it is a bit difficult for him to expect him to understand Kraft's deep intentions. So Kraft was suddenly shocked by Yukata's remarks, which made it impossible for him to go on, and this situation really made Kraft's eyes twitch in anger, and the old man was almost fifty people. Why is it like a rib in my youth ...

In fact, do n’t look at the people of the Slavic Kingdom. Each one is five big and three thick. In the human kingdom, he still bears the title of “mad warrior”. But if you really understand it, you will find that these big guys are not only tempered, but also have a big meal Children and minds are no worse than people in other countries.

So when the commander of the Kraft Army was hesitant to order a round with a trebuchet in his face, the surrounding officers had spontaneously discussed, and even methods of dealing with these undead harassment had appeared.

The problem is ...

(Blindly conservative is not the way, after all, we must fight these **** undead sooner or later, so if we can find out their abilities and reality, we can find a way to deal with them as soon as possible. So if the remote attack cannot be realized, we ca n’t ignore it ... then someone has to try their depth, but how dangerous is this task ...)

Unlike the head of the Kraft Corps, who has always had a steady style of work, Asin, as the most popular officer and warrior of the young generation of the Snow Wolf Corps, the fighting method is obviously more direct and of course more brutal. What's more, he thinks more than the immediate crisis. If the fortresses of the Slavic kingdoms near the French border are already the last refuge of the Snowfields, then Essien has every reason to believe that his father and sister will definitely come to the snow. Wolf Fortress!

So even if it is just to reassure yourself, it doesn't have much practical significance at all, but Essien still hopes that he can do everything he can to eliminate the dangers around the Snow Wolf Fortress so that they can reduce some hidden dangers and dangers when they return.

Therefore, thinking of the determination here, Essien took a deep breath and stepped forward to say:

"Master Legion! I want to lead the headquarters out of the city to test the reality of these undead spirits. After all, if you are not close to the observation, you can't detect how much strength they have. So even if you want to collect intelligence, please let me fight!"

As soon as Essin's words spoke out, all of them quieted down, but this situation lasted only for a very short time, and then when other generals realized that the head of the regiment did not immediately negate, the militants immediately scrambled. Joined in and asked to play together.


"What are you screaming about? You do n’t have to keep the fortress when you all go to battle ?! Or let you go and you can wipe out all the undead spirits on the snowfield ?! Nonsense! Do n’t forget how heavy our shoulders are at this moment. Mission! If the entire Slavic territory has fallen, then we must not only protect our compatriots who escaped from the fortress, but also shoulder the task of reviving the Slavic Kingdom! After all, we can no longer afford unnecessary sacrifices Now ... "

Even if Kraft had turned his hair and beard all white for several years, the Snow Wolf Corps had never seen a trace of oldness in him. But today, just as the commander of the Kraft Corps yelled out these words, the people around him suddenly realized that the captain of the Corps who had worked for the Snow Wolf Corps for a lifetime.

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