Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1776: Restrain the power of undead

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Because the magical strength of Emma's body is only the intermediate level of the fourth-order silver, even though the effect of the [Ice Armor] she uses directly chases the fifth-level defensive magic, it is still only a fourth-level magic from the level. However, unlike most shield-type defensive magics, the appearance of [Ice Armor] is not a fixed spherical barrier or a geometric shield, but a magical magic that will naturally change according to the body shape of the subject.

So when Emma used [Ice Armor] on the white shadow of the ice demon wolf, even now the body of the white shadow has grown to the point that the length of the tail is not more than five meters and the standing height is more than two meters, but Ai [This ice armor] can still form a set of armor that covers more than 40% and completely protects the key points in the most suitable way for the white shadow. Therefore, this alone is quite valuable. After all, if it is replaced by the same fourth-order water magic [Ice Shield], it will only condense a geometric ice shield outside the subject, and cannot be active when attacked. To resist, need to control the caster, not to mention, the intensity can not reach the level of [Ice Armor].

However, when Emma released [Ice Armor] for herself, although the armor that appeared outside the body as the magic spell ended was also as shattered as ice, but it was full of primitive wildness outside the white shadow body. In style, this pair of ice armor outside Emma is beautiful and looks like a skirt composed of countless shining stars.

Of course, perhaps because of the influence of Emma ’s own strength, the armor coverage of this set of [Ice Armor] on her body is also only about 40%. In addition to the chest and abdomen and the head, the arms and legs are only protected A few pieces of nails exist.

However, this level of protection is enough for Emma with healing magic, but compared to the protection, the only thing she can count as aggressive magic is [Icy Weapon], but she only summons a handful of ice. The condensed one-handed battle axe and a cold ice shield with a diameter of about m Xu are just.

The only advantage of this level of weapon may be the ease of use. Even Emma, ​​who has not received special combat training, can use it freely. As for its power ... Do n’t look at the [Ice Weapon] theory summoned by Emma. The magic rank is only the first rank, but the strength is enough to be comparable to the second-order magic weapon. If it is not [ice weapon] has a certain duration limit, otherwise the practicality will be stronger.

In addition, do n’t look at Emma as a girl in her twenties, but as a pure Slav, she is still comparable in strength to the average adult man in the French Empire, so add this The Ice Warhammer and the Ice Shield are all her own magical creations, so even though the actual weight is more than forty Parker, for Emma, ​​it is just like the four Parker ’s weapons. It is quite convenient.

However, just when Emma was ready, the first wave of magical attacks released by the white shadow had fallen on the three sickle-clawed skeletons rushing to the front!

Those are four sharp ice cones with a diameter of half a meter and a length of more than two meters, and as the most penetrating attack magic in third-order water magic, even if they are protected by magic shields or body grudges, these ice cones can still be Causes a considerable degree of damage to the target, at least the powerful impact carried by the ice cone that is shot at high speed is not something that can easily be offset.

It's a pity that for a sickly claw skeleton with an average of fourth-order strength, even though the ice cone released by the white shadow is very fast, it almost drags a light blue trajectory to them in the blink of an eye, but even in these four roots Two of them were evaded by them. As for the remaining two ice cones, in addition to a hip bone that directly hit a sickle skull, they were also paralyzed by the other with a sharp sickle claw. Although he stumbled but did not cause substantial damage, only the speed of the sprint was blocked.

But at this time, Bai Ying was not fighting alone. While the four ice cones flew away, a series of eight and a half meters wide, seemingly transparent space blades seemed to have directly crossed the more than 100 meters. The distance was average, and the back came first to the legs of the seven sickle-claw skeletons in the back, and immediately passed through without hindrance, immediately brushing the seven sickle-claw skeletons that fell behind in a few steps. All the brushes were cut down from the knee joints, and it looks like it has been specially rehearsed!

For this situation, the battle-hardened Bai Ying did not respond too much, still focusing on rushing towards the target ahead. But for Emma who lacked combat experience and knowledge, this scene was quite shocking. It's just that she couldn't understand why Kai Neng could use the [blade of space] to cut off the knees of the skulls on the opposite side in one fell swoop, so why not attack the head directly? After only a wave of attacks, will the enemy suddenly decrease from ten to three?

