Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 211: Destruction of Clifford

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Swinging the snake body from side to side as if admiring a piece of art, looking at the shriveled demon Zhang Yang, the magic snake woman Medus asked with a malicious smile:

"I'm curious, in terms of your sixth-tier senior strength, how did you provoke such a weak person to a super-strong person like Cassandra, the Queen of Pain? To know that she is not just anyone who says it I can see it! Can you be wanted by Cassandra, the Queen of Pain, is it a glory for you? Hahahaha !! "

Faced with the still cold face, the eyes are full of hatred, the demon Zhang Yang who has never said a word from the beginning, and Medhus did not expect him to answer. What ’s more, judging by his current state of desolation, Can it be an unknown number?

"I really want to see for yourself what you were like when you died completely! But **** painful monster! I have found it here! If I hadn't promised to surrender you, the **** almost killed me! **** it!!"

Thinking of this, Medus suddenly angered, all because of this weird flame demon! Otherwise, why would you suffer such a chase! The snake witch in the rage suddenly stretched out her four sharp claws, staring at the demon Zhang Yang's emotionless eyes, she slowly reached out and grabbed the demon Zhang Yang's limbs, as a creak With the sound of broken bones, Medus cruelly crushed the bones in the limbs of the demon Zhang Yang bit by bit cruelly!

Stimulated by this extreme pain, the demon Zhang Yang's numb face finally showed an expression. However, the snake witch Medus was extremely disappointed that this expression was not pain and despair, but a hint of tyranny and insanity. Smile!

"It's really boring! I didn't expect your bones to be dry and crisp to the point of being crushed by a pinch, hum ~! You won't be arrogant for a long time, maybe my means can't make you despair, but my purpose has been achieved, The rest will be handed over to Cassandra, Queen of Pain! I think you are very much looking forward to her new tricks? Hahaha! "

After laughing, the snake witch Medus swung the four hands with ease and lifted the demon Zhang Yang hanging from the altar in his hand. Without any hesitation, Medus quickly swam towards the teleportation array in the center of the temple. As the sound of the spell in her mouth sounded with the snake magic word, after a white light flashed, the claw snake sank into the holy temple again. Silence ...

Above a protruding highland in the eastern part of the dark swamp, the lair of Duron Dracularis was established here. Right now there are four more humanoid demons with a height of two or three meters in addition to Duron Serreris!

"Dear King of the Draconic Dragon Serreris‘ Dremir ', the snake witch does not know when she will return? Her majesty ’s orders I waited without delay! "

Speaking of a giant axe with a saber covered in bladed armor, this guy is the captain in charge of this operation, and he is also famous in the territory ruled by Cassandra, Queen of Pain. Generation, the name of Clifford, the Blade of Destruction, was completely spelt out from countless killings and deaths!

The poisonous dragon Thunderis lay lazily on top of a pile of shiny metal and precious stones in the nest. The love of the dragons for shiny things is almost innate. For the dragon family, the most worthy of showing off is the first Powerful strength is followed by the amount of treasures in their nests. However, in Demon Realm, this is still very difficult to do, not because the Dragons are not looted or not strong enough. But because resources like gold and gemstones in the Devil Realm are so scarce ...

"Hoo ~ Cliffford the Pain Demon, you need a little more patience. The snake witch Medus will come back on time. After all, for their race, the oath in the name of the claw snake is very binding. Yes, if it is violated at will, then her ending will not be much better than death! "

It was not two or two days since Serrelis contacted with the snake witch Medhus. Naturally, the understanding of the snake devil is much deeper than the destruction of the devil Clifford.

As I said, a dark shadow flew far away from the sky outside the cave platform. However, half a minute of time, under the guard of Clifford and the three demon guards from the same family of destructive demons, the snake witch Medus, who was driving the grudge wings behind him, brought the demon Zhang Yang to the near.

I saw that she did not land, but the sky lifted the shriveled demon Zhang Yang and shouted:

"Monster of Pain! I have brought the guy you want according to the oath. I hope you don't bother me again! Otherwise, even if I fight with you to the end, I will not be coerced by you again! Huh ~!"

With a wave of hand, he threw the shabby demon Zhang Yang in front of the demon Cliffford, and the snake witch Medus moved back dozens of meters.

Looking down at the withered breath demon with a breath of life on the ground, Clifford's eyes suddenly turned red, and then shouted:

"This is the sixth-level advanced ancient flame demon you said ?! This is obviously a pile of waste! You dare to deceive me! Prepare to bear my anger! Bugs!"

The words of insects can be regarded as huge insults for snakes, dragons, warcraft and demons! At the moment, the snake witch Medus's face showed anger, and even the poisonous dragon Thunderis behind the devil Clifford showed an unpleasant look!

"Enough! Destruction Devil! Medhus did not deceive you. The garbage in front of you is indeed the ancient flame demon you are looking for. I remember the smell. As for why he became like this, it does not matter! As long as he Alive! Hurry up and take your prey! Let me say hello to Her Majesty Queen Cassandra!

The demon, Clifford, suddenly turned to look at his poisonous dragon, Serreris, squinting his long eyes behind him. He held the giant axe in his hand, and his subconsciousness was tight and tight. However, considering the difficult protection of the poisonous dragon family After the habit, he still tried hard to suppress his anger for the purpose of the task.

"Very good! Surreys! I will give you this face today! I will bring it to Her Majesty, I hope your nose is reliable enough, otherwise the anger from Her Majesty is not what you can imagine! Let's go ! "

With a violent left hand wave, the Demon Cliffford commanded his men to carry the demon Zhang Yang's remains and turned away.

The dragon, Serreris, looked at the messenger who was going far away, turned his head to the serpent witch Medus, whose expression changed in midair:

"You owe me a favor, Medus! If you surrender to me early, you won't get hurt before! Think about it! While I'm in a good mood now, leave quickly!"

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