Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1778: Spiritual Purification

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The method used by Kai Neng at the moment is not her original, but the ready-made technology learned from Titan. In fact, this method of refining soul energy based on the power of the soul and supplemented by magic of various departments is not very useful for other intelligent creatures except for the undead.

After all, under normal circumstances, the union of a creature ’s soul and body is very close. Once the body dies, the soul will dissipate quickly if there is no accident, and if the soul is forcibly removed from the body, there are no magic items enough to carry the soul. The soul will also dissipate quickly, even if there are magic items carrying the soul, if the soul is not strong enough, it will gradually weaken and eventually disappear.

Not only that, except for a few exceptions, a normal living body cannot basically transform its own spiritual power into soul power unless its own strength reaches the sixth level, which is the Zijin level. In this respect, even if every creature has soul power in essence, most of them have no ability to touch that level, let alone what technology is needed to extract that point of soul power from the deepest point of the soul of ordinary creatures.

But for this undead creature, it is completely different. Leaving aside the first-order second-order skeletons and zombies that are no different from the walking dead, the undead third-order or above can produce the so-called 'soul fire at the core of the head '!

It's just that although people call that thing ‘flame’, the mass energy has nothing to do with the flame, regardless of its temperature or basic composition, except that it can emit light and has some similarities with the flame in appearance. Although it will be very troublesome to explain in detail, it is basically a reaction after the power of death is awakened.

In this way, just as the power of death and the power of life are opposed to each other, the power of life can restore the damaged soul power of a living body, while the power of death is the fragments and fragments that can absorb and attract soul, and Let it gradually merge together.

So in this respect, the power of life and the power of death are inextricably linked to the power of soul. However, the existence of undead creatures is different from that of ordinary creatures. Although their souls and bodies have a certain interdependence, the relationship between the two is not very close.

This is like the human soul is not as if the mental power or soul power is concentrated in the brain as it is imagined, but it is more evenly distributed throughout the body, but the souls of undead creatures are almost all concentrated in the fire of the soul. Although there will also be a little penetration in the body, as a part that can be replaced at any time, a lot of soul fire is rarely invested to quench it.

Therefore, for most undead spirits, their soul fire is the most important part of the whole body, so most undead spirits who still retain the habit of staying alive will put their own soul fire into the brain, in While especially strengthening its hardness, it will also protect its focus like a living person.

Of course, there are some high-level non-dead spirits who will pay more attention to their bodies, such as death knights. The reason why they are generally powerful and difficult to eliminate is that the body is relatively special. Unlike a lich who has a soul box and usually has at least three to five equipped bodies, most death knights value their original body very much, so they not only spend a lot of time and energy to quench it with the soul fire Refining, in order to make the connection between the fire of the soul and the body closer, even with the living.

Although this situation is more troublesome and at the same time it will be difficult to restore strength after a devastating injury to this body, but also because of the physical strength, the death knight no matter how fast the body reacts or is to death The degree of control of the power is much stronger than other undead spirits of the same level.

Not only that, because almost all death knights wear heavy armor with super defensive capabilities, their soul fires will choose to be placed in the chest cavity compared to their apparently fragile heads. The wise man sees wisdom.

Therefore, when some unknown human strong man has spent a lot of effort to cut off the head of a death knight, he may not be happy enough, and he will be suddenly shot by the body of the death knight who lost his head. Beheaded. The reason is that the death knight's soul fire is not in the head, so simply cutting off the head does not separate its body from the soul fire.

In contrast, some death knights with bad personality are even more extreme. They either completely give up the strengthening of the skull and turn it into a skull to attract unidentified enemies, and even more excessively will simply Hanging the head around the waist can not only make the enemy more frightened when it sees it, but also confuse the enemy to lose their normal judgment.

And this kind of guy is naturally remembered in the history of Orlando mainland, and the corresponding people call it "headless knight"!

Therefore, based on the characteristics of the soul fire of the undead, the Titans invented this feature of using the relatively concentrated soul in the opposite direction, absorbing the soul fire and removing impurities to purify it for legend. The method used by super powers and high-level enchanters to make advanced magic items.