So Emma, ​​almost dumbfounded, subconsciously said what she said:

"That ... Kai Neng, why don't you just cut their heads? That's a lot of trouble ~"

However, Kai Neng hummed in disdain after hearing this, and then explained while staring at the battle ahead:

"You may not know it? Whether it is a human or a skeleton, their heads are often the strongest. If I really used the head as an attack target just now, in case the [blade of space] is not powerful enough In order to cut it off? So for the undead spirit, a half-deep incision is nothing. Not only can it not weaken its combat power, but in case of white shadows, I just want to release the space again. Blade] will not be able to operate because of fear of accidentally hurting the white shadow ~ Looking at the joints on their knees, not only is there no armor for flexibility, but also the structure is extremely fragile, so just cut it off They wo n’t be able to move as fast as before, so it ’s much easier to clean them up! ”

"Oh, there are so many doorways inside, if I would definitely cut them in accordance with their brains ~"

"Cut ... It's just a hammer, right? It was okay when chanting the mantra just now. Why did you turn your head and talk with the mouth full of snow? Hey! Wouldn't you mean it on purpose?"

Compared to magical abilities, the white shadow as the ice magic wolf is obviously better at close combat, so when he can talk to Emma, ​​the white shadow in the bright ice armor has already plunged into the sickle claws. In the formation of the skeleton, scratching left and right under the bite, a complete sickle-clawed skull was torn to pieces in a short time.

This is really incredible for Sickleclaw Skeletons who also have Tier 4 strength. After all, even if there is a gap between the strengths of the two sides, how can such a one-sided situation occur in the battle between the same level? In fact, the reason is very simple. In addition to Baiying's advantages in size and strength, the shiny ice armor covered by its claws is the real basis for it to crush the enemy!

In fact, even Emma, ​​who is a caster, did not know that as a very keenly aware Warcraft, when Emma cast [Icy Armor] for it, White Shadow vaguely felt that this layer of shiny cold outside him Not only did the ice armor isolate it from the faint gray mist around it, but the shadows in the haze also felt that as long as there was this layer of armor, not only the strange skulls on the opposite side could hurt it, but also when it attacked the other party. There will be unexpected effects.

Therefore, as the shadow demon wolf white shadow who has long been accustomed to acting according to his instinct, this will rush towards the other party without any care. And the fact is just as it foresees, the scales and bones of the Sickleclaw Skeleton, which are not particularly hard, are like crunchy snow under the wolf claws covered with ice armor, which can not only be broken with one force , Even simply approaching the white shadow can feel that these skeletons are instantly weakened by some magical power!

Does this layer of [Ice Armor] have hidden attack attributes in addition to its excellent defense ability? Or ... This talent magic released by Emma has a special effect on the undead spirits that appear on the snowfield?

As a frozen demon wolf, Bai Ying can think of so many in a moment, which is quite scary. To tell you the truth, if Bai Ying and Emma are swapped, the guy who is too simple will never think so much. The brain is blank, or completely immersed in the stimulation of 'swinging a hammer' ...

However, although Bai Ying was thinking in his mind, his physical actions were not disturbed by the slightest, or as one of the best hunters on the extreme northern snowfield, he relied on the hunting and fighting instinct of the magic wolf immersed in blood and bone marrow. At this moment, Bai Ying does not need to think and control, just let the body act on its own.

This is only one point, and ten sickle claw squads that should have the fourth-order strength and can completely join together to kill a fifth-order frost-bladed tiger are so easily taken apart by Baiying into a trivial place. The parts, even if they are not open, can promptly call Bai Ying and leave a few "living mouths" in time. I am afraid that the remaining three skulls in the eyes of the soul will be used by Bai Ying. The paws should be crushed all at once.

So far, this undead hunting squad composed of ten sickle-clawed skeletons was completely destroyed before Emma had stepped forward, so that in the end, Emma, ​​who was fully armed, displayed two ice armor. 】 Except for [Ice Weapon], she did n’t even have a hammer on her, which made her look somewhat depressed, and finally squatted on the grounds of “trying how powerful the warhammer is to these skeleton monsters” On the ground, almost all of the slightly more complete bones were smashed into pieces, and I got a comment that 'the effect is not bad, if I can rush over in time, I should be able to destroy several skeletons'. This situation made Bai Ying look bitterly smiling, and finally came to Kaineng to see what the magical elf was about to do.

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