Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 23: Out of town

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Everyone in the Pegasus Legion quickly walked on the messy street. Behind Nancheng, the shouting and killing sounds seemed to be much closer. I'm afraid it has already penetrated into the city center, right? There are no civilians on the streets anymore, have they all escaped safely? still is……

Zhang Yang was helped by Nake and walked in front of the team. At this time, he felt a little uneasy. The quietness here is too weird. Even if he escaped, shouldn't he be alone? What about conspirators? We should intercept us. It was not until everyone approached the city gate that they found out ...

Under the gate is a dead body! ! Layer upon layer turned out to be the dead bodies of civilians! ! Seeing that there is no live mouth! ! ! And the city gates are still closed at this time ... Did they actually kill the civilians of their own country? ! Damn it! Seeing the scene in front of him, Neil Jielina thought of her family at once. Did they experience the same tragedy before them? Hum ... Neil Jelena couldn't help crying anymore.

"Come on, leave here, this hatred, we must report it!" Ophelia said with a violent pressure, gritting her teeth.

Everyone was silent in silence, trying not to look at the misfortune of the civilians, and the team quickly approached the city gate. suddenly!

In the shadow of the city gate, a figure slowly emerged, a figure wearing dark blue leather armor! !

"The soul is weak! Who the **** are you! Why is the soul always aiming at us!" Odala has been in front of the team, and after seeing this powerful stalker, he was both angry and nervous. Although we have a lot of people, it is not possible to defeat him. If he can't kill him at once, he will let him run away ... It is estimated that we will slowly be assassinated one by one and die.

Not only was Odala nervous, the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion were very nervous, the weapons were not good, and there were many wounded. Can you defeat this powerful stalker? At this moment, the stalker spoke, his voice very hoarse. Is the false voice used?

"Don't be nervous, I'm not malicious this time. Haha. I'm just here to remind you that sometimes it's good to be a good pawn, if you don't obey. It will die. Ah hahaha !!" Dark blue figure list Hands covered his face and smiled. Then he slowly retreated into the shadow of the gate behind him, blurring and disappearing.

Everyone was surprised. They thought they were desperately needed, but they said a few words and left, leaving everyone at a loss. On the edge, Nake briefly told Zhang Yang what happened before on the city wall, which shocked Zhang Yang who was always calm. Is such a powerful assassin? Which force is he? What I said just now ... Did you come out deliberately to sell cuteness?

"After all, our way is controlled by ourselves. Ophelia will not accept the fate of chess pieces! Now, out of town!" Ophelia's decisive order temporarily dispelled the shadows of everyone's heart. However, the threat of this shadow-like assassin still makes people a bit worried, but most of the remaining soldiers of Silver Pegasus are well-trained, and in a flash, the morale was reinvigorated and the morale was answered loudly.

"Yes!" The soldiers shouted in unison.

With the crunching sound of the winch at the gate, the heavy gate opened slowly.

"Be careful! Defense!" The soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion couldn't help getting nervous when they opened the door! There are 4 square arrays at the north gate! 3 steps 1 ride! There are 4,000 people in the four phalanx! ! See the badge is actually a soldier of the earth dragon army! Are we deceived? Do n’t we ... do we die here? Okay, you can accompany the head of the army to fight until the last moment. The soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion are thinking a bit wildly. Fear and death seem to have fallen on everyone's head ...

Zhang Yang frowned slightly and looked straight at the phalanx of the Earth Dragon Legion, Makalus ... what do you think?

"Master Legion! Charge! Or die! I don't want to be a chess piece, even if I die in battle!"

"Yes! Lord Legion, we are not afraid of death!"

"Admiral Chief ..."

"Listen to your orders! ..."

The silver Pegasus warriors are out, rush it, hoping to make a way for the head of the legion ... but we are too few ...

"Wright, what do you think?" Ophelia made no impulsive decision, but turned her head and asked Zhang Yang, who frowned slightly.

