Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1804: Numismatic storm

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Until this time, Zhang Yang's talents suddenly remembered that after the performance, the minstrels would generally walk around the side with a tray or a pocket, so as to ask the surrounding audience for some rewards, and this is how the minstrels make money. . However, Zhang Yang and the three of them were the first of their kind today, so it was a bit misguided to forget about it.

But who thought it might be that their performance was too successful, and after somehow who started throwing coins into the field, a lot of copper coins, a few silver coins, and sporadic gold coins turned out to be like "raining" by the enthusiastic audience Threw it into the field! To tell the truth, Zhang Yang and three people were almost dumbfounded. Although the sum of the money was not much, neither Zhang Yang nor Olesia would take it seriously on weekdays, but the coin looks true here. Some exaggeration.

More importantly, the so-called play requires a full set. Since they have chosen to use the identity of the minstrel as a camouflage, they ca n’t always pretend to be in the face of the audience ’s rewards, are they completely unimpressed? But looking at the gold, silver and copper coins that almost covered the ten-meter square of open space, the workload of picking up money seemed a little bit larger ...

(Uh, there are still some areas that are not well thought out. It ’s really a mistake. I already know this kind of scene, should I prepare a big basin in advance? Er, it seems that a big basin may not be enough, but if this thing is A few more, plus we sing and dance, does n’t it look like the magic of 'beginning for rain'? At least it's more like a beggar?)

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang shook his head vigorously and seemed to want to squeeze the inexplicable picture into his mind. Besides, the three of them were afraid that they would have to pick up money to pick up their back pain anyway, right?

However, the more terrible thing is still behind. The onlookers seem to have found the embarrassment of the three Zhang Yang, so that not many people left after the completion of the "reward", but one by one squeezed his eyebrows and prepared to watch the three busy What money looks like!

But the problem is that it doesn't matter if Zhang Yang just picks up money on the ground. He didn't really like the face, and people don't have any bad heart, whether it's watching their three performances or watching them lie down. Isn't it fun to pick up money on the ground?

But the problem is that Olesia doesn't work! She did n’t feel embarrassed when she just danced, but now she stopped, wearing a looming tulle dance skirt, she almost became the focus of more than 80% of the men around her! In this case, let her squat on the floor to pick up money? Just think about that scene and you can guess how fragrant it is!

So even to take care of Olesia's face and emotions, Zhang Yang can't let her do this job. As for Millais? Did n’t you just say that more than 80% of the men at the scene focused their attention on Olesia? The other 20% fell to Millai who was shy and greeted by the audience!

Who made this boy die better than a woman! It's clearly worn back in men's clothing, but how it looks like a beautiful girl specializing in 'disguise as a man' to disguise her identity, so with the slightly panic and shy smile on Millai's face at the moment, Zhang Yang's keenness It is not difficult to find that not only 20% of the men around him locked their inexplicable eyes on him at this moment, but even more than half of the women watched Millais staring at the stars!

In contrast, his charm picture of this "bearded musician" is much worse than the other two. Although there are some young girls looking at him with a red face, more of them are a little bit more Do the ladies of about thirty or forty years old look even hotter?

To be honest, this situation is also the first time for Zhang Yang, who is quite self-aware of his appearance, and is so popular with women. As a result, he has become an idol of ‘middle-aged women’? This kind of cognition almost made Zhang Yang suffocate, so that he could understand why Mei Li had to get him such a big beard with a long chest, and even Sean did not say anything against them, but just kept using it. Some kind of inexhaustible look at him!

These guys are definitely intentional!

However, at this time, Zhang Yang could only swallow the bitter water to himself. After all, so many people around him were still waiting to watch ‘Lezi’. Since the show is over, he ca n’t still sit there holding the lyre?

(So ​​is there any way to avoid the ‘kind of things’ happening, and at the same time to collect this layer of money on the ground? Uh, yes!)

Zhang Yang, who was thinking hard about this, accidentally saw a few seven or eight-year-old children standing in the front row of the crowd watching the coins in that place, and their eyes were bright, and from their clothes, it was obviously not a noble or a businessman The children at home should be just the children of ordinary civilians.

Although the copper and silver coins of this place, Zhang Yang, are not worth seeing, it is enough for the children of ordinary civilians to be a huge sum of money! Therefore, if this situation is encountered in other cities, these children will generally steal a few coins while others are not prepared, and the minstrel will usually not care about a few children in the face of the surrounding audience.

