Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 247: Wan Lei body

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At this moment, Zhang Yang has been fixed in the air by more and more lightning around him, and no one expected that the exit of this space channel would be in the sky! But it's too late to think about anything, Zhang Yang can only wait with pain and helplessly waiting for the disappearance of the [Lightning Enhancement] effect on himself! As for what will happen in the future, only God knows ...

When the effect of [Lightning Enhancement] finally dissipated, Zhang Yang was swallowed by the lightning cloud in the space! At this moment, he even felt that he was like an electrocuted white mouse, and his bones lit up under the stimulation of thunder and lightning!

Under the bombardment of powerful lightning, Zhang Yang's hands and feet skin has begun to smash and burn, and maybe in a moment, Zhang Yang will dissipate between heaven and earth!

However, when Zhang Yang thought about whether he was going to die, the Thunderbolt Nebula, which had been quietly dormant in his soul, suddenly moved! A burst of colorful lightning from the inside and outside of the lightning nebula instantly protected Zhang Yang's body!

At the same time, under the influence of a magical power, Zhang Yang's ** seems to be separated from the soul again! At this time, Zhang Yang could no longer feel the slightest pain. Similarly, he could not feel his body anymore!

Isn't it really dying? How does this situation feel so familiar?

Before Zhang Yang thought about it, his body had undergone more dramatic changes! Zhang Yang can clearly see that apart from the space ring on the finger and the space bag on the waist, the whole province is empty. In the aura of colorful thunder and lightning, his ** suddenly began to break apart! !

However, after a breath, Zhang Yang's body will only have a complete skeleton! What kind of visceral muscles and skin are all gone! Zhang Yang in the soul state can even find out that the core of grudge he had worked hard to transform into a burst of smoke in a burst of electricity!

Is Laozi really dead this time? ! God! Are you playing with me? !

However, Zhang Yang's idea lasted for less than a moment, and his body has undergone more miraculous changes at this moment!

That colorful thunderbolt from the "Thunderbolt Nebula", like a magnet, began to absorb all kinds of thunderbolts in the surrounding space wantonly! Zhang Yang could notice that under the transformation of colorful lightning, the lightning in space turned into a kind of transparent energy! At the same time, the poisonous green death energy from the lich in his left arm bone, the dark red blood of the devil in the chest, and the abundance of vital life energy in the abdomen, plus the infinite lightning outside him began to be under the action of colorful lightning Fusion with each other!

With the transparent energy transformed by thunder and lightning, the new energy generated based on the four powerful energies is finally turned into a chaos of invisible colors! The chaotic energy of this indescribable color slowly integrated into Zhang Yang's skeleton!

What happened at this time? Is it possible to be blessed by misfortune this time?

This fusion process only lasted about a minute. At this time, looking at Zhang Yang ’s skeleton, it turned into a crystal-like chaotic color! It was only then that the transparent energy transformed from the colorful thunderbolt swarmed up, completely enveloping Zhang Yang's skeleton! At this time, Zhang Yang's soul can be washed to see how the meridian vascular muscles and skin grow out a little bit!

This process almost lasted for a long time. At this time, Zhang Yang had roughly restored his previous appearance, except that he did not have any hair on his body, and his skin turned into a pale color. Weird enough!

At this moment, Zhang Yang did not leave more time to think. The mysterious colorful lightning suddenly flickered violently. Zhang Yang only felt that his soul had been hit hard by a sledgehammer, and then in his trance, the soul and The freshman ** turned into one again!

But at the same time, a faint dark red mist that was hidden somewhere before was suddenly released from Zhang Yang's soul! This strange mist now wants to control Zhang Yang Xinsheng's body! However, the colorful thunderbolt that has not completely dissipated suddenly hit Zhang Yangxin ’s body suddenly, and the red mist was shaken out of the body!

Zhang Yangzheng was shocked by the sudden appearance of the red mist, but a vague feeling that had appeared before prompted him to suddenly take out the dark sword of forbidden magic from the ring of space! As if it had infinite spirituality, the colorful thunderbolt suddenly encircled the dark red magic fog that wanted to escape. After a dazzling flash of light, the rumored almost indestructible sword of the dark forbidden demon even had a row of shining dark The ancient inscription of red light!

A huge and ancient mysterious oppression suddenly spread out from the sword of forbidden magic! This sudden pressure made Zhang Yang's soul tremble! A strange sense of blood connection makes him instantly understand the role of this inscription!

The Sword of Forbidden Demon, like him, has undergone a tremendous transformation under the power of colorful lightning! On the basis of the original, the sword of forbidden magic has even more power to imprison the soul! This change makes this powerful weapon derived from Titan seem to have a shocking evil force at this time!

Zhang Yang felt uncomfortable even holding it at the moment, the shock was completely beyond his strength bearing range at this time! Therefore, almost subconsciously, Zhang Yang put the changed sword of forbidden magic back into the ring of space in his hand!

With a deep breath, Zhang Yang felt that after undergoing this miraculous transformation, this brand-new body actually had an indescribable sense of emptiness. The feeling of once full of power had already disappeared! However, while Zhang Yang was still tightly adapting to the new body, the thunder cloud clusters that had been almost exhausted just now gathered again!

Zhang Yangzheng was about to turn around and take a look at the presence or absence of the space channel. At this moment, the mysterious power that held him in midair suddenly disappeared! Zhang Yang's body kept turning backwards and instantly fell into the thunder and lightning cloud below him! ! !

"Sir deputy head, are you there? We have entered the province of Nobic in Pompei, which is less than 80 miles from Dalaran, the capital of Pompeii. Miss Swina asked me to ask you, It's not early, where are we camping today? "

Luke now more and more adore this beautiful, calm and decisive deputy head. Compared with Lord Wright, the founder of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, which has disappeared for a long time, the prestige of Deputy Commander Neil Jielina has long been popular. Although Neil Jelina had been looking forward to seeing Wright again, the mercenaries under his command had already begun to think that even if Wright Commander came back, he would no longer be able to exceed Master Neil Jelina's status. What's more, whether Master Wright is dead or alive or unknown now ...

Hearing the respectful words of Luke outside the carriage, Neil Jelena, who had been watching the soul crystal in her hand, slowly recovered from her memories. Unfolding the map in the carriage, Neil Jielina's cold voice came from the carriage.

"Today we still do n’t enter the city, we walk ten miles further. We camped near the ferry north of Guandao. Notify me of the caravan behind me and let them persevere. Tomorrow, we will take a boat to the capital of Pompeii Dalaran City! "

(End of Volume VI)

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