"... In the past, when, they didn't exist." If it was that man, it should be unspoken. Moreover, the opposing position only had the will to fight, but there was no strong murderous spirit. Anyway, rushing to the past is desperately dead, it is better to do some bachelor. hope……

"Crazy man! Fool! Do you want everyone to die?" Mei Li jumped up like a cat with a tail and shouted at Zhang Yang. The soldiers also looked at him with a magical look. Surprised, surprised, hesitant, but the most is trust ...

"Is that so ..." Ophelia thoughtfully.

"In this case ... don't pay attention to them, go through!" Ophelia felt like she was gambling, and it was a huge bet! She pressed Wright to win, and she stole all her bets ... A different kind of tension and stimulation grew in Ophelia's heart lightly, looking forward to? Is it relaxing? Looking forward to his miracle as always? What to expect? Can it be trusted and trusted? Am I getting weak? No matter what, let me indulge this time a little ... maybe the last one ...

And regardless of Ophelia's chaotic thoughts, everyone in the Silver Pegasus Legion chose to believe Ophelia and Wright. Some people may not believe it, but it's time to pay Wright's desperation to rescue him. The big deal is to return his life to him ...

Therefore, the crowd walked towards the team of the Earth Dragon Army in this way, unprepared, and strode the meteor. The walking one is better than a bachelor. That momentum really deserves to be called a hero!

Are these men warriors? Still really a fool? Lord Macales, you really love to play around ... Roth Ross of the Earth Dragon Legion thought about it helplessly. Since you're going to let people go, make such a show for Mao ...

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion are sweating a little. Faced with a steel army like Lin, everyone was still nervous. Zhang Yang motioned for Nake to help him go to the front. Unexpectedly, Ophelia came over and took over the position of Nack. He even helped Wright, who had limited mobility, walked to the front of the team! She just gave Zhang Yang a deep look and said nothing. But Zhang Yang felt that Yali Mountain was so big!

I'm coming soon! The distance between the two sides is shortened bit by bit!

50 meters……

Is it the range of the bow and arrow ...

30 meters ...

20 meters ...

10 m……

5 meters……

Sure enough, Macales, what are you doing? I don't see it at all. Is there such a big guy who still plays pranks? Don't know how easy it is to play dead people? Or is this another test? I hate testing the most ... Zhang Yang thought a little bit fiercely.

At this time, the scene is very strange, the four phalanx of the earth dragon army soldiers as the people of Silver Pegasus does not exist, and the people of Silver Pegasus should not see them. Zhang Yang and others walked through the gap in the middle of their square, and the bird was silent ...

After Wright and others crossed the square of the Earth Dragon Legion and walked a distance of 200 meters, the talents of the Silver Pegasus Legion felt alive! I was really nervous and numb ... just now! Was it really like this? !

"Ha ... haha ​​... haha, come here, haha ​​..." Meili's face was stiff and she didn't smile with a flesh.

"The face is rigid and the smile is really ugly ..." Odala is not much better.

"Are you looking for death !! Watch it!" Meili said as she rushed over and hurried to Odala.

Watching the playful Odala being flattened, everyone laughed silly together, and the tension and numbness gradually dissipated a lot.

"Master Ophelia, let me come, Master Wright, are you better?" Neil Jielina was surprisingly not nervous and looked not afraid.

"Well, okay." Ophelia gave Wright to Neil Jielina who came forward after a slight pause. After a little hesitation, he turned around decisively and issued an order.

"Are you afraid? Zero." Zhang Yang whispered, and the girl helped him hard. The expression is natural and calm, so she seems to have a dignified atmosphere that does not match her age! And a light and fresh taste surrounds Zhang Yang's nostrils. Hearing Zhang Yang's question, the girl turned to look at him and smiled slightly.

"I believe in adults. Besides, adults, you are the least nervous person! As a man, I can't embarrass you!"

Is that ... who said I ’m not nervous ... Thinking like this, Zhang Yang ’s face still looks as calm as before, just a little pale, is it because of excessive blood loss? Niel Jielin thinks so.

"Very good." Zhang Yang responded to the girl's words, very good. In this case, I will accept your apprentice.

"Remember, the first lesson, calm down."

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