Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 202: Second Coming

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The dark swamp in the vast demon world is located in the southwest of the demon plane. To the east of it is the demon kingdom controlled by Cassandra, Queen of Pain.

The name "Dark Marsh" sounds like lifeless, but here is one of the few living places in the devil world! In the mouth of the devil's native creatures, it has always been called "Delamir", that is, a place to survive with sufficient food.

Here, the ubiquitous dust and mist in the sky of the demon world are all wet. The mud on the ground exists all the year round. Numerous poisonous and non-toxic plants, demons, warcraft, and various demons live together in this swamp.

On the edge of a huge mud puddle in the dark swamp, four fat and chubby little beasts of Warcraft are catching the monsters on the edge of the mud puddle. The tower **** is only half a meter long, looks very like a hamster, and has two properties of dark water. They like to live in swamps, are very vigilant in temperament, and like to prey on insects. They are the second order in the demon world. Intermediate Warcraft.

Demon worms are the lowest-level creatures with the widest divisions in the demon world. They are only the size of a fist. They have weak dark attributes. The sharp claws are their only weapons. In the demon world, almost all plants and animals can be digested by them , Immune toxins and unmatched survivability and adaptability, as well as super strong fertility is their biggest guarantee of continuation in the devil world.

Devil insects and devil rats, these two low-level creatures provide almost all powerful life forms in the demon world. Without them, those powerful monsters will gradually lose food ...

At the moment, the four tower beavers were tumbling and snarling, while happily preying on the surrounding demons. At the last leak of each Demon Day, large groups of demons will begin to gather near the ponds and swamps to lay eggs. Hermaphrodite demons can lay hundreds of eggs each day, and each With enough food, the eggs only need three to five magic worlds to grow into an adult!

This rule is well-known to countless living bodies in the dark swamp, but because there are enough monsters in the dark swamp, there will not be a large group of monsters fighting for the monsters on the edge of the mud pond. They may know that once demons cannot lay eggs in large numbers, their food will become less and less ...

The raccoons don't need to prey on many monsters, they live in the mud pond, and just when they just started to eat, a dark purple vortex suddenly appeared in the air! !

As a black flame spewed out, an ancient flame demon with a violent momentum all over his body plunged into the middle of this mud pool!

This is no one else, it is Zhang Yang, the demon who has just escaped from birth!

In order to rush out of the collapsed space tunnel in time, the demon Zhang Yang who used the "Thunderbolt Burst" suddenly obtained extremely fast speed and super power! However, the increasingly dense space turbulence in the space channel almost stabbed him into a sieve! Although he has tried his best to avoid it, the turbulence in the space is so much that he is now seriously injured and needs to recover his body!

When the demon Zhang Yang struggled to get out of the mud pond, all the creatures in the surrounding several miles, including the lowest level of demons, disappeared! The angry killing intention of the angry demon Zhang Yang frightened these most sensitive creatures to escape in an instant.

Find a slightly dry place, sit down, and squirt a fierce blood from the slender wound covered with body! Having endured the severe pain all over the body, the demon Zhang Yang unexpectedly discovered that the space bag that Ophelia gave him was intact! ? With great joy, he hurriedly took out a bottle of high-level healing potion and poured it down.

Under the effect of that medicine and his own strong recovery power, the wounds on the body surface are almost healing at a rate visible to the naked eye! As for the internal organs and injuries on the muscles and bones, it will take longer ...

"It's really unlucky! I hate the space door! I hate all kinds of holes !!!"

Resisting the numbness of the whole body, the demon Zhang Yang growled angrily! Every time I encounter a space door, there is no good thing! This has almost become the law!

After calming down slightly, the devil Zhang Yang remembered a headache! That is, there is a major pros and cons of [Lei Ji burst]! Just when he used this trick to escape, he thought that the human body's unbearable power can be withstood by the ancient flame demon form, but who knows the effect of that trick is not as he imagined That's perfect!

When the demon Zhang Yang used it, an unprecedented force almost propped him up! He can be sure that this force has completely exceeded the level of the legendary primary! Even comparable to the legendary intermediate! However, the question is coming! Just like in human form, after using this trick, Zhang Yang in demon form gained even greater power, but he also lost his fighting power!

This turned out to be a must-have with the ultimate endurance of the user, and the ultimate power of outputting the ultimate strength! ! ! If this were not the case, even if the devil Zhang Yang was hit hard, he would not plunge into the mud pit!

Feeling the dense dark elements around him, the demon Zhang Yang determined that he had come to the Demon Plane again. Humph! Is the world respected by the strong? ! Just what I want!

Thinking of this, the devil Zhang Yang closed his eyes and began to concentrate on repairing his body in deep water ...

The most southern hilly land in the demon world. In the majestic dark purple castle at the top of the mountain with the beauty of art, on the throne in the center of the huge and spacious main hall, the gorgeous and painful Queen Cassandra suddenly opened the closed purple Eyes! As she stood up suddenly, the fullness of her chest shuddered suddenly, her slender and white ** The second half was a pair of amethyst anti-joint artichokes!

Lifting the amethyst wand beside the throne with one hand, the purple gold wand shoved to the ground as the demon wings spread behind him. A lilac shock wave ignored all obstacles and instantly spread out with her angry thoughts. ! Perhaps because of extreme anger and the destruction of the soul image, the puffy Cassandra had a thin layer of sweat on and off his body! The narrow breastplate inlaid with black gold and amethyst could hardly wrap her extremely hot body.

"I'll go to the nearby Wanli for a sixth-tier senior, the blue-black ancient flame demon who calls himself 'death'! Don't go to die if you don't have enough strength! If you are above the sixth-tier senior, if you can bring it to me! This king is rewarding !!! "

This wave with the angry thoughts of Cassandra, the Queen of Pain, instantly spread out in a circle of sound speed. All high-level demons who received this idea jumped out of their castle with excitement, and the commander sent out to explore! For decades? It hasn't been a long time since I found Her Majesty so angry! And the heavy rewards all stimulated the nerves of all the great demons in "Happy Devil"!

A sixth-order advanced blue and black ancient flame demon! find him! catch him! You can get the supreme reward! Ao! ! !

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