Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 278: Neil Jelina's persistence

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There is such a country on the continent of Orlando. It was born because of magic and prospered because of magic. This is Pompeii known as the magic empire. It is the country with the most magicians among human beings. In its capital, Dalaran, whether it is in the construction of cities or in the daily life of people, you can see the shadow of magic.

The night view of Dalaran is notoriously beautiful on the mainland of Orlando. On a clear night, Dala is lit by countless magic lights on the ground, like a dazzling piece of art! In Neil Jelina's view, everything here looks so beautiful, but somehow she doesn't think it belongs to her ...

Beautiful gardens, exquisite pavilions, bright magic lights, exquisite food and drinks, and the nobles around who are indulging in joy ...

Neil Jielina doesn't like this noisy environment. In contrast, she misses the time she spent with Wright when she was camping at the BBQ on the Doyason River at night. The feeling of calm and happiness ...

While Neil Jelena looked at the garden and was enchanted, a handsome young man wearing a precious magical robe, with a bit of book gas in his appearance, came to her.

"Miss Neil Jelina, can I have the honor to invite you to dance?"

Turning his head to look at the handsome, gentle man beside him, Neil Jielina politely replied:

"Thank you for your kindness, Allen. It's just that I'm a little tired. It's good to stand here. I'm very sorry."

"It doesn't matter at all! If you can come, I'm already very happy. If you didn't save me, I was probably dead in the attack the day before yesterday. Thank you so much, Miss Neilina. The night is really beautiful! "

For Alan's thanks again and again, Neil Jelina has a headache. It turns out that tutoring is too good and will bring a burden to others. Looking at this somewhat simple boy, Neil Jielina unconsciously compared him with Zhang Yang! Compared to Allen's politeness and praise, Neil Jielina still prefers the deep peace of Lord Wright.

Damn! How can this guy be compared with Master Wright! Isn't it miserable to be deceived by such a person? ! Kodak, isn't it also such a polite and flattering guy? Thinking of the man, the smile in Neil's face disappeared completely.

"I'm really sorry, Alan. I'm a little tired. I have to go back to rest. I have bothered you for so long in the past two days. Thank you all on behalf of the people of Lightning. I will go to the mercenary union tomorrow Looking for a mission to Ladovia, the mercenary country, and I will take this opportunity to say goodbye to you tonight. "

Neil Jie Lina's remarks made Alan a bit caught off guard, he did not expect her to leave in such a hurry. So Allen grabbed Neil Jelina's sleeve in anxiety and said very nervously:

"Why are you in such a hurry? It's hard to come to Laran, at least you should have a good time and go again? Besides, you haven't seen my father and mother yet! Oh! That's it, you saved me before, my parents are ready Thank you in person! "

"It's not necessary anymore. At the beginning, it was just a matter of saving you. We are in a hurry to go to the Big Dipper in Ladovia, so we can't delay here for too long ..."

"But, but, yes! Some of the soldiers in your ministry are still in good condition, so rest for a few more days!"

"This ... okay ..."

It turned out that just a day ago, when Neil Jelina led the crowd of the "Lightning Thunder" group towards Dalaran, it happened to rescue the young magician Alan who was being hunted down by the assassin. Three people were injured in the "Lightning Thunder" in that battle, but they killed five assassins. When Allen saw Neil Jelina's first look, he was attracted by the temperament and beauty of Neil Jelina, although Neil Jelina had a faint lightning scar on her cheek under her left eye However, this scar not only did not affect her beauty, but added a mysterious temperament to her!

Later, through conversation, the people knew that Alan turned out to be one of the heirs of the magic family in Dalaran, and then escorted him back here. At this time, the banquet was held by Allen to thank everyone in the Lightning Mercenary Corps. However, from the beginning to the end, his eyes were intentionally or unintentionally aimed at Neil Jielina, and the inexplicable look in it, Neil Jelina, who is already well-informed, can't look straight ...

Tonight's Neil Jielina wore a light cyan long dress, her brown hair just curled up her temples, and the rest was naturally scattered behind her. Neil Jielina clearly remembered that Zhang Yang had inadvertently praised her, and her half-tied hair looked beautiful. So as long as you do n’t have to fight when you ’re free, Neil Jelena will dress up.

The simple and simple sapphire ring is not simply a decoration, it also has the function of accelerating the energy absorption of water properties. A very common silver water ripple is connected, but it brings out the soft temperament of Nier Jielina after changing into a women's dress. Coupled with the water and tender and fair skin because of the temperament of practicing water, Neil Jielina tonight is really beautiful as the person in the painting!

Just when Allen was excited because Neil Jielina promised to stay for another two days, an out-of-date voice appeared in the field!

"Oh my dear cousin! In such a beautiful night, why don't you invite me to celebrate together ?! And, who is this beautiful girl?"

After Allen heard the voice, he didn't have to turn around to know who was coming. This seemingly noble and soft but soft feminine voice counts throughout the entire family only by his cousin Fitch! Allen doesn't like this guy, not only because he always likes to bully himself when he was a child, but more because of the hypocritical and greedy eyes in Fitch's eyes. Although he didn't say anything, Allen suspected that this guy who always stayed in his own home and tried to please his parents had any conspiracy. The assassination of the day before yesterday, Allen guessed maybe it had nothing to do with Fitch!

It's just that even if Allen hates this "cousin" who likes to dress up like a peacock, his cultivation will not allow him to lose his proper etiquette.

"Cousin Fitch! I heard the servants say you were out, so I didn't invite you, but since you are back, is it not too late to join now?"

"That's it! Then I had to respect and obey it! How about this beautiful lady dancing a dance with me? I am the oldest heir of the Leinster family!"

Fitch's high-profile appearance has attracted a lot of attention. Compared with the people in the Leinster family who are familiar with him, the people who met for the first time still can't understand his details. It's just that these are all clouds for Neil Jielina. She didn't like this kind of banquet, nor would she dance with other men. So she just replied out of politeness:

"Sorry, I'm a little tired. I'm out of company first."

After that, Neil Jielina turned her head and walked towards the back garden. At this moment, Allen was not good to follow directly, he could only stand there and get sulky. He had scolded Fitch for a long time in his heart. However, people did not find out that just after Neil Jelena rejected Fitch ’s invitation, a gleam of hatred and desire secretly locked Neil Jelina who turned away!

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