Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 227: Crazy Night 5

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Zhang Yang untied a long rope from his waist, and the other end was still near the big hole downstairs. Using his hands alternately, the black package containing the tool was quickly pulled up by him. Take out the two heavy black pockets inside. Zhang Yang threw his hands and threw them out of the door!

"Be careful!"

"Mother is a bomb ?!"

"Get down!"

Already frightened to hide from Zhang Yang's cowardly gang, but when five seconds passed, Li Tian suddenly felt something was wrong.

"'Big guy'! Let's see what that is! What to see! Hurry up!"

The bodyguard called "big man" is really tall, he was a professional boxer, and later became a bodyguard. He knew the danger ahead, but he had to listen to the employer!

During the period, Ai Ai moved forward, and found that there was no danger, then the big man grabbed the black pocket in his hand, and then turned around and ran! It wasn't until I hid back to the bar again that the sweat on the 'big' head flowed down!

"Open to see what stuff!"

"Huang Mao" Li Tian's words represent the collective voice of the dudes, and after a big man's groping, there is a bad hunch in his heart. When he opened his pockets, Liu Jing and A Hua's twisted heads showed up in In front of everyone! Fear, like the most powerful plague, spread to the hearts of a group of dudes!

Looking at the heads of the friends who had been together with Hi, Li Tian was afraid and angry in his heart! At the moment, two female penises that do not know how many scourges are in the mouths of Liu Jing and A Hua!

Suddenly knocked down the head held by the 'big' hand, Li Tianzheng was going to scream, but the soft sound of the drop of the pull ring attracted his attention!

"Fuck! ..."

"Yellow Hair" Ahua only had time to scold out two words, and a burst of flame swallowed a radius of five meters! A hand tucked in Liu Jing's mouth suddenly exploded! This time Awa was directly blown apart and shattered, and the upper body of the ‘big man’ with his head disappeared completely. Not only that, a personal bodyguard guarded by Li Tian was also blurred by flying fragments and the flesh and blood of the instant high temperature explosion. Although there was no cut off, it was only a matter of time to look like that!

The dudes never imagined that Zhang Yang actually played a 'head bomb' with them! Although taking into account the life and death of Shi Xiaowei, Zhang Yang did not increase the power of the grenade, but the rest of the people in the house were curious that the things in the pocket could not help but get closer, so they all suffered more or less. hurt! The only one of them who was not harmed was Deng Tao, known as the "White Mouse". He volunteered to look after Shi Xiaowei in the corner of the room, but he was spared.

Zhang Yang had long expected this situation. When the explosion just started, Zhang Yang rushed out of the bathroom with two pistols! At this time, most of the bodyguards and dudes who had been bombed by bombs hadn't had time to recover. They were sitting on the ground one by one, or howling at their wounds.

Zhang Yang did not give them any chance to speak, and the matter has come to this point, only blood and death are the final outcome of the dudes! I saw that the two guns in his hand could not stop the fire, and the roaring bullets spun into the bodies and heads of the dudes! However, at this moment, a bodyguard hiding behind the curtain suddenly pulled the trigger towards Zhang Yang! Although Zhang Yang quickly turned around and shot the man with two shots, a pistol bullet still hit his lungs from behind!

After turning around and squatting on the sofa, only Deng Tao with a gun against Shi Xiaowei's head at the moment in the house, only Wang Qiang, the 'Heizi', has a breath! Wang Qiang has been lying on the ground after being injured by the explosion just now. When Zhang Yang was sweeping the house, he temporarily retrieved his life because there was no threat for the time being! But when the explosion just happened, it was unfortunate that the steel sheet on a grenade had penetrated Wang Qiang's trachea! Although the injury was not fatal for a moment and a half, but a little longer, he would certainly suffocate!

Zhang Yang's eyes were almost black at the moment, and he suffered a lot of blood loss from the wound. At this moment, he felt that his strength was running away. However, his perseverance and indestructible obsession made him clenched his teeth and lifted Wang Qiang beside him to stand up!

"With Shi Xiaowei, I won't kill you. Otherwise, I promise you extremely painful death!"

Also using a gun against the hostages, although Zhang Yang was extremely injured, his momentum completely suppressed Deng Tao! Looking back at the 'white mouse' Deng Tao, he looked at Wang Qiang's suffocated complexion and blood foam lingering on his neck. The right hand of the gun started shaking uncontrollably somehow!

"Don't come! Otherwise I will blow her head with a single shot! Even if you kill me at the end, at most it will be the same !!!! Don't treat me like a child! I'm not so cheat !!!"

Watching Deng Tao's emotions is too unstable, for fear that he would not pay attention to the gun fire and hurt Xiao Wei's Zhang Yang, had to stop and move forward.

"The words of me are always the same! As you said, the worst is just to die together! But if you let go, I promise not to kill you !!"

Although Zhang Yang said sincerely, the corpse on the ground silently told his coldness! Deng Tao didn't dare to gamble, although he usually gambling on weekdays, but he took his own life to gamble like this, he didn't have the courage! With one hand pressing Shi Xiaowei's hands tied behind him, Deng Tao used his gun against Shi Xiaowei's back and began to move towards the door. He did n’t even dare to show his eyes to Zhang Yang, who was hiding behind Shi Xiaowei!

When Zhang Yang was anxious, Shi Xiaowei, who had been looking at Zhang Yang affectionately, suddenly spoke!

"Yang, you shouldn't be here ... but I'm so happy to see you again!"

Hearing Shi Xiaowei's words, Zhang Yang suddenly felt bad! A icy cold snapped into the vest instantly!

Not waiting for Zhang Yang's answer at this moment, Shi Xiaowei suddenly slammed backwards and stumbled against an unpredictable Deng Tao! Then she rushed towards Zhang Yang desperately!

"Smelly **! You ..."

Deng Tao, who suddenly met with great changes, was suddenly shocked! The panic and unconsciously raised the gun and fired forward. Although Zhang Yang took the lead and shot him in the head, Deng Tao's gun still pulled the trigger!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

When Zhang Yang roared with pain and threw Wang Qiang toward Shi Xiaowei, Shi Xiaowei, who stumbled towards Zhang Yang, suddenly fell forward like a punch from the back! A bright red blood flower instantly bloomed from behind her! !

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