Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1767: Isolation is not helpless

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Although the difference between battle and war is only one word, the gap between the two is too great. So when the head of the Kraft Legion cleared the stakes in front of everyone in the Snow Wolf Legion, both the officers such as Essien and the shaman priests and magic advisors participating in the meeting became quite ugly. .

After all, from the current situation, many of these undead spirits occupying the Slavic snowfield obviously have 'self-awareness', then does it mean that the Slavic kingdom is engaged in an unprecedented war with the kingdom of the undead What?

The problem is that even ordinary soldiers understand that the most taboo in fighting is to rush into battle without sufficient preparation, so let alone win, it is very difficult to maintain undefeated.

Moreover, for today's Slavic snow country, they found that the timing of this fact was too late. If it is put in the national power, the concentration of the entire snow country may not be able to resist this "undead invasion", at least It will reduce the loss to a minimum, rather than falling like this now.

However, in reality, there has never been a case, not to mention that the **** undead appeared directly in Alterac, the capital of the Slavic Kingdom, and they were completely destroyed with their incomparable strength, thus making the command and intelligence network of the entire kingdom. Without a complete paralysis, even the news was perfectly blocked.

In this way, even if the local legions of the Slavic Kingdom have received sporadic news from their own channels, but as long as they have been unable to contact the royal city, they must be scrupulous and cannot act privately, so that they later learned from the survivors that most Slavic cities When he was in a panic and hesitated, he was surrounded by a large number of undead creatures, and eventually fell in isolation.

But who can blame? Should the king be incompetent? Alterac is clearly the largest and strongest city on the snowfield, but was captured by the undead overnight. Isn't the powerhouse and army of the snowfield so unbearable? This should not be the case. Even if the Slavic kingdom is at the bottom of the strength of the four human kingdoms, it will not be much worse than the mercenary country of Radovia. Therefore, even if this undead natural disaster erupts elsewhere, the result should be not much different. To blame can only blame the undead who do n’t know where they came from. The strength of the undead is too strong. After a long time, the Slavic kingdom cannot parry.

As for the injustice that complains about fate? Obviously the northern snow field is already so barren, and it is so difficult to survive here, but even if this fate treats the Slavic snow country so cruelly, this kind of extinction disaster is brought down for no reason. Who knows why?

However, for what has already happened, since it can't be changed, you should look up and look forward! Even if the Xueyuan people wake up a little late, even if the situation before them is extremely harsh and severe, but in order to continue the Slavic blood and culture, in order to survive the people, the Snow Wolf Corps must do something!

So Kraft, who is the head of the legion, took the lead in breaking the suffocating silence in the house with his vicissitudes of voice, and looked at the backbone of all the snow wolf legions in the house:

"Although we wake up too late, there is hope as long as we live! So the question now is, how do we deal with these undead spirits? What are their weaknesses? If there are really so many **** guys To the extent that they are overwhelming, how can we protect the civilians who fled outside the city once they have attacked? Think about what the solution is! "

Most of Xueyuan's temperament is outspoken, so apart from a few aristocrats who live in the royal capital and claim to be superior to others, most Slavs don't care much about those ceremonial etiquette, as long as they come to the conference hall Everyone can speak freely.

It's just that these issues raised by Kraft are all related to the future survival of everyone and even the Slavic kingdom. Therefore, even though people have private discussions, no one has come forward to express their opinions.

Seeing this, Captain Kraft finally sighed in his heart. The soldiers of the Slavic Kingdom are highly skilled and the warriors of the Snow Wolf Legion are brave and fearless, but the problem is that it is no problem for these guys to charge in the front, but sit down and talk about national policy, The discussion was a bit in vain.

But the problem is that at the moment, Kraft himself is in a mess. Although the surface is calm, he is actually a bit unsure of what is good. After all, even though he is relatively experienced in the older age, he is also a Slavic warrior in his heart!

Fortunately, the Slavic kingdom can continue to this day not only by the **** courage of the warriors, but the wise shaman priests who are more wise than the mad warriors have always acted as advisors in the major Slavic legions.

So while Essin and others racked their brains to think about how to deal with the situation at hand, the old man in fur robes who had been standing near the window since Essin and others entered this hall used to lose weight with him The discordant Hong Liang voice said:

"Don't be too anxious, Brother Kraft, there is always a solution, but it is ignored by everyone."

