Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 243: Titan's Gift

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I don't know how long it took before Zhang Yang was awakened by a severe headache. He tried to get up and pressed his temple, hoping to reduce the headache slightly.

However, this headache came and went quickly, but Zhang Yang felt much better after two minutes. I am so bold! How dare you touch and try anything at will! Fortunately, I woke up and if I died directly, wouldn't it be the biggest cup? !

What a weird thing! The power of his soul has reached the top of the sixth-order purple gold, which can be said to be not weak at all, but it was sucked dry and comatose in the past, the consumption of that thing is really amazing! !

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly looked up and saw that the metal ball was hovering in front of himself!

"what the hell!?"

Zhang Yang couldn't help whispering, but he suddenly responded with a sudden release of mental fluctuations in the metal ball! ! !

"There is no undead, I am a life-like body 'opening energy'. It stems from the continuation of the power of the soul in your cognition. I not only avoided the exhaustion of the source energy and completely disappeared, but also passed further bionic evolution Real life can be bred right away. According to the Titan Plane Law, I will end my service to Titan 'Amen Baha' and formally become your auxiliary life form. "


"The client meets the 100th selection condition of the Titan Plane Law, and the target has regained consciousness, and the evolutionary conversion mode is activated!"

Zhang Yang stared at everything in front of him, and his overwhelming thinking span made him overwhelmed. However, this self-proclaimed ‘Kai energy’ metal ball did n’t give him any time to think. As a more and more bright soul light illuminated, the surrounding space energy began to involuntarily converge towards Kai Energy quickly!

This change is very rapid, but within a minute's time, the space energy returns to normal. At this moment in front of Zhang Yang's eyes, the metal ball had completely ceased to exist, and what appeared in front of him was an elf in a pure sense! !

The large slap body has the same body proportions as human women, and the hazy light wings behind them are like a pair of butterfly wings! Looking closely, the look of this little thing is pure and beautiful, and the small figure is a voluptuous!

"Master, I chose my current image based on your soul ’s impression of creatures of the same proportion. Compared with other creatures, this imagination can meet the requirements in terms of energy rules and aesthetics. I chose this image as my biological form. Do you have anything to ask, Master? "

Zhang Yang suddenly felt a little unacceptable, what is this and what? Could it be that you, who has been doomed forever, has found a treasure? ! But now there are too many things he wants to ask. Where can I ask?

"Enable, please complete the information that you haven't finished before. Let's talk about the others later."

Zhang Yang still cares most about Titan's message. Therefore, he chose to listen to the message before making plans.

"Good master. In 7428, Ahn'Qiraj's race actually gained magical power and mastered the method of traversing the plane. The Titans suspected that it was inseparable from the destroyers of the abyss plane group. However, the Titan We have no time to investigate everything. The Ahn'Qiraj Zerg has spread out of the plane of origin and spread into the endless plane of life. Although the Titans regretted it, they still wanted to make up for their mistakes. So the elite Titan warriors Separately launched the elimination of the Zerg mother insects. Compared with the tens of years of the Zerg ’s general lifespan, the Titans, which can survive for more than 400 years, should have completed their tasks quickly, but the Zerg ’s ability to reproduce As long as there is enough food, the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg can develop a huge scale in a short time. The former owner Amen Baha was killed by the mother worm in the battle to hunt the last mother worm here. of."

Hearing this, Zhang Yang already had a rough guess in mind. So he continued to ask:

"What kind of abilities do the Titans have, population, society and power, and how are the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg?"

Kai Neng fell on Zhang Yang's knee, and the delicate little body glowed with pink and white light. Its sound is not as rigid and mechanical as it was at the beginning. Speaking in Orlando general language at this time, with a slightly neutral softness.

"Titans generally have a height of 5 to 6 meters. They have a body and structure that are very close to humans. However, the Titans are born with very strong mental strength and their qualities are dozens of times stronger than humans. Their birthplace is a The huge and rich plane of Atlanta, the Titan can live to be 400 years old on average, and the 100-year-old Titan is considered as an adult. Some powerful individuals have survived for nearly 1,500 years. They are the common development of scientific and technological civilizations The race, the strength of adult individuals, with the blessing of equipment, can be converted to Orlando's standard to reach the fifth level of elementary level. "

Hearing this, Zhang Yang can already feel the power of this race. If they are more in number, then I am afraid that it will be really unfavorable. At this time, Kai Neng's voice continued to come.

"Although the Titans are very strong, wise and uphold peace. But their fertility is not strong, monogamous they can only have one child every ten years, and the female Titans after the age of 300 lose their fertility. And The situation of the Zerg is very different. The biggest advantage of the Zerg is the terrible quantity. Can you imagine the entire plane and the entire planet are Zerg scenes? Very few of their powerful individuals can reach the level of legend or epic , Not returning to most Zergs, but only fighting between 1st and 3rd ranks. It only takes a few decades for an Ahn'Qiraj female to reproduce tens of millions of Zergs! "

Hearing this, Zhang Yang also became serious. If so, would the escaping mother worm have already spawned countless Ahn'Qiraj Zerg? So Zhang Yang pointed to the half-worm corpse under the giant sword on the ground and asked:

"Energy, did the mother Ahn'Qiraj die? Did she escape?"

"Master, the mother worms did not die. They are also a wise race, but they are too brutal and selfish. This battle happened 60 years ago. If the mother worm has begun to reproduce, the surroundings I am afraid that the plane has already fallen. But fortunately, are you looking at the worm body of the second half? This is the abdomen of the female worm. Without this half, it cannot lay eggs. Therefore, although it is still alive, it should be no big. Obstructed. "

"Hopefully, as you said, but I have a very bad hunch. Hey ~! Let's not talk about it for a while, you still tell me how to leave here!"

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