Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 276: Death draw

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The magicians of Orlando World believe that the power of death is an extreme attribute energy higher than the energy of the six elements. It is generally believed that it will only occur in the wreckage of a living creature after death. The power of death is not only strongly corrosive, it is an extremely terrible toxin for all living creatures except undead!

In contrast, the power of life is less than the first half in terms of energy intensity! From a human point of view, perhaps only the advanced energy soul power of spiritual power can be a bit higher. However, according to Zhang Yang, the power of thunder and lightning in his body is also much more pure and powerful than the power of death ...

Although the battle between just a few minutes was extremely dangerous, in Zhang Yang's view, everything is worth it! This is not only because he rescued the villagers in the village of Agama, but also because of the undead creature on the ground in front of him. It is very difficult for Zhang Yang to improve his own strength because of the particularity of ‘Ere ’s Body’. Under the premise that he does not want to kill the creatures to absorb the energy of life, the power of death and the power of demons have become his best choice!

Zhang Yang has no guilt and psychological burden for absorbing the power of death in the undead creatures. So he transported the deep-water fighting spirit that had been completely mutated, and he held his left hand on the broken skull of Skull Captain Rosa! In an instant, a very pure, but some scarce power of death was inhaled into Zhang Yang's body together with the residual consciousness of Ding Dian from the left back of Rosa, and even with it, the power of death behind Zhang Yang began to be quickly absorbed by the bones in his body. Transformation.

In less than half a minute, Zhang Yang's injury recovered completely! He was pleasantly surprised to find that at this time, as long as his body had enough absorbable energy to support it, he could recover his injuries at a very fast speed! It ’s just that Skull Captain Rosa ’s remaining power of death in the body has been very few because of the previous battle. Therefore, apart from absorbing enough death power to restore his injuries, Zhang Yang ’s remaining energy that can enhance his own strength is only barely equivalent to The sum of a second-order bronze primary undead creature!

Therefore, the energy level in Zhang Yang's body is only increased from the second-level bronze intermediate level to close to the second-level bronze advanced level! This is a huge waste. If there is no injury, according to Zhang Yang's feeling, he is enough to directly advance to the second-level bronze senior!

This is not bad, after all, to restore the injury to be able to protect themselves. But now it seems that the name "Sham Shui Dou Qi Jue" is no longer suitable, but is the name "Eu Jue Jue" more appropriate? It's just that with the absorption of this force of death, Zhang Yang's heart has a cold, murderous emotion!

Rosa, the Skeleton Captain who was completely absorbed by Zhang Yang, has completely lost his previous majesty. At this moment, it seems to be just a pile of gray bones. This is the performance of energy and essence.

The death of Captain Skeleton left the remaining three enemy fighters who were guarding the villagers a little overwhelmed. They were just a few ordinary Slavic fighters with second-level prowess, because they were brainwashed after drinking the mad flower potion. Command. So when Captain Skeleton died, they lost the commander for a while, but they were a little confused and overwhelmed.

This led to the pressure of death as Zhang Yang approached step by step, and the three of them cut their wrists after looking at each other one after another! At first, Zhang Yang didn't expect the meaning of such a self-harming action, but then when the three guys turned around to face the villagers [Crazy] together, Zhang Yang instantly realized their intention! They knew that they were not spared, but they were desperately prepared to slaughter innocent villagers!

"Ah ~! Help!"

"Beast! You even started against your fellow race !?"

"Be careful! They are crazy!"


Zhang Yang doesn't know what kind of means can make these straight-hearted and arrogant snowmen become so dehumanized, but it is useless to say anything at this time. Only complete death can end their madness! So when Zhang Yang saw these three enemies going crazy, he quickly rushed towards them!

Whether the use of madness is based on anger or fear or seeing your own blood, many scholars and magicians have put forward different opinions. They even raised the madness of Slavic mad warriors and the madness of the orcs of the Kampas Empire May be relevant. These people think that their views are correct, but there is no concrete evidence to provide proof. The only thing I can know for sure now is: the lower the level of mad warriors, the less reason they will remain after madness ...

Just when those three self-mutilated and crazy guys had just raised their butcher knives to the villagers, Zhang Yang had rushed behind them at full speed! I saw that he lifted the orange warhammer in his hand and smashed the whine of the wind towards the spine of the pseudo-warrior with his back facing him!

Zhang Yang thought that his mortal blow should logically force the enemy to abandon the plan to slaughter the villagers, but when Zhang Yang watched the enemy with a machete in his hand and cut a woman's throat, he accused him of being confused! Madman! How can I treat them as rational ordinary enemies? ! Although "Pseudo-Crazy" has more functions for distinguishing enemies and friends than Orthodox Crazy, the crazy feeling is still the same!

Although Zhang Yang's hammer directly smashed the enemy's back with a knife, he could not stop them from slaughtering the villagers. In such a blink of an eye, three villagers have fallen into the pool of blood ...

Zhang Yang silently looked at the remaining villagers who were crying and crying, and suddenly a strong eagerness for power was raised in his heart! If you still have the sixth-level Zijin Pinnacle Demon Power, these third-level black iron intermediate-level guys will be able to solve it in an instant! Even if the previous fourth-order silver high-level skeleton is hit by too much force, it is nothing more than a thing!

Even if these are useless, even if your [Thunderbolt Enhancement] can last a little longer, or if you can just use it again, these five village names will not be lost ...

However, there are not so many things in the world. If it happens, it happens. If you want to change it, I am afraid that even the legendary "God" can't do it?

For these villagers, Zhang Yang does not actually have too many feelings, his depression is more from the helplessness that can not implement his wishes. So in the eyes of other surviving villagers, Zhang Yang just lowered his head for a few moments, and then he picked up a blood-stained machete and in turn picked up the ropes tied to the villagers' hands.

As more and more villagers were liberated, Zhang Yang felt something was wrong! The village of Igmayaya is not large, and the relative population is not large. The total number of the village is only a hundred people. In the eyes of Zhang Yang, there will never be any mistakes or misunderstandings. But the problem now is that the surviving villagers are here, but Emma is gone!

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