At the moment, when talking to the head of the Kraft Army, he said that the brother and the brother are not the others. It is the Snow Wolf consultant who is a lot older than the head of the Kraft Army. He is 65 years old and has fifth-order gold. Samortal, a shaman of junior strength!

Speaking of the old Shaman Snow Wolf Corps, there is almost no disrespect, and not to mention that Samotar itself is proficient in multiple healing magics. No matter who is injured or in trouble in the entire Corps, it is easy to find him. Because he was able to talk to the demon wolf alone, it helped a lot in the Snow Wolf Legion!

After all, although the Slavs can communicate with their own magic wolf to a certain extent, in some cases it is really troublesome to clarify some specific things without the help of the "wolf whisperer" of Samotar. In addition, the age of the "wolf whisperer" Samotar is also the oldest type in the Snow Wolf Corps. Therefore, most of the soldiers of the Snow Wolf Corps usually treat him as their grandfather. Let him do less.

However, it is undeniable that the "wolf whisperer" Samotar is not only well-informed but also quite wise. Therefore, since he has always been listening, he has all his eyes gathered on this thin old man.

"Isn't the method obvious? Regardless of whether the undead spirits have the so-called" self-consciousness ", in terms of their type and nature, they should belong to the dark evil and use negative energy monsters like the demons. So the best way to deal with them is to find a large group of light priests and priests or knights who practice light magic, so that not only can they cause a lot of damage to light magic, even with the undead. Infected during combat, it can be cured and eliminated by light magic, and in this respect, it is much more troublesome to rely on the power of our shaman priests. More importantly, we have fewer shaman priests. It ’s okay to deal with the injuries of 180 people. Once this number is exceeded, you ca n’t be too busy. ”

Samotar's tone was like talking with his children, there was no sense of 'burning eyebrows' at all, and this method he said is indeed known to everyone, but the Slavic kingdom has a talent for light and chooses to practice light. There are few magicians, but now the number of people remaining in a big disaster is probably less than the number of pizza priests, right?

However, Kraft was also an 'old fritter' anyway, so he soon heard the out-of-string sounds from Samotar's words, so he frowned and asked tentatively:

"Brother, do you want us to ask for help from France and other countries of mankind? You should also be clear about this. Other countries of mankind are not very peaceful now, and the most powerful French empire was originally The dead boy is split, and now the Northern Army can see that it is enough to provide us with food and material assistance in the past, and then ask them to raise us a large number of optical professionals to participate in the war. I am afraid ... "

It is said that Xueyuan people have a cold and hard temperament like ice, but at the same time, Xueyuan people have the pure and noble heart as hard ice. Things that can be done by oneself don't easily ask for help, but any one's own problems are not willing to trouble others.

However, since Samotar is known as the 'wolf whisperer' and is able to communicate freely with the magic wolf, how could it be unclear what Kraft thought? So he interrupted without waiting for the other person to finish talking:

"What's wrong? What's wrong? When is it time to die and face to suffer!"

"It's not a question of face-saving, let alone whether they can get so many optical professionals in a short time, just let these people work hard for our Snowfield people, it's hard to make sense!"

"You're not right, brother! Haven't you already concluded that these self-conscious undead spirits have become a disaster in Orlando, not just our Slavic kingdom! The difference now lies in those The undead spirits have not completely wiped us out, so if they do n’t take the initiative to help, should they understand the truth of the cold?

The words of Samotar can be said to be "a person who wakes up in a dream". But the truth is right. The problem is that if the princes of France really understand the general and think for the entire human country, I am afraid that they have a long history of law. The Lan Empire will not be divided now? So will the selfish guys really believe Kraft in this situation?

Regarding the question raised by Kraft in this regard, the "wolf whisperer" Samotar pointed to the remains of the skeleton piled in the middle of the hall and said:

"Evidence that you want them to believe? Yes, isn't it piled up there? We may not see anything special at the level of our laymen, but if we switch to high-level light professionals or magic Old scholars of Kingdom Pompeii, as long as they see these objects, they should be able to make judgments easily? And I said that the object we want to ask for help is not the selfish little devil of the Franks, but like the Northern Army, The Silver Pegasus Legion still retains its own glory! Brothers, what do you think? "

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