Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 272: Undead attack

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As the Kia Caravan continued to move forward, time passed bit by bit. After a lot of busy work, Yuman completely gave up the plan to continue to find the scroll in the caravan.

"I did n’t expect that there are as many as three shops selling magic scrolls in the huge Kia caravan, but there are really no third-level [exorcise evil] attributeless scrolls! Brother Li Wei, we can only speed up now Try to return to the French Empire as soon as possible! As long as you reach the city of Bros, where the Northern Army is stationed, you will be saved! "

Li Wei looked at his old friend Yuman, who was busy with his neatly groomed white beard. He was very grateful. But his own physical condition knew that Li Wei could feel that his body would not be able to withstand the torture of his wounds and whimper in three days at most!

"Hey ~! Brother, don't be too demanding, maybe my life should be like this. It's just that I didn't expect this [Death Curse] to be so powerful, even my fifth-grade gold primary grudge was restrained by it. Now There are nearly two hundred miles away from the border. I'm afraid three days ... "

"Brother, hold on! I will find a way to save you!"

Just talking, there was a sudden commotion from outside the carriage! Then the exclamation of the merchants and the roar of the guards instantly sounded together!

What Zhang Yang's most worried about really happened! At this point, he had fired seven or eight arrows in succession, but the arrows were too small for the enemy in front of him! Unless they are shot directly into their eye sockets, they can hardly cause effective damage to them! The reason is that the enemy Zhang Yang is facing is a group of skeletons! !

Just as the Kia caravan was about to approach a small village, more than 200 skeleton soldiers with weapons suddenly poured out from the village! These things are not the lowest-level zombies that Zhang Yang has encountered. They can already be regarded as the most basic warriors among undead creatures! Skeleton soldiers have no thought at all. They uphold the hatred in the remaining soul in the body and the natural aversion to life based on the energy of death and attack all living creatures. Although their strength is less than the second order, they can reach the first order of the intermediate level because of the relationship between their physical physiques!

Because there is no relationship between flesh and blood, their greatest weakness lies in the fire of the soul inside the skull. Even if they lack arms and legs, and their bones are broken, as long as the fire of the soul is not extinguished, they can continue to fight stubbornly!

Could it be that the undead holocaust, which has been silent for thousands of years, will be staged again? !

Although the appearance of the two hundred skeleton soldiers scared people from the start, they were completely wiped out by the "Snow Shadow Guard". It's only forty or fifty miles from the village of Agama Maya, and Zhang Yang is worried that this sudden holocaust of undead will kill Emma and others. So Zhang Yang bought a wildebeest at a high price, turned around and rushed towards the direction of the village of Agama ...

In fact, there have been many catastrophes caused by undead in Orlando. Every advent of undead havoc means the loss of tens of millions of lives. In contrast, the unintentional plague caused by the half-lich that Zhang Yang encountered in the city of Dharonis in Ladovia is really not a big scene.

At this time, Zhang Yang rode alone on a snowfield that was deep enough for her knees, and the closer she was to the village of Aigama, the more uneasy Zhang Yang felt. When leaving, because the Kia caravan has too many horses and horses, the speed is not fast. This time, Zhang Yang, who returned on the rut road pressed by the caravan in the snow, returned to Egmayaya village after only three leaks, but everything in front of him Let Zhang Yang's heart tighten! In the original poor and quiet village, there was already a group of fierce and uninvited guests!

Zhang Yang looked up and saw more than a dozen pseudo-mad warriors who had previously attacked the Kia caravan. They were driving large groups of frightened villagers to the outside of the village. What surprised Zhang Yang was that the villagers who were **** and tied together in a string stood next to a tall skeleton warrior wearing a grim bone armor and burning a green flame in his eye socket! Seeing how the Skeletal Warrior was carrying the bone knife against the crowd, Zhang Yang judged that this guy should be a high-level undead creature with wisdom!

At this time, Zhang Yang's arrival had already attracted the attention of the high-level skeleton warrior. I saw it suddenly turned to look in the direction of Zhang Yang. With its jawbone unable to open and close, a clear wave of soul wave instantly spread. Surging out!

"Catch him! Kill him! Immediately!"

For a time, in addition to the three pseudo-warriors who guarded the villagers and the high-level skeleton warriors, the remaining nine pseudo-warriors stepped on their thick legs and waved the weapons in their hands to walk on the wildebeest. Zhang Yang rushed! At this time, Zhang Yang was more than a hundred meters away from them, so he saw this group of guys rushing at himself and said in secret: Come on! At the same time, Zhang Yang returned his hand to take off the hunting bow behind him, and then shot the enemy with a bow and arrow!

Zhang Yang couldn't understand why the good human beings would get together with undead creatures. Don't they know the end of cooperation with them? Or is it that these pseudo-mad warriors have been completely controlled by the undead and lost their reason?

But no matter what, now is not the time to think about it. The speed of the Slavic warriors can be comparable to the wildebeest. In a short distance of 100 meters, Zhang Yang only shot seven arrows! Of these seven arrows, only three arrows hit the enemy's key points and shoot them on the road to charge. The other four arrows were either opened by the weapon or were flashed to the point. The muscles were slightly slowed down. Zhang Yang frowned and found that the three injured guys could indeed use [Pseudo-Crazy]! In this way, the dead ones will be resurrected as undead? !

In fact, Zhang Yang can't think too much! Just for a while, three uninjured enemies rushed forward, and the three guys who were not injured and were still in [pseudo-crazy] would rush over in a few moments! Zhang Yang's pressure suddenly increased! You should know that his strength at this time is similar to these un-madized fighters. If it is not Zhang Yang ’s outstanding skills and the power of thunder and lightning, I am afraid he ca n’t compete with more than a dozen fighters on the front!

Even so, if Zhang Yang is surrounded by these guys, he may be unable to survive but can only escape! Therefore, it is imperative for Zhang Yang to make a quick decision, and take advantage of the time when the mad warrior has not stepped forward to quickly destroy these enemies who rushed up!

Looking at the three men with a terrible complexion and a battle axe that had rushed to less than five meters in front of him, Zhang Yang decisively jumped off the wildebeest, and an arrow stepped to the side. At the same time, this last chance for archery was also firmly grasped by him live! As Zhang Yang sideways aimed at a tall warrior rushing to the front, only listening to the bow string of his hunting bow trembling, a feather arrow instantly penetrated the warrior's eye socket at a distance of about three meters!

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