Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1760: Temptation and confrontation (Part 2)

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Is it some kind of contract or curse? Just like the legendary "dead men", in order to prevent the assassination of failed intelligence and the like, even if they want to betray the intelligence to survive, the contract signed with the master will make him have to commit suicide or even be forced to die. It is common to blew up before death, so are these two undead spirits in front of you?

Because the undead spirits have disappeared on the mainland for a long time, most people do n’t know much about them. As for the skulls and zombies that occasionally appear in ancient tombs or underground tunnels, they can only be regarded as undead creatures. . Therefore, even Essien, who is experienced in battle and has repeatedly followed the Snow Wolf mercenary regiment to perform missions around the country, did not understand why the two suspected wise scythe skeletons should destroy themselves.

However, one thing Essien can be sure of is that Essin felt that these sickle-claw skeletons were not weak in battle before, but neither the body shape nor the fighting method was obviously not suitable for positive hardship, but more suitable for potential fog. Sneak attack.

Taken together, their overall strength is around the fourth level of junior level. As long as they are not attacked by them, they can be pulled out of the fog first, then even if they were scouted by the previously killed wolf cavalry, they will win. Possible.

Therefore, according to these points, Essien judged that these sickle claw skeletons that suddenly appeared near the snow wolf fortress should not have come to attack the snow wolf fortress, but more like wandering around with the appearance of black clouds and gray fog, and in the vast area. Attacked the existence of survivors on the Slavic snowfield.

Thinking of this, Essien was even more anxious. Now that the black clouds and gray fog have spread to the snow wolf fortress on the border of the Slavic snowfield, does it mean that the entire northern snowfield has been completely covered by this black cloud and gray fog cover? If this is the case, then considering the existence of the sickle claw skeleton that can be hidden to a certain extent with the help of gray fog, then even if there are survivors on the snowfield to this day, they may be difficult to get through. Where is the border?

(Damn undead! I will never let you go! Daddy, sister and everyone, you must be fine!)

At the moment, Essien really wanted to go back to his hometown of Aigmaya immediately to find out why the father and sister had not escaped until now. However, Essien knew that on the one hand, as a member of the Snow Wolf Corps, he must not easily leave his post during this extraordinary period, on the other hand, it has been so long since the outbreak of the undead natural disaster, even if he can really cross the crisis. Xueyuan back home, I'm afraid I won't get anything?

Thinking of here, Essien took a deep breath and tried to adjust her mindset. After looking around for a week, she ordered:

"Don't take it lightly! Although the enemies found have been cleared so far, it is not clear whether there are more enemies around under the cover of this fog, so be vigilant anyway, once any enemies are found Alert quickly to the trail of "!"


In fact, even if the elder wolf knights around did not say this, he would not be taken lightly, but his remarks can not only remind everyone, but also relieve the pressure of his people to a certain extent. Of course, Essien and others will never forget to collect the wreckage and loot of the enemy. After all, it is the so-called 'you need to understand the enemy first if you want to defeat the enemy'. Therefore, although it does take a lot of risk, but through research The wreckage of these 'Sickle Claw Skulls' must have gotten a lot of information about the undead spirits that appeared on the snowfield this time.

In fact, when it comes to collecting loot or collecting materials, every Slavic warrior can be regarded as a good player. After all, the resources on the snowfield are too scarce and the environment is so dangerous, so how to quickly collect and package loot, It is a compulsory course for every snowy person.

However, when Essien split up the five members to recover the wreckage, a group of magic wolf knights who had been vigilant around had made new discoveries!

It was a messy footprint buried deep in the snow. Judging from the snowfield soldier's cognition combined with the battle just now, these impressively belonged to the 'Sickle Claw Skeleton' footprint! More importantly, judging from these traces left nearby, the number should be as many as twelve! Instead of the eight observed from above the fortress.

So ... where are the remaining enemies of the eight 'sickle claw skeletons' that have been wiped out now? And in the gray mist around you that can't see the head, are there any more gray sickle claw skeletons that can almost be integrated with the fog?

"Adult, shall we expand the search range a little bit? If there are more traces and clues, we can also determine the exact number of attacks on the enemy."

"Yes, lord, these **** undead can't withstand a blow in frontal battles, but if we keep hiding in the fog, we won't be able to resist it once we stare at our scout once we go back. do?"

"Or just turn around a few more times? If it's just the kind of thing just now, we can all solve it with a few axes, otherwise it will be uneasy to keep hanging like this."

