Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1790: Threesome (1)

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Because now the French Empire has split into more than ten large and small kingdoms. Although there are a few alliances among the independent kingdoms, most of them are hostile. Among them, the forces with which several princes belong are the most hostile. Not only do each prince claim to be the orthodox heir of the French Empire, the rest are mean usurpers, and even now the death of the old emperor has begun to blame. It was done by several other brothers.

As a result, this kind of contradiction is basically impossible to reconcile. If there was no split in the French Empire, several brothers could resolve it in private even if they did not obey. However, now that they have declared their independence, the princes are not entirely in charge of the rest. After all, without the support of local aristocracy, these princes simply cannot declare independence. So the original battle for the throne may be just the Franks family's own business, but the development has now become a conflict and contest among interest groups.

So even if a prince suddenly gets tired of fighting with his own brothers, and then wants to surrender to a certain party, or reach an agreement with another prince to unite, then those noble lords who originally supported his independence will probably be for their own sake. Benefits replace it!

So things have developed so far that these princes of the former French empire are already "riding hard to ride a tiger", whether they want or not, they have to go on desperately ...

As for the kingdoms established by the original noble lords, such as the Moxim Kingdom and the Roland Kingdom, the princes are also full of hate. Not to mention that many of these self-supporting lords and noble ancestors had sworn allegiance to the Franks family, and now they have the opportunity to disregard the original oath and ignore the former allegiance and even confront each other with swords.

In addition, in the eyes of many princes, everything in the French empire should belong to their inheritance. Nowadays, they are divided by others. This behavior is almost the same as a thief or a robber! So together, for these princes, since they declared their independence and were ready to fight for the throne by force, anyone who did not choose to support them for the first time was their enemy.

It ’s just that the strength of the various kingdoms is relatively balanced at this stage, and whether the victory or the defeat will inevitably cause huge losses in the country ’s military and economic aspects. This will be a huge burden for the newly established kingdom. Secondly, if the other kingdoms around you took advantage of the opportunity to attack, then all previous efforts are not only meaningless but also cheaper for others.

So because of the considerations in this respect, since the division of the French Empire, many self-sustaining kingdoms have been in constant friction, but there has never been a full-scale war. It ’s just that this situation can no longer be sustained with the passage of time. After all, these princes can do as long as they want without any external pressure, but the problem is that the offensive from the orc kingdom of Campas in the south never stops, even even The front of the **** battle is now barely maintained, they know better than anyone else.

Of course, it is clear, but it is impossible to let them contribute troops. After all, these princes are all prepared for the **** of the French Empire. How can they be sent to sacrifice at the frontline of the **** battle? On the other hand, they are more aware of the fact that the frontline of the **** battle can still be maintained today, almost all relying on the four non-princes of the Moxim Kingdom, Roland Kingdom and Storm Kingdom plus the Giant Tree Kingdom. So in the idea of ​​'letting him do this is equivalent to weakening himself', those princes wished Ophelia they had been supporting the **** front line until they were dragged down!

As for the fact that the frontier of the **** battle was broken through by the Kampas orcs, the princes did not care much. In their cognition, the front line of the **** battle has not been broken through, but did not the invading orcish people be returned every time at the end? So even if it can't hold up to be broken through, at most it is to kill some civilians and little nobles, and it's no big deal.

It is just that the princes may have overlooked one thing, that was that the French Empire could be recaptured after losing the front line in the **** battle, but it does not mean that this fragmented country can still do it! After all, the gap between the strength of the whole country and the power of a single prince is really great during this period ...

So this time Zhang Yang and others went to the capital city of Franks, which is quite dangerous. After all, if Zhang Yang himself is okay to say, because he is always' not at home ', his appearance is honestly seldom known, but it is' inexplicable The title 'Li' is a household name.

In contrast, as the daughter of the elders of the Camord family, the former leader of the French empire, Olesia ’s identity and beauty are almost well known in the imperial capital, plus she once lived sporadicly in Franks After a few years, if she really dared to wear her representative silver magic armor, she might be caught by a certain force within a day, and then threatened as a hostage Ofelia.

By that time, the Kingdom of Moxim would not only fall into passiveness, and even make many compromises for her safety. What would happen if a beauty like Olesia fell into the enemy alone, it was enough to make people shudder.

