Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 234: Elemental Exclusion

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There are countless deadly dangers in the vast world of the Devil Realm where the natural environment is extremely bad. For example, in the Orlando world, the top ten Jedi of the Devil Realm are known by many races. They are: Demon Sea, Hell Demon City, Molten Abyss, Blackthorn Forest, Fire Poison Mud, Desperate Valley, Shadowmoon Canyon, Burning Plains, Mouth of All Realms plus Elemental Extinction.

Just pick one of these places, even if the eighth-order epic strongman falls into it, the chance of leaving alive will not exceed one-tenth!

The place where Zhang Yang is at this moment is one of the ten dangerous places of the Devil Realm that the soul is afraid to avoid: Elemental Extinction! !

Under the sea of ​​bones under the ground, the deafening and continuous thunder and thunder above the ground accompanied by a trembling explosion, almost made Zhang Yang think he had encountered the end of the world! A strange red thunder enough to shock the soul and expel the elemental energy of the world. At this moment, it is like a heavy rain that can't live from the lead gray clouds on this land!

Zhang Yang feels that the depth is not enough now! The red thunder continuously falling on the sky above him, although Zhang Yang did not see it with his own eyes, but the violent destructive power has already passed through the sand sea on the ground to the level where Zhang Yang is! Through the constant lightening of the weight above his head, Zhang Yang is almost certain that the surface above is disappearing rapidly in layers!

Dig desperately! Dig continuously! Zhang Yang finally escaped the magic palm, he was not willing to die like this!

This sky full of red thunder came and went quickly, but 5 points missed, and no trace of red thunder could be seen in the world of lead gray. At this moment, the bone layer above Zhang Yang's head was only less than two meters, and the strong shock caused by the frequent fall of Chi Lei caused Zhang Yang to almost fall apart!

When he realized that the giant earthquake above his head disappeared, Zhang Yang, who was struggling to climb out of the ground, saw the shocking scene!

I saw that under this lead-gray cloud, through the falling 'sands', all I saw was a little white light of the soul dissipating in mid-air! These lights are not very bright one by one, but when thousands of light are released together, the beauty like a river of soul is enough to shock any creature! Fascinated by it!

Zhang Yang's eyes flashed with psychedelic colors, and the scene in front of him almost completely attracted his attention. However, always keen and calm, he never relaxed his perception of danger! Just where he found the ‘living creature’ just now, a humanoid creature with an ancient clumsy bone armor and wearing a fully enclosed bone face armor suddenly rushed in the direction of Zhang Yang after climbing out of the ground!

At this moment in the "Elemental Extinction", no one can use grudge and magic, so the most primitive body fighting has become an eternal theme!

Looking at the bone armor warriors who pulled out the bone knife in front of the ground and stepped closer and closer to the sand, Zhang Yang slightly leaned down and opened the posture to prepare desperately, even if his body was still weak at the moment, but after a demon Alleviate, Zhang Yang's body has recovered to the extent that he can withstand the blessing of [Thunderbolt Enhancement] again!

However, when the bone armor fighters rushed to a dozen meters in front of Zhang Yang, a battle cry shouted in the old French language suddenly surprised Zhang Yang to his place!

"Flange's glory will shine forever! Let's die, demon !!"

How can it be! ? Zhang Yang clearly remembered that when he once learned the rise of the human empire in the history of the Orlando continent as Wright, the phrase ‘French ’s glory will shine forever! "It was the time when the French Empire was the most powerful, the war cry of the soldiers!

But here is the Devil Realm! ! And more than 1,700 years have passed since the peak of the French Empire! Who is this bone armor fighter? ! Is he actually a human who has survived from that year? ! !

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang could no longer restrain the excitement in his heart, he also shouted in a slang with a strong **** characteristic:

"Wait! Are you a knight of the French Empire? !!! I am not a demon! The same is human !!!"

Baird has stubbornly existed in this land for countless years. This time is so long that he can't remember how long it has passed. However, due to the original oath and the noble character of their group, even if they became a ‘hero’ after death, Baird and the other two knights still stubbornly fought in this sealed battlefield. Killing all the demons, although this is an impossible task, it is their common belief!

In Baird's eyes, the flame demon seemed to have been injured quite seriously, and he probably only needed to make up a knife to kill it! But just as he approached the demon and habitually screamed in his native language, the demon even spoke plausible French slang! ! ? How many years? I even heard a voice from Orlando from the mouth of a demon!

"How can you speak the slang of the French Empire !? Didn't you ever wreak havoc in the French Empire !!!?"

Although he was surprised, the bone knife in Baird's hand did not put down. He knew the deceit and insidiousness of the devil. What the devil said may be lies!

Seeing the bone armor fighters on the opposite side stopped, Zhang Yang took the lead in a defensive stance to show that he was not hostile. Looking at the bone warrior who was still extremely vigilant, Zhang Yang quickly clarified:

"Things are not as you imagined, but mine is from the French Empire in Orlando. I was forced to come to the Demon Realm to destroy the Demon's Summon Circle. Because the Flame Demon released when he was dying. Sacrifice] Magic, I became this look ... "

What Zhang Yang said is really unbelievable, but from the content point of view, it is reasonable! Baird knows that there is such a powerful magic in the high-level demons, but will this still be a lie?

"How can you prove that what you said is true !? Don't expect you to just make up a reason, I will believe you! If you can't produce convincing evidence, today is your death !!!"

Zhang Yang and this person have been talking for so long, they can almost confirm that the creature in the bone armor was once a human! As for why I said ‘Once’, it was because Zhang Yang could not feel the heartbeat and temperature from the person in front of him!

"I naturally have a method to prove my identity, but what is your identity ?! Maybe you were a human, but now you should not be your original one ?!"

After Zhang Yang asked this question, Bone Armour suddenly revealed a faint sorrow. After waiting for a long time, the talented man replied:

"You guessed it right. I used to be a noble human knight of the French Empire. Now I'm talking to you only a heroic warrior! My name is Baird Jones! Hurry up and show your evidence! You only have 10 Instant time to convince me! "

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