Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1771: Essien's strategy

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If the act of killing is a great evil, then even after depriving the other of his life, even the soul is not let go. This is simply heartbroken, saying that all life's public enemies are not excessive. It is precisely because of this that the original Necromancer magician triggered the anger of the whole continent and was almost completely eliminated.

In fact, demons do not succeed in this respect, or even pass it, but the difference is that the undead or undead magicians gather souls to do magic experiments or create certain undead monsters. As for demons, in addition to the perverted masochistic habit of devouring the soul, it is also to enhance their own strength.

In fact, the "curse weapon" has a powerful effect on humans and most of the living bodies with blood and flesh. In addition to the ingestion of the souls of the detained victims, the "black gas" transformed from the curse can gradually Weakening the strength and vitality of the attacked, in addition to the fear and resentment that subconsciously emanates from the soul of the intelligent creature imprisoned on the "curse weapon", it will also have a strong impact on the target attacked by the "curse weapon" Consciousness interferes, so that if the target spirit is not strong enough, it will be affected by the negative consciousness emitted by the "cursed weapon". If it is serious, it may cause trance or even lose consciousness!

So generally speaking, although this "cursed weapon" cannot directly enhance the strength of the user, and has its own shortcomings of defying itself, it can be regarded as five in any way due to its characteristics of "straining the soul" and "weakening the enemy". Higher-level magic weapons above the order, and in the hands of this kind of skeleton hunter suspected of being created specifically for the use of the "curse weapon", it is almost able to exert a powerful effect close to the sixth order magic weapons.

It ’s just that even though the influence of the “curse weapon” is extremely strong, the effect will be greatly reduced when dealing with elemental creatures. After all, most elemental creatures have no emotions such as fear and resentment, so the “curse weapon” comes with Mental attacks have little effect on them. The body of elemental creatures is also directly composed of various elements, so it is also naturally resistant to ‘black gas’.

In this respect, magical puppets such as magical puppets and elemental puppets can be regarded as nemesis of 'curse weapons'. Not only those weakening effects and mental attacks cannot take effect on them, but even the most important 'capture soul' ability There is no use at all.

Unfortunately, whether it is an elemental puppet or a magical puppet, it is very rare on the Orlando continent. The price itself is very expensive. Not to mention, it requires superb technology to manufacture and use it. So unless there is a place with a long history and huge wealth, such as the magic kingdom Pompeii, it is possible to equip a large number of magic puppets. Other human kingdoms can only deal with enemies using ‘curse weapons’ in this regard.

So when ‘Cursed Weapon’ appeared on the Orlando continent again, although the magic adviser did n’t say anything, the news was secretly passed back to the magic kingdom of Pompeii, but it was not clear to those around him.

But now that Aixin has explained its interests at this moment, then naturally there is no sense of secrecy. So the magic advisor did all the work without endlessly and directly entrusted everything he knew.

"Although the power of cursed weapons is huge, it is not static. For example, when there are not many souls accumulated in them, no matter the strength of the weapon or the curse power attached to it, it will be greatly reduced. On the contrary, if it **** enough souls, Then it is not impossible that its power is close to the sixth order magic weapon. "

Even though Essien was so angry at the moment that he had nothing to add, at the moment he miraculously remained rational. So even though Essien was panting all the time, there was no slack in what he could say.

"Is there a limit to the soul that this thing can hold?"

"That is natural, even if the effect of this thing is breathtaking, but in the end it is still just a weapon. So maybe it is limited by materials and technology. According to the record, each" cursing weapon "can hold a soul limit It is nine hundred and ninety-nine! As for the offline ... It seems that when the casting is successful, the soul of ninety-nine intelligent creatures must be absorbed. "

evil! It's so evil! No wonder that the devil has always been called the number one enemy of the Orlando world, and the guy who can research this evil weapon really should not live in the world!

"So, in addition to the weapon maker, how can we break the shackles of this" cursed weapon "and liberate the soul trapped in it?"

"This ... The easiest and most rude way is to destroy it directly, but if you do so, the souls imprisoned in the" cursed weapon "will also be broken and disappeared. From the result, it can be regarded as letting them out of the sea of ​​suffering. . "

The thought of his clan was killed by cruelty first, and then the soul that was supposed to dissipate was detained by this evil weapon, and at the end, he had to die with the culprit who imprisoned them. Essien felt very sad in his heart. . So he shook his head firmly and asked again:

"So what about other more complicated methods? If you say that, there are other ways to choose?"