Therefore, for the sake of safety and convenience, Zhang Yang and others must obtain a fake identity and change the costume and appearance as much as possible. Speaking of this, Zhang Yang couldn't help but think of his experience in the orc kingdom of Campas, and the "fraud orb" that he wanted to hide in the deepest ring of space. Although the effect of the “transvestite” brought by the gadget is perfect, but if the friend present here knows that he has done so many amazing things with the appearance of the “extremely beautiful black fox” Heath, he is afraid of the chin. Will they all fall?

Thinking of Zhang Yang couldn't help but smile slightly, but then Sean's voice came.

"I would say that the idea of ​​a businessman is a good idea! Although Wright's body is too strong, it can be covered up as long as he wears a robe. In addition, Franks, as the capital of the former French Empire, is almost innumerable. And it is said that as long as there is a local business certificate issued and the tax paid into the city is basically unimpeded, can it be easily mixed in? "

However, Sean's words just fell, and Mei Li, who was sitting on the side, shook her head and retorted:

"The situation you said was before. According to the agents, the merchants who went to Franks City after the division of the French Empire had lost almost 70% of their business. Even today, except for a few merchants with royal capital nobles, The regiment is still operating there, and few merchants from other places have gone there to join in the excitement. In addition, now that entry checks are becoming more and more strict, it seems that foreigners who want to enter the city without a 'letter' issued by the local nobility will be shut down. When I get up and cross-examine, even if it is released, it will be severely exploited, so in this case, it is better to let the nobles in the imperial capital help. "

"But then their identity is no longer a secret? Right now the situation is so complicated, who knows whether the nobles in the imperial capital are really credible? So I suggest not to inform the imperial capital in advance and let them use it. The way you mix it in is! "

It ’s not unreasonable to think about Sean ’s words carefully. The so-called unpredictable heart, under the intimidation and temptation of huge power interests and even the lives of loved ones, who can guarantee that the nobles living in the imperial capital will not treat them Sell ​​it? So after a little hesitation, Mei Li finally said helplessly:

"You are right, there is indeed a risk of leaking intelligence. But this method of acting as a businessman is absolutely not feasible. You must know that today's lone businessman has almost equated with 'Fat Sheep'. The road from the Kingdom of Keximu to the capital of Franks will encounter many interceptions and exploitation, and thieves and robbers are everywhere. In this case, let alone security issues, just take care of it for the sake of "filling the appearance". The carriage and cargo will be quite troublesome, so you still have to think about individual solutions. "

"This ... that makes me think again ..."

Sean has always been considered to be a "ghost idea" in the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, but the three ideas he finally came up with were all rejected by Mei Li. Although the mercenaries who played in their true colors, the "noble aristocrats who took their families to relatives", and the "businessmen who want to make a fortune during the war", although they have been placed in the past, they are good attention. Say, these three kinds of people can't hide. Where else will the moth put the fire together?

Hearing this, Zhang Yang felt quite helpless. Is it so difficult to sneak into a city? So with the psychology to give it a try, he said:

"Actually, if only Olesia and Millai walked with me, would n’t it be enough to dive right through the city wall at night? Even if the city wall is more than 100 meters high, for such a huge city, look for Shouldn't it be okay for a guard to climb up in a blind spot that he can't see? "

The people who were meditating and thinking mostly shook their heads when they said Zhang Yang, as if they had already known that this method would never succeed. This suddenly made Zhang Yang feel unclear. So, is there any common sense that he did not know? Neil Jelina, who had always stood behind him, bowed his head and explained in his ear:

"As the capital of Flanders, the largest human nation, Franks City not only has three walls with a height of 90 meters, 100 meters and 120 meters, but also has a 500-meter-wide special magic Reinforced, the legendary never-frozen moat. But these are not the most difficult places to dive in. A magical defensive enchantment set up by two Holy Order superpowers thousands of years ago completely took the whole from the second wall Franks City is shrouded, although because of the control of this enchantment, a lot of precious magic cores and magic crystals need to be consumed every day. Unless the enemy army comes under the city, it will be fully opened, otherwise this layer of magic enchantment will be It has been in a state of low-efficiency operation. However, even if you want to enter the city of Franks without going through the city gate, you will touch this magic enchantment and be instantly hit by the magical equivalent of the seventh-level legendary level! So Since the magical enchantment known as the 'Guard of the Double Saints' was set up in Frankstown thousands of years ago, Frankstown has become known as the 'Unbroken City'. "

(There is still such a ‘perverted’ enchantment, so it ’s really troublesome ...)

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