Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 251: Agama Village

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Iger is the owner of this big house, Emma is his little daughter. From the later chat, Zhang Yang learned that Iger had two sons and a daughter. Emma was not married yet, so she was still at home. And his two sons are now serving in the Slavic Southern Army "Snow Wolf".

Ever since the elder decided that he was not a spy, Emma and his words, which had dispelled doubt, naturally increased. From birth, the furthest place Emma has been to is just the edge of the Great Tundra. The permafrost snowfields are dangerous, and various kinds of warcraft and beasts are not only food for the Slavs, they also like to hunt snowfields for food ...

In Emma's eyes, although Zhang Yang is 'thin', he has been to many places. The experience of walking around is the best story in her opinion.

"Wright, the weather seems to be better today. We have to go to pick" snow tooth moss "with my aunts. My father said that this year's weather is not normal, so I have to store some food for the winter. When I come back tonight , You can tell us the story of Ladovia, the mercenary country! Let ’s go first! See you at night! "

Watching Emma walk out the door, Zhang Yang's rare heart felt very calm. Everything here is simple and simple, how like the former Northeast China village! However, it is not easy for the Slavs to survive. They have to fight against the sky, fight against the earth, and fight against various warcraft!

In order to spend a long winter, in addition to helping the villagers help each other, adequate food reserves are the key ...

My current physique can be regarded as a strong man in Flanders or Latvia, but here it seems that I might not be as strong as some strong women! Slav is really a tough nation!

Zhang Yang has not been idle at the Emma's house for the past few days. He has already used a small range of physical activities to basically open his new body. After Emma went out today, Zhang Yang was ready to start his own hunting. This is not just because harvesting life can absorb life energy for him to practice. On the other hand, he also hopes to harvest some prey to repay Emma's kindness.

Although Kai Neng said, in terms of Zhang Yang's physical fitness, the low temperature on the ice field will not affect him at all. But if he was discovered by a beast or World of Warcraft while he was in a coma, it is very likely. Coupled with Kai Neng telling him what Emma did to save him, so in Zhang Yang's cognition, Emma is her life-saving benefactor.

Zhang Yang has taken the time to carefully sort out the items in his newly acquired space ring. The Titan ’s collection is very rich. There are hundreds of pieces of energy crystals of various levels! Other high-energy foods, daily necessities, mineral specimens, armor parts, auxiliary weapons and the like take up hundreds of cubic meters of space! But compared to the large capacity of 1,000 cubic meters in the space ring, it is only one-tenth of it.

Zhang Yang poured all the important things in his space bag into the space ring. It was only then that he found that he had obtained a lot of "treasures" somehow.

The ring representing the identity of the elder of the Sharak Merchants, containing the soul storage ring of the epic strong Nag-Deep Furnace Soul, the creation manual of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, the somewhat deformed fangs dagger, and a piece of **** dog meat , A lot of thousands of gold coins. There are even a lot of seasonings!

The only pity is that the once unremarkable but powerful rune hand axe has been lost, otherwise there will be no weapons at hand now.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yang decided to get a weapon to deal with. He found a huge metal nail like a long-handled hammer from Titan's collection parts! This thing is about 120 cm long, 100 cm at the handle, and the 20 cm square at the front looks a bit like a warhammer. At the bottom of the handle is a sharp triangular head. The whole thing is black and black, and it weighs more than forty pacres.

Zhang Yang put a hand on the hand, feeling that the weight was still moderate. Zhang Yang's strength was weakened too much before the difference between the yin and yang. But now, he is completely free of hidden dangers in the body. As long as he practices again step by step, his future achievements will naturally be much higher than the former demon form! Thinking of this, Zhang Yang took off the hunting bow and feather arrows hanging on the wall and left the big house ...

Walking in the icy snow outside the house, even if the sun is shining, Zhang Yang found that the temperature at this time would not exceed zero degrees! The village of Igmaya is located in the middle of the Slavic snow field, two hundred miles north is the North Sea covered with ice floes. More than three hundred miles south, the border between Slavic and French was reached.

Along the way, Zhang Yang can roughly estimate the size of the Egmaya village. There are a total of 100 households here, about 300 people.

Perhaps because people are busy storing food during the day, the rest of the village is mostly elderly and children. Zhang Yang's current image is not good. He has no hair on his head. He looks very strange. After seeing Zhang Yang, many old people couldn't help but whispered with their neighbors.

Zhang Yang knew what he was like in his heart, so he had already prepared himself for such a thing. Wearing Aig's old leather jacket, Zhang Yang walked out of Aigama Village after a while. The air on the snowfield is fresh and cold, but the thick leather coat and leather boots can keep the body temperature.

After walking a few miles west and completely leaving people's sight, Kai Neng flew out on his own. But just when she flew less than two meters, a cold wind blew her back to Zhang Yang's collar!

"Wright! It's so cold! I didn't expect to feel so cold after having a body! I need clothes! Otherwise, I will be frozen to death!"

Zhang Yang was helpless. He had never heard that the elf would be afraid of the cold! Is it a wonderful flower?

"Turn on energy, isn't the elf able to control energy? Can't you use energy to keep warm? If you want to make clothes for you, I'm afraid it's difficult ..."

"I am an elf or you are an elf! If there was that kind of magic, would I hide here and tremble ?! Although shield magic can play some role, the problem is that I still don't !! Help me think of a way! I will go back first! I will stay frozen for a while, I will be frozen! Be careful yourself! "

He hurriedly said a few words, and Kai Neng suddenly drilled back into the phantom space. According to Kai Neng, this kind of ability is the little elf composed of the power of space. How, she did not know.

When Kai Neng was so troubled, Zhang Yang's appreciation of the beauty was also disturbed, so he took off his bow and arrow and began to carefully observe the movement along the way.

Perhaps it was because the strength of the hunters in the village of Igmaya scared away the beasts nearby. Zhang Yangzuzu walked out for more than ten miles without finding any prey. However, when he was about to turn around and change direction, the two snow deer suddenly appeared on the snow **** in the distance, and he stopped suddenly!

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