Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1765: Brotherhood

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The Xueyuan people have always been straightforward. Not only are there rarely intrigues inside, but even if there are occasional differences and contradictions, most of them will speak straight with their fists. Therefore, in general, it is rare to see two snowy people arguing arduously.

However, with Essien ’s status and temper, he would be able to let the people come and go with Yan Yue. If you look at this situation in the eyes of uninformed people, you will be very surprised. Roxa, the captain of Essien's Guard, was also looking at the sky, apparently pretending not to see it.

"I have said how many times you have, don't always think how strong you are, even the fifth-level gold-level powerhouse will encounter all kinds of unexpected, who can guarantee that you will not encounter the rank higher than your own Strong? Or do you think you can deal with the siege of a large group of enemies? Moreover, you are now only a Tier 4 silver intermediate. Is this level of strength cold if you are careless ?! "

"Ha ~ It's okay! It's nervous for you. Isn't that a good solution? In fact, if this black skull is a bit stronger, the broken sickle in hand also has the effect of weakening our ability. It ’s such a broken skeleton, we ’ve already cracked it, and you said yes? After all, we ’ve done a lot more than the World of Warcraft, and it ’s no big deal! ”

Even though Essin haha ​​smiled and hoped to win the sympathy of the surrounding men, but at this moment, including the surrounding demon wolves, one by one is either busy collecting the fragments of the skeleton hunter, or simply wrap the wound to rest, simply No one showed the intention of getting ready to talk.

So at this time, "Leng Men" snorted slightly, then stared at Essien and asked:

"Really? Knowing that you don't have a shaman in your group and you're so careless, you really think that you can [the gods of the world] be able to resist all harm? Or say you guys in their thirties, still change Can't the kind of rashness that happened before? "

Even though the person in front of him was cold-faced, Ai Xin still didn't mean anything, but said with a chin on his chin, he smiled and said:

"I said, brother, you are wrong in this respect. As far as I know, after successfully performing [God of Heaven], you can indeed obtain high-level magic-resistant skin and have a strong resistance to physical damage that is not lost to armor. , But if the opponent's strength is too strong, such as encountering a seventh-level legendary super power, then even if you successfully use [Tianjinxiafan], it should not be injured or delayed. "

"Intentional interruption, right? Are you a fool? I'm not here to raise your bar! If it weren't for the command of the legionnaire, I would be too lazy to care about you! Huh!"

"Come on, come on, who does not know who our brothers are, although you have a stinky face all day long, but your brother is in trouble, how can you not care about it ha ha ha!"

"Really ... too lazy to care about you."

In fact, when it comes to this, even outsiders should understand that it was not the others who brought the shaman to support at the critical moment. It was Essin ’s brother who is now serving as the Snow Wolf Corps, the captain of the regiment, and the nickname 'Ice Wolf's Ike Road!

So from this point of view, in addition to the content of anger, the words before Ikelu are more worried about their elder brother, otherwise if it is really unfamiliar with his personality, there is no need to say so That's nonsense.

However, Ikelu also revealed a message in the remarks just now, that even when Essien asked to play at the beginning, Legion Chief Kraft only agreed that he led a total of fifty demon knights out, but when the situation changed At that time, Kraft, the seemingly conservative and old Snow Wolf Commander, had secretly sent his elite guards as a double insurance.

So from this point of view, the so-called robustness and conservatism are not static observances, but consider all possible situations as possible and make reasonable arrangements. It is precisely because of this that all the French Empire soldiers who have dealt with the Kraft Commander of the Snow Wolf Corps basically have a deep respect for this dripping strong man.

It can be said that even though the Snow Wolf Legion has long been known, it is only in the hands of the Commander of the Kraft Army that it truly reaches the apex of its prestige and becomes a qualified force to compete with the Northern Army of the French Empire.

And while the brothers were talking, the battle on the other side was completely over. However, it is very regrettable that even though the commanders of the army commanders led by Aikelu are extremely powerful, all of them are composed of quasi-powerful people who are above the fourth-order silver level. At the same time, everyone also has a magic wolf partner as a Mount.

But even so, they are still a step late, so that in the face of Skull Hunters with tier five gold junior strength and holding a cursed scythe, there are many people but the high-end combat power is relatively lacking. Before the support arrived, the skeleton hunter had raided and killed a less powerful warrior who hadn't had time to go crazy.