But at the moment these children are obviously very greedy for the coins in this place, but they are just holding their clothes corners with their hands and none of them come to steal money! Seeing this, Zhang Yang quickly thought that this should be his credit. After all, if the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps took over almost all the orphans within hundreds of miles around Moxiximu City, let them eat, wear, warm and have a house. If you don't live, you are also obliged to teach them a lot of knowledge and craftsmanship and the truth of life. How can these children know how to be clever?

So thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly had an idea. I saw that he first put the lyre in his hand, and then he got up a little, and then said with a smile:

"Thank you for your enthusiastic participation, we are very honored to be able to perform here! It is a pity that we lost the carriage with most luggage on the road when we came, so now there is no suitable container to accept everyone's" enthusiasm ", But it does n’t matter, I still have a few food pockets in my backpack, and now there are a few enthusiastic children to help us store everyone ’s enthusiasm. I do n’t know if any children are willing to help? Of course, we will not be white. Let you contribute, as long as you store the "enthusiasm" on the ground, each of you can pick a pocket and grab a hand from it, no matter if it is a gold, silver and copper coin, this is the three of us. Thanks to the residents of the Westwood Kingdom! Are there any children who will come to help? "

Zhang Yang ’s opening does n’t matter. To be honest, many of the grown-ups seem to be a little emotional! Although most of the coins on the ground are copper coins at the moment, this one came out without saying a little money! If you have good luck, the proportion of silver coins is larger, it is a family ration for half a month! And if you are lucky enough to catch a gold coin, it will be enough for a civilian family for several months!

However, the problem is that Zhang Yang has already said that he is looking for ‘children’. So many people are watching, even if the heart is moving, the adult ca n’t turn it into action ...

In contrast, the greedy children who had been staring at the coins on the ground were badly happy. After seeing them cheering happily, they ran to Zhang Yang with friends, and Zhang Yang was also scared. Jump, why would there be more than thirty children under ten in the crowd? !

Isn't it a joke! Although they couldn't grasp many coins with a small hand, it wasn't necessarily how much of Zhang Yang's pocket was left after the thirty or so people grabbed it. So if you change to a general minstrel at this moment, I ’m just afraid that the intestines will regret it, but this little money does n’t matter to Zhang Yang and others, so he laughed and took out seven cotton pockets from the backpack in a pretense manner. Give these children in front and say:

"Although there are only seven pockets, but in order to prevent you from grabbing the quota, and at the same time, in order to store everyone's" enthusiasm "as soon as possible, as long as the children who seriously help pick up the coins can grab a hand, then is there any problem? ? "

The teenagers who were originally worried that they might not have a chance suddenly cheered again after listening to this, and Zhang Yang's approach also made the surrounding audience look at him differently. So much so that although the scene of 'beauty squatting on the ground and picking up money' was not seen, people now want to see if Zhang Yang can say that he can distribute his hard money to the children, and also look forward to his labor What will the expression look like after the results are all captured by the children.


"Hahaha! Boss is worthy of being the boss! Even he was relieved of the embarrassment by thinking of such a method. Sure enough, he would not eat such a loss by following him. Hahaha!"

In fact, when Zhang Yang's performance was successful and the audience threw coins to give free rewards, Sean and others knew it was worse! After all, there are people in this world. In the past, when they were on missions abroad, they met many guys who were not honest and even deliberately made trouble for each other by virtue of rewarding bards.

So seeing that Zhang Yang and three people didn't move in the face of the coins on the ground, Niel Jielina and Sean thought of this possibility. However, at this moment, everyone can't come forward to help, even to give their boss. Cheer, knowing that this is a trap and you have to desperately throw out all the 'changes' on hand.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's work will never let everyone down. This method of letting children pick up money not only easily resolves the plight of Olesia and Millais, but even sells one to the people around Moxie Wood City. it is good!

After all, these money-picking children are all members of Mokximu City, so even if they are not their own children, they have not benefited from it, but Zhang Yang ’s approach makes people feel comfortable and evaluates them afterwards. It will also improve a lot.

But the most important thing is that Zhang Yang solved the current dilemma with only a little insignificant "little money", which not only made Sean and others admire, but also put Neil Jielina's heart hanging back. in stomach.

So under the joint efforts of more than 30 children, but after a few minutes of leaking, all the money in the floor was filled into the seven pockets, and with the seven bulging money bags, Zhang Yang placed them in turn. On the stone platform at the edge of the fountain, the most exciting moment has finally arrived!

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