Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 284: Image Hall 1

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Just when Zhang Yang was surprised by the sudden energy fluctuation, this wave of energy did not cause any damage to several of them, but passed quietly from outside Zhang Yang and others, which made Zhang Yang's heart lifted. Suddenly short.

However, when Zhang Yang was slightly stunned, a strong energy fluctuation accompanied by a deep blue flash suddenly released from there at the entrance of the hall, which was only five meters behind him! Although Zhang Yang's physique has changed greatly at this time, he can no longer absorb the energy of the water element, but before achieving Ere's body, Zhang Yang is very familiar with the water element! Therefore, when the energy fluctuations behind him came, he immediately determined that there was a lot of water elements gathering there!

At the moment, Zhang Yang was still carrying an unconscious Emma, ​​and he saw that he quickly turned around and put on a defensive posture, but what appeared in front of him surprised him!

"Wright, be careful! They are made of pure energy bodies! The specific attributes are unknown, but they look so weird!"

Zhang Yang did not speak. The three energy bodies in front of him greatly increased the sense of crisis in his heart! He never imagined that after the sweep of the vast energy, they would create an imaginary energy of the three of them! Image Hall ... Image Hall! ? Is this the true meaning of the image hall? Unconsciously, Zhang Yang was surprised to open his mouth slightly!

It turned out that there were three 'human figures' composed of pure water elements opposite Zhang Yang! Looks like this is actually a replica of Zhang Yang, Emma and Kai Neng! The facial features of the energy figure are clear and the outline is complete. Even from the point of view of the intensity of energy, they are generally the same as Zhang Yang! If they didn't look crystal-clear, it would be very difficult to tell the difference between them and real people!

These were second, and what surprised Zhang Yang the most was that, apart from his own image and the image of Kaineng's elf, Emma's image turned out to be a sleepy look! Could it be said that this energy fluctuation is copying the current strength of the intruder? All this happened in an instant, and even Zhang Yang had not eased from this surprise, these strange 'images' in front of him moved!

I saw Zhang Yang's image shook his hand and dropped the image of Emma behind it, and then with the petite Kai Neng image in the air suddenly rushed to Zhang Yang's side!

not good!

Zhang Yang turned around and flew backwards for the first time. He couldn't figure out what mysterious this energy body was. If it was touched, would it become the same as these statues in the house? ! Zhang Yang decided to distance himself first.

However, compared with the speed of the pure energy body images behind him, Zhang Yang's carrying Emma is much slower! Seeing that it would take less than a few breathing time to be caught up, Zhang Yang suddenly accelerated sideways and hid behind a three-meter-high tauren warrior ice sculpture. Looking back in a hurry, Zhang Yang's energy image is still chasing him, but he completely disregards the ability to turn to the other direction. This scene makes Zhang Yang suddenly understand!

Does your own image only chase the body? If you look at the assumption that ice sculptures will occur as soon as you touch them, there is no need for these images to have the strength equivalent to the ontology, so can you think that you need to overcome your own images to continue?

Thinking about it, Zhang Yang suddenly saw Kai Neng's image, a dive, caught up with the body that was accelerating in front, and then rolled and hit a huge winter bear ice sculpture under Zhang Yang's intense gaze!

This time Zhang Yang could be sure that he was right, so he moved Emma in a coma quickly and gently to the feet of the tauren ice sculpture, and then suddenly stood up and raised his hand to catch the weight of his image fist!

Kai Neng just got dizzy and crawled up, and she was hit and flew out of the body that rushed to her again! This irritated Kai Neng's heart! Are you a big head fly? ! Why are you always bumping around! It ’s unbearable, ca n’t show power, do you think I am Ragu? !

Thinking of this, Kai Neng suddenly concentrated on her mental strength. With her small hand, a gray-white transparent but ten-centimeter-long space blade suddenly shot towards the image body!

(Headless flies! It ’s up to you to see if you die! Huh! Dare to hit me to drive, you have to pay!)

Kai Neng is proud, the space system is the sharpest attack, do n’t look at it is just a small blade of about 10 cm [Space Blade], if it is hit by it, if there is no grudge or magic shield to resist, ordinary creatures are absolutely It's dead! But her mental strength is still too weak. Judging from the current state, at most three "blades of space" are issued, and the energy will be off when the energy is turned on!

However, while Kai Neng was expecting the image body to be torn apart, the image body suddenly flashed at his eyes, and then waved the same, but issued a series of five or six dozens of centimeters [Ice Blade]! In an instant, I saw that [blade of space] collided with these [ice blades] one after another, but both sides actually canceled it together!

(Why did n’t this image use this [Ice Blade] before? Was it ?! These images will duplicate the tricks they used ?! Not exactly right, it should be the effect of using water magic to simulate the skills? No wonder just just now. Bumped with my body, it is because I have not used other skills before ?! So to speak, this image is the type of Yuqiang stronger ?!)

Found that this feature is more than one, Zhang Yang is also forced to be quite embarrassed at the moment! Just now, Zhang Yang felt that this image was not very powerful. Although intuitively speaking, it was still very dangerous, but Zhang Yang felt that as long as he used [Thunderbolt Enhancement], even without weapons, it would be easy to solve this image!

But the problem came out. After Zhang Yang released [Thunderbolt Enhancement], this image also released an unknown skill, and then instantly increased to the same level as Zhang Yang blessed [Thunderbolt Enhancement]! But this is not the most terrible! Because there is no weapon, in the last point of [Thunderbolt Enhancement], although Zhang Yang is fighting with the shadow body, he cannot destroy it! After the effect of [Lightning Enhancement] on Zhang Yang disappeared, the image body still maintained the strength of the fourth-order intermediate level!

This is really terrible! The situation reversed in an instant, and Zhang Yang was beaten very miserably! He is not like the energy body, how to play will not hurt the bones! Therefore, Zhang Yang now gets several punches in almost every breath! If you don't want to order anything, I'm afraid you will be killed alive by the video body!

Now Zhang Yang understood why most of the statues here ran away with a frightened expression! These guys were clearly killed by the video body! Only after that did it become an ice sculpture because of what power!

(Is there no way?) If you continue to use [Thunderbolt Enhancement] forcibly and continuously, if you do n’t kill this image, the weaker one after overloading is afraid that it will die faster !? If only there is a weapon. ...)

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