After hearing this news, not only did Aisin, who is the immediate chief, suddenly become silent, but even Eklu, who was just angry, no longer continued to reprimand each other, and slowed the expression on his face. Low channel:

"Actually, I understand, brother, the reason why you let most people support there is to keep only a dozen people to help yourself, in order to let yourself take most of the danger as much as possible to reduce the casualties. Just ... in the battle Injuries or deaths are unavoidable in any case. Since you have tried your best, do n’t think too much. After all, everyone is fighting to defend our homeland, so even if you fight heroically, you will die well. You should be proud of him. It is. "

"Yeah ... everything is to protect our homeland ..."

(But our homeland has been occupied by **** undead! And our family ... so far there is no news ... so it is the sacrifice of the soldier ...)

Although everyone almost refuses to talk about whether the family is safe, how can they not be concerned about it? After all, as Ikelu said, the motivation for the snowfield warriors to fight is to enable their families to live a good life, but according to the present, this reason is probably no longer there?

Fortunately, Essien did not forget his identity. If he was just an ordinary soldier, he might be allowed to let himself down for a while, but as a commander, he must be strong anyway. After all, he not only wants to set an example for other soldiers. Even more responsible for the lives of the soldiers!

Thinking of here, Essien wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and then hugged it hard, leaned close to him and obviously worried about his demon wolf partner, then said calmly:

"Go, take our warriors and loot home! As long as our Snow Wolf Legion exists for a day, the Slavic Kingdom will never fall completely! Let those **** undead look at our power!"



Although Essien and others paid the price of the death of a warrior, it is also an indisputable fact that two skeleton hunters with fifth-level primary strength and twenty sickle-claw skeletons with fourth-level strength were destroyed in one fell swoop. The degree of sacrifice is so insignificant that the results achieved are so trivial that even if placed in other kingdoms, it must be considered a big victory.

However, the Snowfield warriors have always regarded the lives of their companions and family members as more important than anything else. Therefore, after Essien and others repeatedly searched outside the fortress and confirmed that there were no other undead spirits lurking, the two Essien brothers finally took the enemy The bone fragments and the remains of the fallen soldiers returned to the Snow Wolf Fortress.

This is perhaps the first known victory of the Snowfields in the face of the invasion of the undead. Although the two sides of the battle are only a small contact, the significance of this victory is for all survivors of the Slavic kingdom. It's really huge.

The scale of the 'Undead Scourge' that broke out in the Slavic territory this time is unprecedented, and the damage to the Slavic Snow Country is also devastating. So today, when the homeland, and even almost the entire kingdom, falls, will this humble victory be the horn of the Slavs who counterattack the snowfield and gradually regain their homeland?

Whether it is for the soldiers of the Snow Wolf Legion or the refugees who later know the news, should they think so? It's just that even though the Xueyuan people became happy because they wiped out the undead spirits coming and going, a faint sadness never lingered.

This is the tradition of Slavic snowfield warriors. Victory is gratifying, but the sacrifices made to win are even more regrettable. Perhaps it is because of this that the Slavic kingdom was able to abandon its hostile relationship with the French Empire and instead seek ways to coexist peacefully with it and also allow the tribe to feed, wear, and live through the winter.

However, Aisin and others who had returned to the fortress at this time did not choose to rest. At present, not only Aisin, Iker Road and Roxa are just playing, but even those two are released for Aisin and others at a critical moment. The cursed Shaman Legion shaman priest also came to the head of the captain Kraft and other generals.

At the same time, the wreckage of the undead spirit that was carefully taken back was already placed in the middle of the conference hall along with the body of the war dead.

"Legion Warlords, these are the undead wreckage of this attack. Although we are a bit overkill in order to prevent their resurrection, but we want to come to use the strength of our Snow Wolf Legion Shaman and magic advisors, we should be able to find some useful Information. Of course, we have also summarized the specific abilities of these two undead spirits, hoping to use them as a reference for the future elimination of these **** souls. "

"You worked hard, Essien. I saw it on the city wall when you were fighting. At this moment, I only have one question to listen to your opinion. I hope you can answer me seriously according to your true feelings."

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