"There are methods, although the process is not very troublesome, but it requires light professionals to repeatedly use [purification] on this" cursed weapon ". According to historical records, about every release of [purification] One of the chances is that a captive soul will be redeemed, so there is no need to endure any pain and return to this world! "

Because Essien did n’t know much about magic, he suddenly frowned at the thought of how advanced the technique was when he heard [Purification] this magic:

"Most of the magicians who use light are called 'light priests' and 'clear priests'? So what strength do you need to release the [purification] you said? Third order, or fourth order? If it's a fifth order light spell, It ’s not easy to use the technology that only people can use ... "

"Uh, you don't have to worry about this, brother. [Purification] is just the lowest level of magic in the light professional system. It can be used as long as there are some light talents and a little training, so if you really want to choose this In this way, instead of asking the light professionals to do this repetitive and boring job, it is better to look among the existing Slavic civilians for people who have the talent to practice light magic, and then invite one or two It ’s not enough for the light priest to teach them the light magic? After all, no matter how you think of this kind of "cursed weapon", it is absolutely impossible to have only two, so it is more necessary to spend money to train people to "purify" this cursed weapon. Is it cost-effective? This is my suggestion to you as a magic adviser! "

(Choose people with light magic talents from the civilians outside the fortress? This is a good way! Although it is a bit of an abrupt way for the Slavs who believe in the ice goddess and the way of nature to learn light magic, but in the current situation Look, maybe this is really a good choice.)

Thinking of having completely calmed down here, Essien raised her hands and rubbed her cheek hard before exhaling:

"You're right, although I don't want to believe it, my instinct tells me that there are definitely not a few such skeleton hunters with a cursed scythe, so as to hire light professionals to do this We may not be able to sell it, after all, according to what you said, this is not a matter that can be done in a short time. "

"Yeah, although [Purification] is only the first level of light magic, the chance of one-tenth is a bit low, so even if you can really release [Purification] ten times, you can let the" curse weapon " One soul in 'was redeemed, considering that there are at least a few hundred souls in each cursed weapon, it would have to be released thousands of times repeatedly, even if this kind of work is resilient and relatively gentle I am afraid that it is difficult for optical professionals to persevere? "

"It's really difficult ..."

"So it seems necessary to cultivate the light caster belonging to Slavs himself. Fortunately, our requirements are not high, even if the talent is poor, the magic in the body can only be used once or twice [purification]. But after all, it ’s Mrs. Slav ’s own business? If the number of people can be greater, perseverance in the long run will not only save the soul in the 'cursed weapon', but if you fail, you will reap a batch of first-level or even second-level strength Pastor Guangming and the sacrifice of light! "

(This guy really did not give up the idea of ​​letting our Slavs learn magic ... but now I have to admit, whether it is to 'save' the souls of fellow citizens trapped in cursed weapons, or to fight the **** undead in the future, let It is the best choice for as many compatriots to learn the magic of the light system.)

Thinking of the fact that Essien remembered something suddenly, he asked:

"When I met this skeleton hunter before, I didn't know that this" cursed weapon "was so powerful. Even if I used" Rage ", I was weakened by about 30%. However, when my brother came to support me, I accompanied him. The shaman priests used magic to dispel all the curses and weakened states on my body. Does this mean that the shaman priests can also save the soul trapped in the 'cursed weapon'? "

"You said this, I've heard about it. Although the natural magic used by shamans can counteract and dispel the effects of cursed weapons on the warriors, that only works for living people, right? For souls who have lost their bodies and lives, natural magic cannot exert any effect at all, not to mention the fact that as far as I know, the Slavs who have the talent to become shamans can be said to be one in a thousand, plus the desire to become a The shaman priests involved in combat actually need ten years of study time. Where do you go to find such a shaman? Where do you have so much time to wait? "

"Okay ... you're right. So what should I do now? I don't know what kind of person has the talent of light magic, in this respect you ..."

"Don't look at me, neither will I! But it is not difficult to find someone who can do this, you just ..."

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