The several magic wolf knights who spoke at the moment were basically the trusted officers of Aixin's men. Not only were their strengths above the Tier 4 silver level, but they were also outstanding in their combat experience and commander's ability. Therefore, most of the comments and suggestions made by them were seriously considered, but at this time, a series of cries of surprise and pain came suddenly from the left team!

"Ah ~!"

"Be careful!"

"Enemies! Enemies!"

As soon as he heard the sound, Essin was startled, and then he urged the demon wolf buddy to go straight to the place where the accident occurred on the left. However, when Essien saw exactly what was going on in front of him, his heart was suddenly tight, and he saw the original fighting team of two teams with a total of ten people. At this moment, three people had fallen to the ground together with the magic wolf under him. Although it may not be life-threatening to look like, it is a little unrealistic to think about in a moment.

Fortunately, if it was not for the protection of the surrounding companions, I was afraid that it would not only be injured and fell to the ground, but would be killed by a secondary attack that followed. However, even if the situation is not so far away, the situation of the war group is still not optimistic. Although the remaining Demon Knights are blocking with all their strength, it is still difficult to stop the pace of the black skeleton's attack.

This situation is somewhat beyond the expectation of Essien and others. After all, this black skull that is wielding a huge sickle to kill the Quartet, does not look like the strength of the fourth-order silver level. Otherwise, in terms of the strength of the ten magic wolf knights, how could one face such a big loss?

The only thing to be thankful for is that these Devil Wolf Knights who played with Essien are all experienced battles, so after discovering the strength gap between their own and their enemies, the two fourth-order Devil Wolfs led the team The knight and the three third-order magic wolf knights did not hesitate to jump from the body of the magic wolf partner, and then directly urged the tumbling of the body to open up the unique "madness" ability of the Slavic warrior!

So in an instant, the five very strong magic wolf knights roared, and after the white light flashed, they saw their muscles expand almost at the speed visible to the naked eye, just two or three kung fu. The figure seemed to be inflated by almost a third, and at the same time a wild breath filled with wildness was suddenly released.

It has to be said that the snowfield warriors' ability to "craze" is quite powerful. Before they were clearly in the wind, they not only completely resisted the crazy attack of the black skull with a long-handed sickle, but even had a counter-pressure. The illusion of going back.

That's right, it was just an illusion. Although the mad warriors on the surface seem to have taken back the upper hand and defended as an attack, it was exchanged for the price of ignoring the damage and pain after the madness. Therefore, although the mad warrior in this state is powerful, on the one hand, it has a heavy burden on the body, and the state is completely unsustainable. On the other hand, after the madness ends, the previous damage will gradually appear, so that if Failure to receive treatment in time is likely to be life-threatening!

Of course, even if the cost and burden of madness are great, it is always better than not being defeated. In addition, the soldiers of the Snow Wolf Legion are very united. They are not fighting alone. Therefore, they can only use the advantage of the number to crush their opponents, even if they come to support Essien and others. Even if this sudden black skull has five The strength of the stage is the same.

However, what everyone did not expect was that when Essien led his team to give full support, Essin, who had just ran halfway, was suddenly alert. It felt like someone was using a bucket of cold water on a cold winter day. Pouring from scratch to feet!

At this moment, a huge sickle suddenly flew from the mist in the distance, but dragged the gray-black breath visible to the naked eye and slashed over to Essin's side!

(No! There is more than one monster!)

Even though such a thought flashed through my heart, Essien ’s response was not slow, and because he was in the forefront relationship, even if this fly sickle was extremely powerful, his strength was finally the key At all times, the wolf-headed battle axe resisted, and then the black scythe grid flew out.

"Be careful! I'm afraid there is more than one such monster! One or three teams stayed to help me, and the rest used to help injured companions!"


The Slavs have always been straightforward, so the soldiers who were born in the snow field are more pragmatic, and the strength of Essien is obvious to everyone, so after he spoke, in addition to the squad of one or three to stay to assist, the rest continued without stopping. Rush to the direction of the injured companion not far away.

Until this time, as a black bone hand pierced the surrounding gray fog and took a long-handed sickle blocked by Isenge, a black skull almost identical to the front was finally revealed. What made Essien frown was that the dark skull in front of him seemed more powerful than the one not far away. Even the fire of the dark green soul burning in the eye socket seemed even colder!

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