It is a pity that although Kaineng possesses the power of the soul and also uses this technology, her own physique and strength do not allow her to absorb and use this ray of soul power after "spiritual purification". Not only that, do n’t look away from being able to deal with the skull on the left until now it looks like a 'professional', but on the one hand she is not an undead magician, and the other is not a soul magic, so It takes a lot of effort to tinker with it, the purpose is only to frighten the guy who has self-awareness, and by the way to verify the "spiritual purification" technology of the Titans.

As for ‘squeezing memory and information from the undead ’s soul fire? "This is what Emma and the self-conscious skulls will believe ..."

What a waste? Even though the soul fire of a fourth-order sickle-claw skeleton's soul spirit after 'spiritual purification' has little left, but this ray of soul power is the sixth-order purple gold level super power, but it is Something more precious than most elixir!

"Oops ~ Although the process is more troublesome, the verification is successful anyway! Unfortunately, the memory I got from this guy's soul fire has become somewhat broken, maybe I can dismantle the remaining two Complete information? "

Talking about Kaineng, this quirky guy opened his eyes and said nonsense. The fact is strong. If Bai Ying caught a fleeting cunning from her eyes, I was afraid that even Kaiyong would be deceived.

In fact, when I was able to extract a 'soul power' from the soul fire of the sickle-clawed skeleton, Bai Ying immediately understood through his instinct derived from Warcraft that this extremely beautiful light was Very precious, and will be of great benefit to it in the future!

The problem is that the power of Baiying is still too weak at this moment. For him, he does not need to reach the sixth order, only the fifth stage of the peak stage can absorb this magical energy by way of devouring, so as to impact higher in the future. Level preparation. To know that for the low-level Warcraft of its own race, whether it is impacting the seventh-order legendary level or changing into a human form, it needs a strong soul to back it.

So staring at that ray of soul power, he looked at the half-sharp white shadow, and was obviously a little irritable after he came back. But as clever as it is, it quickly figured out the key. After all, as long as it can work hard enough to absorb the power of the soul, is it the relationship between it and Kai Neng? how many?

The only thing worth worrying about is whether the undead will be wiped out by then? It is so bad that it is not easy to find this kind of ‘material’ again.

Of course, at this moment, Bai Ying ’s mind is not aware of what he can do. As for Emma ’s fellow, although Bai Ying signed a blood contract with her, the level of spiritual communication so far is only limited to the part that wants the other party to know. , So Emma is completely unaware of this.

So although I was a little tired because I was too focused on the relationship spirit of [Spiritual Purification], I felt that the energy of "Fire" was almost the same, and while changing the appearance of [Space Blade], it became a hollow ball, so that The point of the soul power that has begun to dissipate is closed as much as possible, and one side looks impatiently towards the self-conscious skull:

"Ahhhh ~ It's really tiring to use this method! I think I have to go through the same process three times, I feel sleepy! Otherwise, small bones, as long as you take your origin, purpose and master My strength tells me, how about I let you go? Of course, if I find that you deceived me or concealed ... Are you interested in a collar decorated with a skull? Would you like it? Majestic! "

"Oh? Ooo! Ooo!"

Bai Ying, who was quite disturbed at first, was stunned after listening to Kaineng's words, and then subconsciously stepped back two steps without saying, a big head shook like the water, the kind of whole body refused It couldn't be more clear.

(Just kidding! Who would want to hang a green bone on his body! Besides, as a noble ice demon wolf, I would definitely not be like the same race domesticated by humans on the snowfield, in Put a collar around your neck! Absolutely not! Even if Emma begs me!)

Not to mention that the white shadow of the ice demon wolf was suddenly tense, but he just left the annoyance of Fang Cai. As far as Kai Neng is concerned, she is just joking, and not to mention how handsome the beautiful and beautiful white shadow hanging a human skull with a green light on the neck, there may be hidden safety hazards or even this The owner of the sickle-claw skull traces this point, and will not take the risk if he can.

But this hapless self-conscious 'small bone' doesn't know! Now that his thinking has completely fallen into chaos, one side does not want to go back to silence (death) again, and the other side hopes that the other party will quickly give it destruction, so as not to suffer this mental torture!

Of course, there is the physical destruction that may happen later! So the "small bones" whose thinking almost collapsed finally used the half-rare soul fire control method to simulate the function of vocalization, and then opened the mandible with a front tooth missing and said tremblingly:

"I said Kaka, I will tell you Kaka if you know it! In exchange, you will let me go!"

"Hahaha ~ No problem! Then let's start with where you are from ~!"

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